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BELL SCHEDULE Students are not permitted in the building until 7:15 A.M. 1st Warning Bell ........................................................... 7:32
BELL SCHEDULE Students are not permitted in the building until 7:15 A.M. 1st Warning Bell ........................................................... 7:32 2nd Warning Bell ......................................................... 7:34 Homeroom ......................................................................7:35 - 7:41 Period 1 .......................................................................... 7:41 - 8:21 Period 2 .......................................................................... 8:25 - 9:05 Period 3 ...........................................................................9:09 - 9:49 Period 4 .......................................................................... 9:53 - 10:33 Period 5 (Lunch) .............................................................10:37 - 11:17 Period 6 (Lunch) ............................................................ 11:21 - 12:01 Period 7 (Lunch) ............................................................ 12:05 - 12:45 Period 8 .......................................................................... 12:49 - 1:29 Period 9 .......................................................................... 1:33 - 2:15
You received Student Handbook Confirmation cards this summer. Please be sure that they have been filled out before turning them in to me. These cards MUST be returned tomorrow if you do not have them with you today.
Today you will be receiving the hall passes you will use for the first semester of this school year. You MUST have a signed pass to be out of any class. Also you MUST have a pass to be admitted to the Guidance office.
LATE BUS SCHEDULE Departure from High School September 4, 2012 - June 14, 2013 .................................... *3:30 P.M. September 4, 2012 - June 14, 2013 .................................. **5:30 P.M. Buses will pick up students at the Main Entrance to the school. Bus routes will be posted on the bulletin board in the Main Office. Each year a late bus schedule is developed on the basis of the number of students involved in activities and athletics. *The 3:30 P.M. bus routes are ONLY for students staying for clubs, activities, extra help, and detention. The 3:30 P. M. bus will operate on MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY. **The 5:30 P.M. bus routes are ONLY for students enrolled in our athletic/extracurricular program. The 5:30 P. M. late bus will operate MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY.
VISITORS Pupils planning to invite relatives or friends to school are to request a visitor’s permit at the main office five (5) days previous to the planned visit. All persons must have a valid reason for visitation. On the day of the visit, they must secure a visitor’s pass from the Main Office. The class teachers are to be notified of any plans to bring visitors to class. NO VISITORS ARE PERMITTED DURING THE MONTHS OF SEPTEMBER AND JUNE or on special days. We will NOT approve the visitation of younger brothers or sisters who attend the elementary school or who are pre-school age. KRHS graduates may visit the building for a limited time period but will not be allowed to stay for the entire day. Visitors must use the main entrance and report to the Main Office. Visitors are to park in the visitors parking area only. Visitors who loiter in other parking areas or who visit the school without proper permission will lose the privilege of visiting Kittatinny Regional High School in the future and the KRHS student will lose the privilege of bringing future visitors. Entertaining unauthorized visitors on school property is a serious violation of school regulations. Visitors in the building or on school grounds without proper permission and without first reporting to Main Office are in violation of school rules and school laws and can be charged with trespassing. The school has the right and the obligation to restrict visitors in the school and on the property for the general good order and the protection of our students.
FIRE DRILLS/EMERGENCY DRILLS These drills are held regularly throughout the school year. Route signs are posted in all rooms or at all exits. Students should become familiar with all escape routes and shelter zones. Students are asked to please cooperate for one never knows when a crisis may occur. Students are to be quiet during these drills. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the exit locations for each room
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION The Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education affirms its responsibility to ensure all students in the public schools of Kittatinny equal educational opportunity and all employees equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, ancestry, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, and social or economic status. To fulfill this responsibility, the Board shall establish a pro- gram to review, and modify as may be necessary its present school and classroom programs and employment contract practices. Any questions or concerns regarding the Affirmative Action policies should be addressed to the Principal.
CUT POLICY A. A student in attendance in school, but absent from class without prior approval is considered to have cut class. B. Students are required to “check in” with their period teacher before leaving that class (i.e. Guidance, Library etc.....) C. The first cutting offense will be a minimum of two administrative detentions and may include an extended detention. D. The second cutting offense will result in a minimum of an extended detention or in-school suspension and parent notification that upon a third instance of cutting, student will begin to lose credit for the course. E. The third cutting offense will result in loss of one credit from class in addition to other disciplinary consequences including suspension. All subsequent cuts will result in continued loss of credit (for example). • 3 cuts = 1 credit loss and suspension • 4 cuts = 2 credit loss and suspension • 5 cuts = 3 credit loss and suspension • 6 cuts = failure of the course for the year and removal from the course (Student will be remanded to in-school suspension for that period for the remainder of the year.) F. Any student who is removed from class for cutting will not be given the opportunity to enter another class during that period. G. A student who has lost one credit for cutting will be given a contract from Assistant Principal with the possibility of earning back the credit without another cut for the remainder of the year. H. A student who has been given a contract to earn back credit and has one additional cut will have the contract voided and will lose the opportunity to earn back any credit lost. WORK MISSED DUE TO CUTTING CLASSES MAY NOT BE MADE UP.
STUDENT DRIVING POLICY Juniors and Seniors will be permitted to drive to school with proper authorization. No student may drive an automobile, or other vehicle of any type, to the school without the school's approval. Those who wish to drive a vehicle must present an automobile registration form signed by their parents. Forms for this purpose may be obtained in the Main Office. Permission, if granted, will be given to the student only upon completion of all necessary forms and attendance at the student parking meeting held by the Assistant Principal. Students will also be required to attend the Alive at 25 program held by the NJ State Police and sponsored by National Safety Council. No student will be permitted to park at KRHS without completing these require- ments and without remitting the associated fees. All drivers must park in assigned spots and observe the 10 MPH speed limit on campus grounds, unless otherwise noted.
USE AND POSSESSION OF TOBACCO Use and possession of tobacco (smoking, chewing, snuff), in school on school property or at any school-sponsored event is prohibited. Excessive smoke in the lavatory with students loitering in there will be dealt with the same as a first-offense smoker. If you are not smoking and others are smoking, do not stay there. Students are not to loiter or congregate in the lavatories. Loitering in the lavatories will result in disciplinary action. Any student seen in the lavatories an excessive number of times will be denied access to the hall lavatories and must use the Main Office lavatory. FIRST OFFENSE: • Confiscation of tobacco • Letter to parents informing them that their child had been found smoking and must attend a series of smoke cessation meetings or 1-3 days in-school suspension • If student opts for the smoke cessation classes and then "cuts" the class, then the 1-3 day in-school suspension will automatically go into effect. • Possible referral to legal authorities SECOND OFFENSE: • Confiscation of tobacco • 3-5 days in-school suspension • Possible referral to legal authorities THIRD OFFENSE: • Five days minimum out-of-school suspension with parent conference. • Referral to legal authorities.
