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Shape and Luminance Cues for the Visual Perception of Glow. Minjung Kim. Master of Arts Candidate York University, Toronto August 12, 2011. Committee Chair: Dr. Laurie Wilcox Thesis Advisor: Dr. Richard Murray External Examiner: Dr. Keith Schneider
Shape and Luminance Cues for the Visual Perception of Glow Minjung Kim Master of Arts Candidate York University, Toronto August 12, 2011 Committee Chair: Dr. Laurie Wilcox Thesis Advisor: Dr. Richard Murray External Examiner: Dr. Keith Schneider Dean’s Representative: Dr. Laurence Harris
Source: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day, December 19, 2009
+ shape luminance =
+ shape luminance = • Directly lit from above • Lambertian
+ shape luminance =
+ shape luminance =
Previous Work • Lightness-based: more luminous than white • e.g., Bonato & Gilchrist (1999); Li & Gilchrist (1999)
Previous Work • Lightness-based: more luminous than white • e.g., Bonato & Gilchrist (1999); Li & Gilchrist (1999) • Blur-based: smooth luminance gradients • May be less luminous than white • e.g., Zavagno & Caputo (2001, 2005) white grey
Glow in Complex Objects • Previous studies examined simple shapes • Some forms of glow unique to complex objects • Convexities, concavities • e.g., Langer (1999), translucent materials
Langer (1999) • Shadows, glow related via interreflections? • Interreflections: lighting unique to concavities • Entirely theoretical; no psychophysics normal contrast-reversed
Translucent Materials Concavity Bright Nearer to glow Convexity Dark Farther from glow http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~lensch/ proj/3DScanTranslucent/
Bright-Means-Deep Hypothesis • Complex glowing objects are… • … dark in convexities • … bright in concavities • -> “bright-means-deep”
Bright-Means-Deep Hypothesis • Complex glowing objects are… • … dark in convexities • … bright in concavities • -> “bright-means-deep” • Bright-means-deep… • … in real-life glow? • … for perceptual cue to glow?
Outline Experiment 1: induce glow by mimicking bright-means-deep relationship (“diffuse countershading”)
Outline Experiment 1: induce glow by mimicking bright-means-deep relationship (“diffuse countershading”) Experiment 2: reduce glow by interfering with bright-means-deep relationship
Outline Experiment 1: induce glow by mimicking bright-means-deep relationship (“diffuse countershading”) Experiment 2: reduce glow by interfering with bright-means-deep relationship Experiment 3: perceive shape using bright-means-deep relationship
EXPERIMENT 1Can we induce glow by mimicking the bright-means-deep pattern?
Diffuse Countershading direct diffuse
Diffuse Countershading direct diffuse contrast-reversed
contrast-reversed direct diffuse (weight) Diffuse Countershading + + =
“countershaded” direct diffuse (weight) Diffuse Countershading + + =
Analysis Obtained probability of choosing higher-weight stimulus Ordering ignored when aggregating trials e.g., trial with w=2, w=8 equivalent to w=8, w=2
Control Experiments Control for influences of low-level features Mean luminance Contrast 2AFC with randomized low-level features
Conclusion Diffuse countershading effective for glow Response probabilities Thurstone scaling analysis Participant response not driven by low-level properties Mean luminance Contrast Consistent with bright-means-deep hypothesis
EXPERIMENT 2Can we reduce glow by destroying the bright-means-deep pattern?
Depth Mismatching Some glowing objects already follow bright-means-deep pattern Shape modification while holding luminance constant removes this pattern Depth inversion Depth randomization Perceived glow should be reduced
Stimulus Generation Needed shape to appear equally good when depth-normal and depth-modified Needed to avoid using pre-rendered left- and right-eye images Monocular occlusion issues for depth-inversion experiment 1 experiment 2