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New Sampling Sensor InitiativeISA SP76 substrate protocolComponent based gas and fluid handling systemsOffer flexibility in design and implementation of complicated flow systems for process sampling and analysisLEGOTM based approach to process sample handlingAllows for optimal positioning of analyzers in a process stream.
1. Utilizing NeSSI for Analytical Applications Brian Marquardt
Dave Veltkamp
2. New Sampling Sensor Initiative
ISA SP76 substrate protocol
Component based gas and fluid handling systems
Offer flexibility in design and implementation of complicated flow systems for process sampling and analysis
LEGOTM based approach to process sample handling
Allows for optimal positioning of analyzers in a process stream
NeSSI Modular Sampling Systems
3. What does NeSSI Provide Simple Lego®-like assembly (v)
Easy to re-configure
No special tools or skills required
overall lower cost of build reduce time to configure/install by 75%
improved reliability
lower cost of ownership reduce total cost by 40%
Standardized flow components (v)
Mix-and-match compatibility between vendors
Growing list of components
Standardized electrical and communication (+)
Plug-and-play integration of multiple devices
Simplified interface for programmatic I/O and control
Advanced analytics (+)
Integrated analysis or smart systems
4. Where Does NeSSI Fit in the Lab Instrument/Sensor Interfaces
Design standards make development simpler
Reduced toolset to be mastered
Reduced sample variability to account for
Calibration/validation built-in
Consistent physical environment for measurement
Stream switching and/or mixing allow generation of standards to match analytical requirements
Reaction monitoring
Microreactors and continuous flow reactors
Batch reactors (with fast loop)
Sample Preparation
Gas handling (mixing, generation, delivery)
Liquid handling (mixing, dilution, conditioning, etc.)
5. Conditioning and manipulation of sample introduced to analyzer
Better control of sample physical parameters
Velocity Benefits of Sampling Systems to Process Analysis
6. Raman/NIR/UV-Vis Sensor Module
7. Sensing Technologies Gas Chromatography
Thermal Desorption (?)
Dielectric (v)
IR (?), NIR (+)
UV- Vis (+)
Raman (v)
Fluorescence (+)
Impedance (+)
Conductivity (v)
Refractive Index (v)
8. Natural Gas Property Testing Collaborative project with Brooks Instruments to test new Gas Property Instrument (GPI) for Gross Calorific Value and Wobbe Index of natural gas
Adaptation of thermal mass flow technology to measure physical parameters of gas
NeSSI system used to generate air/propane mixtures with known properties to simulate natural gas variations
9. GPI Testing Results
10. GPI Conclusions First real application of gas blending or mixing on NeSSI in our lab
Developed preliminary LabVIEW software control for MFCs and pressure transducers
Brooks has agreed to assist in calibrating our MFCs for multiple gases
GPI results looked fairly good over planned application range of natural gas properties
11. Development of fast and selective gas sensors using vapochromic compounds
12. Vapochromic Probe Design & Sensing System
13. Example NeSSI Sensor Interface Sensor is a vapochromatic compound
Responds to different compounds by intensity and wavelength shifts in fluorescence signal
Optical detection using simple VIS spectrometer
LED excitation light source
Simple reflectance 2 fiber optical measurement
Use of BallProbe to provide single-sided optical interface
Vapochrome coated on ball surface
NeSSI system to control delivery and mixing of gas stream
14. Vapochromic Humidity Sensor
15. Oxygen Gas Sensor Calibration
16. Vapochromic O2 Sensor vs Electrochemical DO probe
17. Vapochromic O2 Sensor Response
18. Vapochromic BTEX Sensing Vapochromatic compound screening for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and m-xylene (BTEX) sensitivity and selectivity
Need to find the best available compounds for sensor array approach
Initial milestone: benzene detection
Establish sensitivity
(can we detect low enough levels?)
Characterize interferents
(can we distinguish mixtures?)
NeSSI system to control delivery and mixing of gas streams
19. NeSSI Gas/Vapor System
20. Optical Flow Cell Flow cell is a simple cross fitting
6-around-1 fiber optic for source and collection
Delrin rod with sensing compound coated on end
Multiple crosses can be chained together for screening several compounds at once
Optical detection using simple VIS spectrometer, LED excitation light source
Simple reflectance optical measurement
21. Vapochromic NeSSI Sensor Design simple design
reversible response
low power
NeSSI compat.
fast response times
high quantum efficiency
long term sensor stability
sensitive to a variety of analytes
large number of available vapochromic compounds (selectivity)
22. Experimental Details Three gas streams mixed prior to outlet
MFC #1 pure N2 carrier (no bubbler)
MFC #2 run thru bubbler with benzene liquid
MFC #3 run thru empty bubbler (diluter)
MFC #1 and MFC #2 flow summed to 50% full flow (FF, 250 sccm)
As bubbler flow ? carrier flow ?
MFC #3 held at either 50% FF or 5% FF
Additional level of dilution between runs
Spectra collected every 2 seconds
LabVIEW program automates setting flow rates on MFCs, sequence timing, and data logging
23. Experimental Design/Program
24. Typical Automated Response
25. Full Spectrum Response
26. Vapochromic Response
27. Vapochromic Response These are the 2 most sensitive compounds of the 6 looked at in this study
There is plenty of optical sensitivity to go to lower conc.
May need to implement reset techniques to zero response
28. Vapochromic #4 Response
29. Screening Conclusions Early results look good for benzene sensitivity
2-3 candidates
Clearly need more dilution capability
Need to speed up the screening
Multiple simultaneous compounds
Switching/multiplexing NOT the answer
New multichannel spectrometers will improve screening
30. New Gas Sensor Testing System More capability to generate analytical vapors, gas blending, and on-line dilution of vapor streams for method development work
Two systems (one at CPAC, the other at UM) will facilitate collaboration with Kent Mann
NSF Funding applied for (Aug. 06)
Bob Sherman, CIRCOR, committed to providing one system
31. Fuel Cell Research Goal: to study the water uptake properties of Nafion 112 by varying the relative humidity of the input gas streams to better understand membrane hydration and its effects on fuel cell performance.
Senior Project for ChemE undergrad student team
NeSSI System for gas flow and humidity sensing
32. Fuel Cell (cont.) Simple NeSSI system design being built by Swagelok
Preliminary system calculations done by students
Vapochromic humidity sensors designed
Expect this activity begin this summer
33. Fluid Dynamics Modeling Project with Dr. Finlayson and undergrad student Daniel Yates, Chem. E.
Utilize NeSSI components as objects for computation fluid dynamics modeling
Availability of NeSSI systems and parts allows for experimental work to verify/test model results
Provides academic training and exposure to real-world hardware in a compact and rugged platform
Can start simple and add complexity by including more components
34. Where are we now? Development continues on control system
Data I/O, comm., and control hardware
Software for DAQ, automation and control
NeSSI microreactor system becoming reality
Parker Intraflow fluidic system delivered
IMM, Microglass, CPC mixers and reactor components here or coming soon
LC, Raman, dielectric, RI detection
Headspace and gas analysis systems
Horiba RGA analyzer running
Vapochromic sensors being designed and tested for NeSSI applications
GC interface to NeSSI under development with Infometrix (WTC Proposal submitted)