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Vocabulary Unit 4. dunce (DUNS). Noun Stupid person Synonyms: blockhead, simpleton, fool, dolt. charlatan (SHAR luh tun). Noun Deceiver who falsely claims to have knowledge or skill; imposter Synonyms: swindler, quack, cheat, mountebank (MOUNT uh bank). sycophant (SIK uh funt). Noun
dunce(DUNS) • Noun • Stupid person • Synonyms: blockhead, simpleton, fool, dolt
charlatan(SHAR luh tun) • Noun • Deceiver who falsely claims to have knowledge or skill; imposter • Synonyms: swindler, quack, cheat, mountebank (MOUNT uh bank)
sycophant(SIK uh funt) • Noun • Sickeningly humble, self-seeking flatterer; someone who flatters (or sucks-up) to important people (mainly for their own benefit) • Synonyms: flatterer, flunky, suck-up
anachronism(uh NAK ruh nizm) • Noun • Something out of its proper historical time; error of putting something in the wrong historical time • Synonyms: time error, chronological error
draconian(dray KOH nee un) • Adjective • Severe, harsh, cruel • Synonyms: strict, stern, rigorous, austere
plummet(PLUM it) • Verb • Fall rapidly straight down • Synonyms: plunge, drop, fall, dive, descend, hurtle
fatal(FAY tul) • Adjective • Causing or capable of causing death and destruction • Synonyms: deadly, ruinous, disastrous, destructive, lethal
nefarious(nih FARE ee us) • Adjective • Extremely wicked • Synonyms: wicked, evil, heinous (HAY nus)
vindicate(VIN duh kate) • Verb • Clear from blame, charges, criticism • Synonyms: justify, clear, uphold, absolve
vindictive(vin DIK tive) • Adjective • Revengeful • Synonyms: spiteful, unforgiving, vengeful