COMPUTER NETWORKS & TECHNOLOGY DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES Computers are the property of Kittatinny Regional High School. The Administration reserves the right to investigate all files and e-mail boxes. Level 1: Inappropriate Use of Equipment This may include, but is not limited to, offenses that are mischievous in nature, but do not physically damage the equipment. For example: using another student’s password, printing out or displaying offensive messages, playing computer games, etc. A student can make up classroom assignments (which require a computer) after school. For a serious offense, the classroom teacher may also impose other penalties such as teacher detention. FIRST OFFENSE: Student is locked out of network for one week. He/she must report to Computer Lab to fill out a request to be reinstated. These requests will include space for student to indicate that he/she understands the offense he/she committed. All request forms will be kept on file. SECOND OFFENSE: Student is locked out of network for two weeks. He/she must report to Computer Lab to fill out a request to be reinstated. These requests will include space for student to indicate that he/she understands the offense he/she committed. All request forms will be kept on file. THIRD OFFENSE: Discipline referral with mandatory parent conference. Copies of past offenses will be supplied to appropriate Assistant Principal. A computer network lockout will be in effect until the parent conference has taken place. If the offense is such that it could jeopardize teacher grades, tests, materials, or other students’ work, student may be locked out of the KRHS Computer Network for the remainder of the year and placed on a stand-alone computer for course requirements. Level 2: Physical Damage to Software, Hardware, or Peripherals This may include, but is not limited to the following: defacing equipment, taking equipment or disks, removing or changing cable connections, acquiring unauthorized system rights, i.e., giving someone supervisory status or rights; interfering with teacher/student material on network, etc. Students must be aware that disconnecting a cable in some computer labs or tampering with software may cause a part of the entire network to go down. This may take several hours to trouble shoot and correct. All Offenses: Discipline referral form with mandatory parent contact and payment for parts and labor. Students will be billed at vendor repair rate even if in-house personnel repair problem or replace equipment. Payment must be made before student is allowed to use any computer equipment. Student may be denied access to network for rest of the year. These monies will be returned to the account of the department where the damage occurred or to the school equipment repair account. Floppy Disk/C.D. Policy Students are not permitted to place their own floppy disks into any KRHS disk drive without first obtaining explicit permission from a teacher. That teacher must be informed of all files that will be transferred from the floppy to the network. Any student who places files on the system without permission will be subject to the disciplinary procedures. If a virus or any damaging files are placed on the system the student responsible will pay for the repairs at the rate set by the school’s computer vendor. Note: These procedures will be implemented in conjunction with applicable Uniform Discipline Code guidelines. INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY One of the goals of Kittatinny Regional High School is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication for both students and staff. The Internet is one resource in accomplishing that goal. At Kittatinny, the use of the Internet must be in support of educational endeavors. The Internet is a rich source of information that would be impossible to find by other means. However, with access through the Internet to computers and people all over the world also comes availability of material that may not be considered to be of educational value in the context of school settings. There may be some material or individual communications that are not suitable for school-aged children. In acknowledgement of the availability of inappropriate material and the potential for misuse of the Internet, Kittatinny Regional School District has adopted standards for acceptable use of the Internet when accessed at Kittatinny. It is impossible to control all materials on a global network and an industrious user may discover inappropriate information. Kittatinny Regional School District views information gathered from the Internet in a same manner as information gathered from other sources. Inappropriate material gathered from the Internet or any other source would be treated according to Uniform Discipline Code in the Student Handbook ACCEPTABLE Use of the Internet Acceptable use of the Internet includes but is not limited to: • finding and using material that will enhance learning experiences designed by the educational staff; • finding and using information that will enhance independent study projects; • downloading information from the Internet after obtaining written permission from a teacher or Computer Lab Aide. (When you have acquired written permission, you may download the file to your personal directory and it will be scanned for viruses. You should move or delete these files in a timely fashion.);
• notifying a teacher if you receive any e-mail messages that are offensive, confusing, threatening or inappropriate; • using acceptable standards of grammar when sending appropriate messages; and/or • maintaining security. (Security is a high priority. If you identify a security problem, you must notify the system administrator immediately. Do not show or identify the problem to others.) UNACCEPTABLE Use of the Internet Unacceptable use of the Internet includes but is not limited to: • searching for, going to or using sites which include pornography, unethical or illegal solicitation, racism, sexism, terrorism, inappropriate language or other objectionable material; • using the Internet access at school to play games or participate in multi-player experiences of any kind; • using the Internet access at school to participate in chat sessions or chat rooms; • downloading and saving a file from the Internet without written permission from your teacher or Computer Lab Aide; • using the Internet or E-mail to send obscene, threatening, harassing, or inappropriate messages to others; • using e-mail to contact and interact with others within KRHS during instructional time without explicit teacher permission; • publishing your home address or phone number (use school’s information: Kittatinny Regional High School, 77 Halsey Road, Newton, NJ 07860, 973-383-1800); and/or • using another individual’s account. (Attempts to log on as another user will result in cancellation of your privileges. Any user who has been identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access.) FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INTERNET GUIDELINES WILL RESULT IN LOSS OF YOUR SCHOOL-SPONSORED INTERNET AND INTRANET ACCESS AND SUBJECT YOU TO DISCIPLINE ACCORDING TO THE UNIFORM DISCIPLINE CODE.
AFTER-SCHOOL PROCEDURES 3:30 & 5:30 BUS NO STUDENT WILL BE PERMITTED IN BUILDING AFTER 2:20 p.m. WITHOUT PROPER SUPERVISION. All students remaining after school hours for extra help must be in their after-school location no later than 2:25 p.m. In addition they must remain with their teacher until 3:20 p.m.. All students must present an official 3:30/5:30 bus pass or identification with proper sticker in order to board after-school buses. All athletes will be issued a color-coded sticker which will be placed on their student identification which will allow them access to the bus. All students involved in an activity will be issued a sticker which will grant them access to an after-school bus on the date of activity only. All students who utilize the Weight Room after school must sign in upon arrival, stay until 3:20 p.m. and receive a pass from the Weight Room monitor in order for them to gain access to after-school buses. Students serving detention will be issued a late bus pass from detention monitor. These passes must be presented in order for the student to gain access to the bus. No students will be permitted to board a 3:30 p.m. bus without first seeing an Administrator to present the proper pass or sticker. ALL GATES IN B, C, & D wing will be closed at 4:00 P.M. Students must have all belongings with them prior to 4:00 P.M.
