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Marketplace. Wealth. Productivity and Growth. $. Educational Attainment / Life Earnings (in millions) Source: US Census Bureau, Current Population Surveys, March 1998, 1999, and 2000. Median Lifetime Earnings by Highest Educational Attainment, 2009 Dollars
Educational Attainment / Life Earnings (in millions)Source: US Census Bureau, Current Population Surveys, March 1998, 1999, and 2000.
Median Lifetime Earnings by Highest Educational Attainment, 2009 Dollars Source: http://www9.georgetown.edu/grad/gppi/hpi/cew/pdfs/collegepayoff-complete.pdfp. P. 3
Black Unemployment by Marriage (pink) and non-Marriage (blue)CPS Data Bureau of Labor Statistics College Grads Professionals / Grad School High School HS Drop Out
% Professional Class Not WorkingUS Total (Males) 1982-2010Source: Derived from Bureau of Labor Statistics, CPS; Henry Potrykus, MARRI Unemployed single Cohab Married Fraction of Occupation Class
% “Unskilled” Not WorkingUS Total (Males) 1982-2010Source: Derived from Bureau of Labor Statistics, CPS; Henry Potrykus, MARRI
Average Hrs. Worked Per Yr. Source: Survey of Consumer Finance, 2000
3,336 3,223 2,996
3,472 3,312
Growth in Productivity: Down Source: Derived from U.S. Census Long Form; Henry Potrykus, MARRI MARRIED DIVORCED SINGLE
Male Employment:1962-2010Males aged 25-54; Bureau of Labor Statistics (CPS)