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Greening the Ministry of Environment and other public authorities in Estonia, EMAS. Based on materials from MoE by Harry Liiv. EMAS.
GreeningtheMinistry of Environment and otherpublicauthorities in Estonia, EMAS Based on materialsfromMoE by Harry Liiv
EMAS theEuropeanCommissiondevelopeditsenvironmentalmanagementsystem EMAS (Eco-Management and Auditing Scheme). Whilethestandards of the ISO serieswereintendedmainlyforindustrialundertakings, theenvironmentalmanagementsystem EMAS canbeusedboth at state and localgovernmentinstitutions. In Estonia 5 enterprises/organizationswith EMAS: Estonia Energy Iru PowerStation, Ministry of theEnvironment, Tallinn EnvironmentalBoard,Tallinn Water Company, EnvironmentalBoard ,
EMAS –environmentalmanagementsystem • EnvironmentalPolicy • EnvironmentalActionPlan • Environmentalhandbook • Environmental audit • http://www.envir.ee/et/ministeerium-kontakt/ministeeriumi-tutvustus-ja-struktuur/keskkonnajuhtimine
Environmentalperformanceindicators,Evironmentalactionplan in Ministry • Energy consumption • Water consumption • Fuelconsumption • Paperconsumtion • Wastegeneration • Biologicaldiversity • CO2 emissions
Usage of eletriccars Possibilitytouseelecticcar.
Bicycleconsumption Posibilitytouse 3 bicycle, withhelmets ja useshower Parkingplaceforbycicles
Info-inhouse At every floor, in diningroomsthere are info about EMAS and more detail informationaboutworkingconditionsor ohter relevant guidances
Water Formeetingswemayusejug and glasses Tapwateris OK
…. Somemore tips… usenosles in kitchen 5L/min, WC-s 3,5 L/min LED lamps Quit of personal trashbins, usecommontrashbins in dining room orelswere Usetimers Betterwork-conditions Usemosteconomicalprinters, asrule-print both sides, black and white, no coloured, were no needed
… and more… Jointevents, forestplantationdays, etc metsaistutamine, … Room forchildren Massageposibilities
Wastesorting Wastesorting in kitchen, explanationshowto sort isavailablethere Papercollectionplace
Weretoputyourwaste? You need to take yourwastedirectlyintokitchentrashbins Collectyoursmallpieces of trash in youroffice and bringintokitchentrashbin or findanotherinnovativeway
Reuse papercollectioncontainersforoldnewspapers and otherpapers batteriesboxes
Tableware • Useordinarytableware - instead singleuse.
Greenprocurement • Useserviceorgoodwithecolabels, ecoinnovative, with minimal environmentalpressures, with minimal environmentalimpact • Environmentallyfrendlyproducts are producedusingalternativeenergyresourses, materials are recycled, withgoodqualityetc