LUNCH TIME Lunchtime is long enough to permit students to eat without rushing and to enjoy a brief period of relaxation between morning and afternoon classes. For reasons that should be obvious to every student, behavior in the lunchroom is very important. Good eating habits and cleanliness must be practiced. The same good manners and common courtesies desir- able at the dinner table at home or in a restaurant should be displayed in the school lunch room at all times. Only with the cooperation of all students who are thereby helping one another can the proper kind of atmosphere prevail in the lunchroom. Remember that this is a STUDENT lunchroom and every good habit you practice in it makes it a better place for you and fellow students. All students must report to the cafeteria during their lunch period. Students may purchase their lunch in the cafeteria or bring their own lunch. No other area in the building is provided for eating except the cafeteria. When finished, all paper refuse is to be placed in the refuse cans. Silverware is to be placed in the container and trays are to be placed on the return counter. Students who leave the building grounds during lunch will lose their driving privileges and be subject to suspension. ELECTRONIC DEVICES STUDENTS ARE NOT TO BRING IPODS, CELL PHONES OR ELECTRONIC DEVICES TO SCHOOL. IF THEY DO, THEY WILL BE CONFISCATED & RETURNED ONLY TO PARENT. Cell phones may be brought to school, but are to be kept off and in lockers during the school day. Cell phones may only be used after the regular school day and are not permitted to be used during after school detention and extended detention. (See Uniform Discipline Code for more information).
CELL PHONE VIOLATION FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE • Verbal Reprimand/Warning • Confiscation of phone to be returned at day’s end by Assistant Principal • 1 - 3 administrative detentions • Confiscation of phone to be retrieved by parent. THIRD OFFENSE One day, in-school suspension DRESS CODE VIOLATIONS FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE • Verbal reprimand • Change of clothes required or school issued clothing provided. • Possible Administrative Detention • Parental notification • Change of clothes required or school issued clothes provided. • 1-3 Administrative Detentions • Parental Notification THIRD OFFENSE • Change of clothes required or school issued clothes provided. • 1-3 days In-School Suspension • Parental notification; possible parent conference.
SCHOOL DRESS AND GROOMING The Board of Education recognizes that the basic responsibility for proper dress of its students lies with the student and his/her parents. However, it is felt that guidance and direction from the school is necessary in order to maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning and good order. The administration accepts the responsibility for making all decisions related to acceptable dress. Dress that is too casual or bizarre in nature often leads to a too casual, too relaxed attitude concerning the student's responsibility for his education and association with others in the school. Students shall wear apparel that is appropriate to the function of the institution and the maintenance of reasonable standards of cleanliness and decency. The following types of dress have been termed inappropriate and unacceptable: A. Gang-related (anti-social) dress B. Inappropriate language, profanity, drugs, alcohol, or sexually suggestive innuendos C. Clothing which draws attention to the physical characteristics of the individual; bare midriffs; see-through blouses; spaghetti straps; tank tops D. Clothing which is not safe to wear E. Pajamas (not permitted) F. Outdoor clothing, e.g., overcoats, heavy jackets, hats, caps, headscarves, sunglasses, etc. NOTE: ALL HATS, HEADSCARVES, SUNGLASSES, AND OUTERWEAR (HEAVY COATS AND JACKETS) ARE TO BE LEFT IN THE STUDENT’S LOCKER AT THE START OF THE DAY. A STUDENT SHOULD NOT CARRY ANY HAT, COAT, OR JACKET AROUND THE BUILDING NOR SHOULD SUCH ITEMS BE SEEN ONCE SCHOOL BEGINS, UNLESS STUDENT IS PRE- PARING TO LEAVE. G. Pajamas are not permitted. The wearing of chains is prohibited. Not only does it cause damage to school property, scratching desks, etc., they are a distraction in the classroom, and also can be construed as a weapon. Pants worn so low that they cause undue attention to bodily parts and may cause distraction to the educational process are also prohibited. Pants should be of appropriate length and worn at or above the hip. Cross-dressing of any kind is strictly prohibited. Shorts that are appropriate in style and wear, will be permitted on the first school day in May through the last school day in September. All shorts must be mid-thigh length and made of substantial material. The administration reserves the right to modify this code as weather conditions dictate.
ATTENDANCE STUDENT ABSENCES & EXCUSES Regular attendance by all students in the Public Schools of NJ is a well established, long standing State Policy (NJSA 18A-38:25, 26 & 27 – Compulsory Attendance) (6A:16-7,8-Attendance) that has been repeatedly upheld by the courts of the state as well as by the Supreme Court of the United States. Regular attendance is fundamental to the academic achievement of students in secondary schools. The self-discipline and sense of responsibility that students acquire clearly relate to post high school experiences in the world of work or in additional educational endeavors. Kittatinny Regional School District places a high value on student attendance and requires high standards for its students. Attendance is required of all students enrolled at Kittatinny Regional School District during the days and hours that the high school is in session. It is expected that each student is in full attendance in all classes and reports to all classes on time. Parents must call attendance line, 383-1800, after the prompt press 1, to report a student’s absence (This does not necessarily excuse the student's absence.) If the parent does not call, a KRHS staff member will try to contact the parent at the telephone numbers provided to the school to confirm that student is not in school. Letters will be sent to the parent on the 5th, 8th, 10th, and 14th absences. For the high school students, a letter will also be sent on the 16th cumulative absence indicating loss of credit. Attendance record keeping will be done in the Guidance Office. If you have any questions, please contact Guidance Office at 383-1800, ext. 1590. Students must attend school for a minimum of 4.0 hours cumulative time to be considered to be in attendance at school for a full day. Anything less will be considered a half-day absence. When an absence CANNOT be avoided, the procedure is as follows: A. Serious illness – a doctor’s note is requested upon return to school indicating the duration of the illness (“until further notice” is not acceptable). B. Death in the immediate family (note required). C. Religious holidays as prescribed by the State Department of Education (note required). D. Written parental permission submitted to the school within ten (10) days. E. Other reason deemed appropriate by the administration. A PHYSICIAN’S (M.D.) NOTE OR APPROPRIATE OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION MAY BE REQUESTED IN CASES OF CHRONIC SCHOOL ABSENTEEISM. When a student returns to school from an absence, a written excuse from the parents/guardians must be provided in addition to the phone call. The note should indicate the date of absence and the reason. The note should be presented to the Main Office or Guidance Office the day the student returns to school. If a note is not received, absences may be considered truancy. Work must be made up within three school days of the student’s return to school. In cases of prolonged absence, make-up time may be extended, which is determined on a case-by-case basis. Senior / Junior students who plan to attend college upon graduation are permitted to visit colleges and have these school absences treated as non-cumulative. A non-cumulative absence will be given for a college visit if the following procedure is adhered to: A. Upon return to school, a letter from the college Admissions Office verifying the visit must be submitted to the attendance office in order for it to be a non-cumulative absence. B. Any visit to Sussex County Community College, County College of Morris, or Centenary College is subject to the above requirements. A one-half day non-cumulative absence will be credited when visiting these schools. CUMULATIVE ABSENCES A cumulative absence is one not covered by the above reasons and/or documentation. Students who are going on vacation are responsible for requesting work from teachers before they leave. Please note that Kittatinny does not sanction vacations during school time as this will compromise the continuity of the instructional programs that take place during normal operating school hours. A HIGH SCHOOL student will receive reduced credit in a scheduled course after his cumulative absence exceeds the following limits: FULL YEAR COURSE/SEMESTER COURSE 16 days absence - 1 credit loss 21 days absence - 2 credits loss 26 days absence - 3 credits loss For between five and nine cumulative unexcused absences, the school district shall: A. Make a reasonable attempt to notify the student’s parents of each unexcused absence prior to the start of the following school day. B. Conduct follow-up investigation, including contact with parents of student, to determine the cause of each unexcused absence. C. Create and develop an action plan for the student. For cumulative unexcused absences of 10 or more, the student is to be deemed truant per N.J.S.A. 18A:38-27. Under such circumstances the school district shall be required to do the following: A. Make a mandatory referral to the court program as required by the N.J. Administrative Office of the Courts. B. Make a reasonable attempt to notify the student’s parents of the mandatory referral. C. Continue to consult with a parent and the involved agency to support the student’s return to school and regular attendance. D. Cooperate with law enforcement and other authorities and agencies as appropriate. E. Compel attendance at school in accordance with the statutory and administrative means available, including proceeding to court. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS who have been denied credits may have the denied credits reinstated the following school year provided they do not have more than 10 cumulative absences. A JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL student who exceeds 15 unexcused absences may not be permitted to participate in Team Day, class trip, field trip activities or any other extracurricular function so designated by the Administration. If a student is absent from school, he/she may not attend extra- curricular activities that day or evening. This includes athletics, dances, activity nights, etc. A student must be present a minimum of 4.0 hours to be considered for a full day of attendance. NOTE: The Attendance Office receives many handwritten notes, some of which are extremely difficult to read. Any misunderstanding could be the difference between an excused or unexcused absence or tardy. Therefore, when writing a note to school, please write legibly and be sure to include student’s first name and last name on the note. Thank you for your cooperation.
KITTATINNY ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE Kittatinny has formed an Attendance Committee comprised of Guidance Counselors, Child Study Team, School Nurse, SAC, Assistant Principals, and Attendance Coordinator. Students with a high rate of absences (over 10 days) will be referred to this committee. Meetings are held once a month. A 4-level system of intervention was established to ensure that communication between parents, students and administrators was effectively taking place regarding attendance. On a case-by-case basis, students who exhibit attendance patterns that warrant the attention of the committee will be reviewed in an effort to develop an intervention strategy that will encourage a regular school attendance pattern. Strategies include parent conferences, assistance of outside agencies, intervention by School Medical Examiner, along with other social services agencies. If needed, the Municipal Court System will be solicited for court orders to attend regularly. The Kittatinny Attendance Committee, in conjunction with the parent and student, will meet and a prescriptive plan will be developed and implemented. Level I – Attendance letters are sent home after a student has been absent 5, 8, 10 and 14 days. From March on, we only send 10, 14 and 16 day letters. These letters are sent to inform parents of their child’s status. If a medical condition prevents a student from attending school, parents should contact Attendance Office, 973-383-1800, ext. 1590. When the student returns to school, he/she should present appropriate medical documentation to the Attendance Coordinator in the Guidance Office in order to have the absences excused. Level II – When a student is absent 10 or more days, the guidance counselor will contact the student and parents based upon care and concern. Level III – If a student is chronically absent, he/she will be referred to the administration. The administrator will contact the parents and if necessary, a conference will be set up. At this point, we may consult with our school physician, or possibly initiate contact with Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS). The school would then recommend therapeutic interventions and may send out a legal document for the family to appear in Municipal Court for truancy and/or attendance violations. Level IV – Family is contacted to attend a mandatory attendance committee meeting. Student records will be reviewed and a plan of action will be recommended. Level V – This level is initiated when the school has filed with the Municipal Court. Legal notification will be made and a hearing will follow. The hearing will focus on transitional plans as well as educational options. Once the Judge makes a decision and mandates an action plan, the school district would closely monitor that student’s attendance and report it on an as-needed basis. Fortunately, a very small percentage of our school has an attendance issue. School attendance is critical to academic success. If the continuity of instruction is disrupted for any student, school achievement, invariably, will suffer. To date, we have found this committee to be extremely effective in increasing attendance, deterring excessive absence and being pro- active in providing support for students who have potential attendance issues. CHRONIC ABSENCES - (Loss of Privileges) At the discretion of the Assistant Principal, chronically absent students, without medically documented absences, may be excluded from non- mandated extracurricular activities, i.e., 7th/8th grade dances, activity nights, proms, class trips, etc. PERFECT ATTENDANCE “Perfect Attendance” is defined as no absences, tardies or early dis- missals, including absences, tardies or early dismissals that are excused. TRUANCY A student is considered truant if he/she is out of school for an un- authorized reason; i.e., work, parties, and personal vacations not approved by the administration. A student will also be considered truant if the child’s parent or legal guardian is unaware of student’s absence from school. Truancy is defined as being present in the building without signing in, as well as being away from school without authorization. Charges will be brought against students whose truancy is persistent. Participation in a planned "cut day" is considered truancy. Anytime the administration hears of a planned cut day, a doctor's note will be required to excuse a student's absence. All other students will be required to serve an in-school suspension. A parental phone call will not be accepted as a reason for a student’s absence. Whenever the number of students absent in a given class exceeds twenty-five percent, the administration reserves the right to require a doctor's note for such absences, otherwise the student may be considered to be truant TARDINESS TO SCHOOL IN THE MORNING Students reporting late to school must sign in at the Main Office. Excuses such as oversleeping, car problems, student needed his/her sleep, are not considered sufficient reasons for an excused tardy. Disciplinary action may be taken in cases where tardiness cannot be properly verified, or where the tardiness has become habitual. Upon entering school, each student is marked present by his first- period teacher. If a student arrives to school late, he must sign-in before attending class. A. Students will be late to school after the second bell --7: 34 a.m. B. To receive a full day’s credit, students must be present in school for an accumulated time of 4.0 hours. Students signing in after 9:00 a.m. will receive a half day’s absence, in addition to a tardy for the day. C. Students will be allowed two tardies per marking period. D. At three tardies a student will receive 1 administrative detention. E. At four tardies a student will receive 2 administrative detentions. F. At five tardies an in-school suspension will be assigned and parents will be contacted for a conference. Also, there will be a loss of privileges (i.e., driving for one week, Blue & Silver privileges for the marking period, activity nights, dances, etc.). G. Six or more tardies will be considered a half-day absence. H. Parents have the opportunity to contact the school within 24 hours of a tardy to have the tardy excused. I. After 10 cumulative unexcused tardies for the school year, student drivers will lose driving privileges for the remainder of the marking period and/or semester. Failure to go to an assigned detention is an automatic 1 day, in-school suspension. Detentions WILL BE rescheduled on emergency basis. TARDINESS TO CLASS Students who are tardy to class will be assigned a teacher detention. If students have legitimate reasons for being tardy, they should secure such excuse from the teacher who delayed them and present, no later than the following day, excuse to the teacher who assigned detention.
CELL PHONE VIOLATION FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE • Verbal Reprimand/Warning • Confiscation of phone to be returned at day’s end by Assistant Principal • 1 - 3 administrative detentions • Confiscation of phone to be retrieved by parent. THIRD OFFENSE One day, in-school suspension DRESS CODE VIOLATIONS FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE • Verbal reprimand • Change of clothes required or school issued clothing provided. • Possible Administrative Detention • Parental notification • Change of clothes required or school issued clothes provided. • 1-3 Administrative Detentions • Parental Notification THIRD OFFENSE • Change of clothes required or school issued clothes provided. • 1-3 days In-School Suspension • Parental notification; possible parent conference. CLASSROOM MISCONDUCT Students sent out of class for behavioral infractions will automatically be assigned 1 to 2 administrative detentions. A follow-up investigation into the incident may result in further disciplinary action being taken. Failure to report to the Main Office when sent from class will result in an Extended Detention for the student. BUS CONDUCT – LAWS A pupil may be excluded from the bus for disciplinary reasons by the Principal, and his transportation to and from the school during the period of such exclusion." NJ Statutes: Title 18A:25-2 In effect, therefore, such student must comply with all directives issued by any member of Administration, teaching staff, nurse, or bus driver. Students do not have the right to question the authority of a staff member who confronts a student on a question of conduct. Failure to comply with school rules and regulations will be just cause for disciplinary action. BUS CONDUCT – RULES The following rules are for the protection of the students. Any intentional infractions could result in loss of the privileges of riding. A. Arrive at the bus stop on time. B. Remain in your assigned seat while the bus is in motion; keep your arms inside the bus at all times. C. Wait on sidewalk for your bus. D. Do not distract the driver or ask him to make unscheduled stops. E. Keep the bus clean; do not litter on the road. F. Ride on your assigned bus. You need written permission from the Transportation Coordinator to ride another bus. That office is located next to the Nurse’s Office. This permission is given on an appropriate form and must be presented to the driver of the bus. A written request from parent/guardian must be presented to Transportation Coordinator prior to 12:00 Noon. G. No smoking, eating, or drinking is allowed on the bus. H. No improper language. I. Report any damage to the driver immediately. J. There will be two emergency exit drills per year. K. All students will be required to have a pass in order to gain admittance to the 3:30 p.m. late bus. Students will not be able to ride the 3:30 p.m. late bus without such pass, and will be required to contact a parent to arrange for transportation. BUS MISCONDUCT FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE • Verbal reprimand and/or administrative detention* • Report forwarded to parent • Consideration for denial of bus privileges • Administrative detentions or 3 days suspension of bus privileges* • Parent Conference • Consideration for denial of bus privileges THIRD OFFENSE FOURTH OFFENSE • One/two week minimum suspension of bus privileges* • Parent Conference • Consideration for permanent denial of bus privileges • Up to one month minimum suspension of bus privileges* • Parent Conference • Consideration for permanent denial of bus privileges* * The severity of the misconduct may necessitate disciplinary action of a higher degree. TRUANCY / LEAVING SCHOOL WITHOUT PERMISSION (Also see Routines and Procedures) FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE • One day in-school suspension • Parent Conference • 1-3 days suspension • Parent Conference • Referral to Special Services THIRD OFFENSE • 1-5 days suspension • Court complaint by Attendance Officer-Municipal Court • Referral to Special Services MISCONDUCT THAT MATERIALLY INTERFERES WITH THE EDUCATION PROCESS FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE • 1-3 days detention • Parent Conference • Possible referral to the Superintendent with the recommendation for expulsion consideration • 1-3 days suspension • Parent Conference • Possible referral to the Superintendent with the recommendation for expulsion consideration • Referral to Special Services THIRD OFFENSE • 3-5 days suspension • Possible referral to the Superintendent with the recommendation for expulsion consideration
FIGHTING/SIMPLE AGGRAVATED ASSAULT FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE • 1-5 days suspension • Parent Conference • Possible referral to Superintendent with the recommendation for expulsion consideration • Possible referral to NJ State Police • 1-5 days suspension • Parent Conference • Referral to Special Services • Possible referral to Superintendent with the recommendation for expulsion consideration • Possible referral to NJ State Police THIRD OFFENSE Referral to Superintendent for Board Action and possible expulsion *USE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL ON SCHOOL PROPERTY OR AT SCHOOL ACTIVITIES FIRST OFFENSE: • 1-5 days suspension • Parent Conference • Immediate examination by school nurse and referral to medical personnel (NJ Statutes: Title 18A:40A-12) • Physician's note required prior to return to school • Referral to appropriate therapeutic personnel and/or agencies • School probation - shall be excluded from all school social and extracurricular activities for a period of not less than the current sports season and/or academic semester. SECOND OFFENSE: • 5-10 days suspension • Parent Conference • Immediate examination by school nurse and referral to local medical personnel (NJ Statutes: Title 18A:40A-12) • Physician's note required prior to return to school • Referral to appropriate therapeutic personnel and/or agencies • School probation - shall be excluded from all school social and extracurricular activities for a period of not less than the current sports season and/or academic semester. THIRD OFFENSE: • Suspension plus referral to Superintendent for Board action and possible expulsion • Immediate examination by school nurse and referral to local medical personnel (NJ Statutes: Title 18A:40A-12) • Physician's note required prior to return to school NOTE: The Board of Education has authorized School Administration to randomly conduct K-9 searches of the school building and parking lots to act as a drug deterrent to our student body and staff personnel. These searches will be conducted in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies. No direct contact will be initiated between K-9 officer and members of school community. *POSSESSION OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL FIRST OFFENSE: • 1-5 days suspension • Parent Conference • Immediate examination by school nurse and referral to local medical personnel (NJ Statutes: Title 18A:40A-12) • Possible referral to legal authorities • Referral to appropriate therapeutic personnel and/or agencies. • School probation - shall be excluded from activities for a period of not less than the current sports season and/or academic semester. SECOND OFFENSE: • 5-10 days suspension • Parent Conference • Immediate examination by school nurse and referral to local medical personnel (NJ Statutes: Title 18A:40A-12) • Possible referral to legal authorities • Referral to appropriate therapeutic personnel and/or agencies. • School probation - shall be excluded from all school social and extracurricular activities for a period of not less than the current sports season and/or academic semester. THIRD OFFENSE: • Suspension plus referral to Superintendent for Board action and possible expulsion. • Immediate examination by school nurse and referral to local medical personnel (NJ Statutes: Title 18A:40A-12) • Referral to Child Study Team *DISTRIBUTION OR TRANSMISSION OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL FIRST OFFENSE: • 5-10 days suspension • Parent Conference • Immediate examination by school nurse and referral to local medical personnel (NJ Statutes: Title 18A:40A-12) • Referral to legal authorities • Referral to appropriate therapeutic personnel and/or agencies • School probation - shall be excluded from all school social and extracurricular activities for a period of not less than the current sports season and/or academic semester. SECOND OFFENSE: • 10 day suspension • Parent Conference • Immediate examination by school nurse and referral to local medical personnel (NJ Statutes: Title 18A:40A-12) • Referral to legal authorities • Referral to appropriate therapeutic personnel and/or agencies. • School probation - shall be excluded from all school social and extracurricular activities for a period of not less than the current sports season and/or academic semester. *NOTE: Look-alike drugs or facsimiles are subject to similar disciplinary policy as listed above. INSUBORDINATION OR WILLFUL DISOBEDIENCE FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE • 1-3 day suspension • Parent conference with teacher and administrator • 1-5 day suspension • Parent conference with teacher and administrator THIRD OFFENSE Referral to Superintendent for Board Action and possible expulsion DESTROYING SCHOOL PROPERTY FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE • 1-3 day suspension • Parent conference • Full restitution • 1-5 day suspension • Parent conference • Full restitution THIRD OFFENSE • Suspension • Full restitution • Referral to Superintendent for Board action and possible expulsion ENDANGERING SELF OR OTHERS FIRST OFFENSE: • 1-5 day suspension • Parent conference • Referral to appropriate therapeutic personnel and/or agencies • Possible referral to legal authorities SECOND OFFENSE: • 5-10 day suspension • Parent conference • Referral to appropriate therapeutic personnel and/or agencies • Possible referral to legal authorities • School probation - shall be excluded from all school social and extracurricular activities for a period of not less than the current sports season and/or academic semester.
OUTRAGEOUS, INAPPROPRIATE, AND/OR DEROGATORY REMARKS, AND/OR CONDUCT TO A STUDENT OR STAFF MEMBER (INCLUDING USE OF PROFANITY) FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE • 1-3 day suspension • Parent conference • 1-5 day suspension • Parent conference THIRD OFFENSE Referral to Superintendent for Board action and possible expulsion HARASSMENT/INTIMIDATION/BULLYING/ ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS/BIAS/HAZING INCIDENTS Any form of discrimination, intimidation, any form of bullying including cyber-bullying/any electronic communications, and/or bias based upon one’s race, creed, national origin, affectional or sexual orientation is prohibited by State law and School Board policy. FIRST OFFENSE: • Positive behavioral intervention, up to and including a 1-3 day suspension. • In-school parent conference • Possible referral to legal authorities • Possible referral to Affirmative Action Officer SECOND OFFENSE: 5-day suspension • In-school parent conference • Referral to appropriate school personnel and/or Affirmative Action Officer • Possible referral to legal authorities THIRD OFFENSE: • 5 - 10 day suspension • In-school parent conference • Referral to legal authorities, as per NJSA 18a;37-15 1 (B) • Possible referral to Superintendent for Board action / possible expulsion. *Students with any concerns about harassment, intimidation, bullying, or bias incidents in school should inform classroom teacher, Guidance Counselor or Assistant Principal. Assistant Principal, who is a member of the Affirmative Action Team, will follow Board policy and contact Affirmative Action Officer if necessary. All employees are required to address and report any alleged violations of this policy. A prompt investigation will follow, conducted by the appropriate school personnel. False accusations of any incidents are prohibited and will be disciplined under the Uniform Discipline Code of Outrageous/Inappropriate Conduct. The school district prohibits reprisal or retaliation against any person who reports an act of harassment, intimidation, or bullying. An administrator will determine consequence and appropriate remedial action for a person who engages in reprisal or retaliation after consideration of the nature and circumstances of the act in accordance with N.J. State and Federal Statutes and Law. LEAVING BUILDING TO PARKING LOT WITHOUT PERMISSION FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE Administrative Detention • Two Administrative Detentions • Possible loss of driving privileges THIRD OFFENSE • One day in-school suspension • Parent Conference • Loss of driving privileges THIRD OFFENSE: • Suspension plus referral to Superintendent for Board action and possible expulsion. • Referral to Child Study Team. CAUSING/MAKING FALSE ALARMS FIRST OFFENSE: • Immediate out of school suspension of up to ten days with possible Board of Education hearing. • Possible referral to legal authorities. • Parent conference required. CUT POLICY A. A student in attendance in school, but absent from class without prior approval is considered to have cut class. B. Students are required to “check in” with their period teacher before leaving that class (i.e. Guidance, Library etc…..) C. The first cutting offense will be a minimum of two administrative detentions and may include an extended detention. D. The second cutting offense will result in a minimum of an extended detention or in-school suspension and parent notification that upon a third instance of cutting, student will begin to lose credit for the course. E. The third cutting offense will result in loss of one credit from class in addition to other disciplinary consequences including suspension. All subsequent cuts will result in continued loss of credit (for example). • 3 cuts = 1 credit loss and suspension • 4 cuts = 2 credit loss and suspension • 5 cuts = 3 credit loss and suspension • 6 cuts = failure of the course for the year and removal from the course (Student will be remanded to in-school suspension for that period for the remainder of the year.) F. Any student who is removed from class for cutting will not be given the opportunity to enter another class during that period. G. A student who has lost one credit for cutting will be given a contract from Assistant Principal with the possibility of earning back the credit without another cut for the remainder of the year. H. A student who has been given a contract to earn back credit and has one additional cut will have the contract voided and will lose the opportunity to earn back any credit lost. WORK MISSED DUE TO CUTTING CLASSES MAY NOT BE MADE UP. FAILURE TO SIGN IN WHEN REPORTING TO SCHOOL TARDY (Follow code for willful disobedience or truancy.) LEAVING SCHOOL PROPERTY BEFORE DISMISSAL/ FAILURE TO FOLLOW PROPER PROCEDURE (Refer to Truancy, Invalid Absence from School or Invalid Absence from Class.)
INAPPROPRIATE DISPLAY OF AFFECTION Any personal contact beyond handholding is not acceptable behavior in the school setting. FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE Verbal reprimand and/or administrative detention Two administrative detentions THIRD OFFENSE • 1-day in-school suspension • Parent Conference CHEATING FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE • Conference between parent and teacher • 1-3 days detention with teacher • Zero credit -- no make-up • Offense is recorded with Assistant Principal and Guidance Department. • Letter sent home to parent. • 1-3 day suspension • Zero credit--no make-up • Conference with student, teacher, parent, and administrator. THIRD OFFENSE • 3-5 day suspension • Zero credit--no make-up • Cheating offense entered into student's permanent record • Conference with student, teacher, parent, and administrator STEALING FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE • 1-3 day suspension • Parent Conference • Full restitution • 3-5 day suspension • Parent Conference • Full restitution THIRD OFFENSE • Referral to Superintendent for Board action and possible expulsion • Full restitution ENTERING BOYS/GIRLS LOCKER ROOM WITHOUT PERMISSION Kittatinny prohibits either gender from scheduling activities or entering the locker room of the opposite sex at ANYTIME (i.e., females decorating the boy’s locker room for football or wrestling during the fall or winter season and vice versa for the ladies locker room). At no time (prior, during, or after school) should boys or girls feel at ease entering the opposite gender’s locker room. Locker rooms at KRHS are to be used exclusively by designated gender assigned to that particular area and at no time should members of the opposite sex enter into them. Respect of the designated locker rooms exclusivity must be encouraged and enforced by all of our faculty and staff so that the clear and concise message of “NO ENTRANCE FOR OPPOSITE GENDER” is understood. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary consequences as stated under “Outrageous, Inappropriate and/or Derogatory Conduct” as above. EXPLOSIVE DEVICES Any device that, when activated, can explode in any way or give off fumes is a dangerous and/or disruptive influence in the school (for example, firecracker/smoke bombs). For any other explosive devices, refer to the destructive devices policy listed in the following section. FIRST OFFENSE: • 1-5 day suspension • Parent Conference • School Probation - shall be excluded from all school social and extracurricular activities for a period of not less than the current season and/or academic semester • Possible referral to legal authorities SECOND OFFENSE: • 5-10 day suspension • Parent Conference • School Probation - shall be excluded from all school social and extracurricular activities for a period of not less than the current season and/or academic semester. • Possible referral to legal authorities. THIRD OFFENSE: • Suspension plus referral to Superintendent for Board action and possible expulsion. • Referral to Child Study Team. POSSESSION OF WEAPONS/DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES Any student with a deadly weapon, firearm, or destructive device in a school zone will be disciplined as follows: • Expulsion from regular school for one year. The Superintendent may modify this on a case-by-case basis. • Parental conference • Referral to legal authorities The Board of Education would be responsible for alternative education for the expelled student, either at an alternative school program or home bound instruction, or alternative educational settings in compliance with federal and state IDEA statutes. “Deadly weapon” means any weapon with the meaning of N.J.S.A. 2C:39-1r, and includes any device readily capable of lethal use or of inflicting serious bodily injury, including, but not limited to, gravity knives, switchblade knives, daggers, dirks, stilettos, or other dangerous knives, blackjacks, bludgeons, metal knuckles, cesti or similar leather bands studded with metal filings or razor blades embedded in wood and any weapon or other device which intended to produce temporary physical discomfort or permanent injury through being vaporized or otherwise dispensed in the air. “Destructive device” means any device within the meaning of N.J.S.A. 2C:39-1c and 1e. “Firearm” means any firearm within meaning of N.J.S.A.2C:39-1f, and includes any handgun, rifle, shotgun, and machine gun or automatic or semi-automatic rifle regardless of whether such firearm is operable or loaded with ammunition. LOOK-ALIKE WEAPONS Students who bring items to school that give the appearance of a real weapon and/or create fear or anxiety in our students or staff will be subject to disciplinary action according to the state statutes and/or administrative policy dealing with outrageous conduct. If these items are meant to simulate real weapons, state law regarding weapons possession will be adhered to.
SECOND OFFENSE: • Minimum 10-day suspension • In-school parent conference • Referral to mental health professional • Contact legal authorities • School probation – remainder of school year • Possible referral to Superintendent for expulsion hearing before the Board of Education *Level of threat to be determined by descriptions of incidents in our “WHAT TO DO” Enforcement agreements with the Sussex County Prosecutors Office and the New Jersey State Police, along with a monograph entitled “A Threat Assessment perspective” by Critical Incident Response Group and the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime by the FBI. COMPUTER NETWORKS & TECHNOLOGY DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES Computers are the property of Kittatinny Regional High School. The Administration reserves the right to investigate all files and e-mail boxes. Level 1: Inappropriate Use of Equipment This may include, but is not limited to, offenses that are mischievous in nature, but do not physically damage the equipment. For example: using another student’s password, printing out or displaying offensive messages, playing computer games, etc. A student can make up classroom assignments (which require a computer) after school. For a serious offense, the classroom teacher may also impose other penalties such as teacher detention. FIRST OFFENSE: Student is locked out of network for one week. He/she must report to Computer Lab to fill out a request to be reinstated. These requests will include space for student to indicate that he/she understands the offense he/she committed. All request forms will be kept on file. SECOND OFFENSE: Student is locked out of network for two weeks. He/she must report to Computer Lab to fill out a request to be reinstated. These requests will include space for student to indicate that he/she understands the offense he/she committed. All request forms will be kept on file. THIRD OFFENSE: Discipline referral with mandatory parent conference. Copies of past offenses will be supplied to appropriate Assistant Principal. A computer network lockout will be in effect until the parent conference has taken place. If the offense is such that it could jeopardize teacher grades, tests, materials, or other students’ work, student may be locked out of the KRHS Computer Network for the remainder of the year and placed on a stand-alone computer for course requirements. Level 2: Physical Damage to Software, Hardware, or Peripherals This may include, but is not limited to the following: defacing equipment, taking equipment or disks, removing or changing cable connections, acquiring unauthorized system rights, i.e., giving someone supervisory status or rights; interfering with teacher/student material on network, etc. Students must be aware that disconnecting a cable in some computer labs or tampering with software may cause a part of the entire network to go down. This may take several hours to trouble shoot and correct. USE AND POSSESSION OF TOBACCO Use and possession of tobacco (smoking, chewing, snuff), in school on school property or at any school-sponsored event is prohibited. Excessive smoke in the lavatory with students loitering in there will be dealt with the same as a first-offense smoker. If you are not smoking and others are smoking, do not stay there. Students are not to loiter or congregate in the lavatories. Loitering in the lavatories will result in disciplinary action. Any student seen in the lavatories an excessive number of times will be denied access to the hall lavatories and must use the Main Office lavatory. FIRST OFFENSE: • Confiscation of tobacco • Letter to parents informing them that their child had been found smoking and must attend a series of smoke cessation meetings or 1-3 days in-school suspension • If student opts for the smoke cessation classes and then "cuts" the class, then the 1-3 day in-school suspension will automatically go into effect. • Possible referral to legal authorities SECOND OFFENSE: • Confiscation of tobacco • 3-5 days in-school suspension • Possible referral to legal authorities THIRD OFFENSE: • Five days minimum out-of-school suspension with parent conference. • Referral to legal authorities. THREATS OF VIOLENCE TO OTHERS OR PROPERTY Low/Medium Level: FIRST OFFENSE: • Up to a 5-day suspension • Parent conference. • Possible referral to mental health professional • Possible referral to legal authorities SECOND OFFENSE: • Minimum 1-5 day suspension • Parent conference • Possible referral to mental health professional • Contact to legal authorities. THIRD OFFENSE: • Minimum 5-day suspension • Parent conference • Referral to mental health professional • Contact legal authorities • School probation – minimum one full marking period High Level: FIRST OFFENSE: • Minimum 5-day suspension • In-school parent conference. • Referral to mental health professional • Contact legal authorities • Possible school probation - minimum one full marking period
All Offenses: Discipline referral form with mandatory parent contact and payment for parts and labor. Students will be billed at vendor repair rate even if in-house personnel repair problem or replace equipment. Payment must be made before student is allowed to use any computer equipment. Student may be denied access to network for rest of the year. These monies will be returned to the account of the department where the damage occurred or to the school equipment repair account. Floppy Disk/C.D. Policy Students are not permitted to place their own floppy disks into any KRHS disk drive without first obtaining explicit permission from a teacher. That teacher must be informed of all files that will be transferred from the floppy to the network. Any student who places files on the system without permission will be subject to the disciplinary procedures. If a virus or any damaging files are placed on the system the student responsible will pay for the repairs at the rate set by the school’s computer vendor. Note: These procedures will be implemented in conjunction with applicable Uniform Discipline Code guidelines. INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY One of the goals of Kittatinny Regional High School is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication for both students and staff. The Internet is one resource in accomplishing that goal. At Kittatinny, the use of the Internet must be in support of educational endeavors. The Internet is a rich source of information that would be impossible to find by other means. However, with access through the Internet to computers and people all over the world also comes availability of material that may not be considered to be of educational value in the context of school settings. There may be some material or individual communications that are not suitable for school-aged children. In acknowledgement of the availability of inappropriate material and the potential for misuse of the Internet, Kittatinny Regional School District has adopted standards for acceptable use of the Internet when accessed at Kittatinny. It is impossible to control all materials on a global network and an industrious user may discover inappropriate information. Kittatinny Regional School District views information gathered from the Internet in a same manner as information gathered from other sources. Inappropriate material gathered from the Internet or any other source would be treated according to Uniform Discipline Code in the Student Handbook ACCEPTABLE Use of the Internet Acceptable use of the Internet includes but is not limited to: • finding and using material that will enhance learning experiences designed by the educational staff; • finding and using information that will enhance independent study projects; • downloading information from the Internet after obtaining written permission from a teacher or Computer Lab Aide. (When you have acquired written permission, you may download the file to your personal directory and it will be scanned for viruses. You should move or delete these files in a timely fashion.); • notifying a teacher if you receive any e-mail messages that are offensive, confusing, threatening or inappropriate; • using acceptable standards of grammar when sending appropriate messages; and/or • maintaining security. (Security is a high priority. If you identify a security problem, you must notify the system administrator immediately. Do not show or identify the problem to others.) UNACCEPTABLE Use of the Internet Unacceptable use of the Internet includes but is not limited to: • searching for, going to or using sites which include pornography, unethical or illegal solicitation, racism, sexism, terrorism, inappropriate language or other objectionable material; • using the Internet access at school to play games or participate in multi-player experiences of any kind; • using the Internet access at school to participate in chat sessions or chat rooms; • downloading and saving a file from the Internet without written permission from your teacher or Computer Lab Aide; • using the Internet or E-mail to send obscene, threatening, harassing, or inappropriate messages to others; • using e-mail to contact and interact with others within KRHS during instructional time without explicit teacher permission; • publishing your home address or phone number (use school’s information: Kittatinny Regional High School, 77 Halsey Road, Newton, NJ 07860, 973-383-1800); and/or • using another individual’s account. (Attempts to log on as another user will result in cancellation of your privileges. Any user who has been identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access.) FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INTERNET GUIDELINES WILL RESULT IN LOSS OF YOUR SCHOOL-SPONSORED INTERNET AND INTRANET ACCESS AND SUBJECT YOU TO DISCIPLINE ACCORDING TO THE UNIFORM DISCIPLINE CODE. VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS/VIDEO PRODUCTION ACCEPTABLE USE AGREEMENT The following agreement will be distributed in all Visual Communications/ Video Production classes and will be signed by both students and parents. A. All equipment must be signed out properly and returned in the same condition. Students are personally responsible for all equipment signed out. B. All equipment is to be used in an appropriate manner and for school related projects that have been approved by the instructor. C. All out of class videotaping is to be pre-approved by instructor. When gathering footage of others, be courteous and show respect, ask permission to videotape them before you begin.
D. Do not point a camera at anyone without first asking for their consent and do not point a camera into a class in session. E. Students may not enter any classroom including the cafeteria, gymnasium, trainer’s room, main office, guidance office, pool area, auxiliary gymnasium, weight room, etc., without prearranged written permission and an appropriate pass. F. Students must show respect to any adult who questions his/her activities and must respond immediately if asked to do something or refrain from doing something. G. Students must maintain a professional appearance when out on assignment and avoid distracting others and drawing attention to themselves. Students should practice discretion at all times. H. Never use camera as a means of intimidating/provoking others. I. Do not promote or videotape poor behavior, gestures, or inappropriate conduct. Students are responsible for all footage they gather. J. In the event that undesirable footage is acquired, re-record over that portion of the tape. K. Do not gather or bring any inappropriate footage to school. Preview all tapes before bringing them to school. Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse for any inappropriate footage that mysteriously appears on a student’s tape. L. Any footage brought in, whether commercially produced or “home made” must be of a rating of no higher than PG and preapproved by the instructor. M. Do not bring in any footage containing foul language, racial overtones, violence, sexual innuendoes, nudity, discrimination of any type, disrespect for governing authorities or anything that might possibly be considered inappropriate in our school setting. All judgments of instructor are final and any types containing footage deemed inappropriate will be confiscated and erased. N. No talk show footage may be brought to the class unless preapproved and previewed by instructor. Avoid any footage that has parts of it pixilated or narration “bleeped” out. O. Any footage brought in is to be on one of student’s personal class tapes and properly labeled with student’s name. Avoid bringing in older and dirty tapes. Any tapes that are dirty will clog the video heads of our equipment. P. No one may enter any parking lot without permission from the instructor and a pass from the Main Office. Q. A “designated area” pass must be in your possession for all outof- class assignments. R. When students leave the class as a group to work on an out-ofclass assignment, the students must remain together as a group at all times. Do not split up to go to your locker, bathroom, etc. Leave together and return together. S. No one may enter any bathroom or locker room with a camera. T. No surveys are permitted unless prior approval is obtained from the School Superintendent or his designee.