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WHILE YOU WAIT. Welcome! Please write your student a “Happy Note” and leave it for them to read in the morning.
WHILE YOU WAIT Welcome! Please write your student a “Happy Note” and leave it for them to read in the morning. I will hold individual Parent/Teacher Conferences after-school in October on Tuesdays and Thursdays & on the teacher work days. (November 4th and 5th) Online sign up information will come home soon.
Seldens Landing Elementary School Mrs. Sackadorf andrea.sackadorf@lcps.org Mrs. Pezzimenti christina.pezzimenti@lcps.org
Our Class Website http://www.lcps.org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=58456 Please check the Seldens Landing website regularly and check in with our class website. Class newsletters will only be posted on our class website.
Math We will switch classes for math. Your child’s math teacher is Mrs. Wojick. She can be reached at mikaela.wojick@lcps.org Goal #1 is for everyone to know the multiplication facts –quickly- by the end of October. (100 problems in less than 2.5 minutes) Please purchase flashcards and practice with your child each night. (only the ones they struggle with) As 5th grade math becomes more difficult knowing the facts quickly will be extremely important!
Food in School Guidelines Per guidelines set up by LCPS, children are not allowed to bring birthday food treats. Consider alternatives like pencils, stickers, or other small novelty. PTA runs a program to accept book donations in your child’s honor with a bookplate in the book. Check the “Library” page on the Seldens website. There is no sharing of food in the cafeteria. We will eat snack each day between 9:30 and 10:00. Please send a healthy snack that is easy to eat like grapes, goldfish, or pretzels. Water bottles are allowed in the room but will be kept on the shelf. We are not a food free room but that could change.
Bully Prevention • Seldens Landing is a “Bully Free School”. • Bullying is an intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act of aggression or a series of acts that occur in a school setting. • School counselors can provide more information and resources about bully prevention efforts at Seldens. • Please let me know if your student is having any difficulties with friends at school that you are unable to help with from home. I can not detect every problem.
Positive Behavior Interventions & Support • School-wide with focus on classrooms, cafeteria, playground & hallway behavior. • We catch students behaving appropriately & reward with a “bird buck”. • Classroom, school, & whole class rewards may be purchased with bird bucks. • Have your student practice the Cardinal Pledge for you! • Seldens Landing Cardinals are responsible for their choices, actions, and words. • Seldens Landing Cardinals are respectful to ourselves, others, and property. • Seldens Landing Cardinals are successful because they are ready to learn.
Classroom Expectations Students must be respectful, responsible and ready to learn. A quiet and calm learning environment. Consequences (unless serious offense): warning, remove from situation, think sheet, contact parent, office referrals. Home/school connection is essential and communication is vital. Feel free to email me or send a note. Homework is completed on time.
Homework • Is a crucial and an expected part of the fifth grade curriculum. • Students will be assessed daily on their participation of the completed assignments, not the accuracy of the assignment. • Homework should not be new material, it is an extension of the daily lessons or review. • Fifth grade material should be completed within a one hour time frame, including the daily reading logs. If not, please let us know and we will adjust accordingly. • Agenda: Please sign or initial nightly and check for notesfrom the teacher. • Helpful links on the web site: • http://quizlet.com/SLESfifthhttp://www.spellingcity.com/MrsPezz/
D.A.R.E Drug Abuse Resistance Education The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office sends an officer in to teach this class. D.A.R.E. is held every other Wednesday starting in September. I encourage you to take some time to discuss with your child what they have talked about in class. We will have a graduation in May.
Family Life Education The Family Life Education program continues at the fifth grade level as it did in fourth. If you have any questions please contact the office or Mrs. Chapman or Mrs. Schuster. FLES (Spanish) Spanish is on Mondays for 30 minutes. Ms. Joyce is the contact person.
Physical Education/ Recess Reminders Please wear sneakers and appropriate clothing for class on PE days. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are PE days As long as it is not raining, we go outside for recess. As the weather gets cooler, a coat, hat, etc, is required.
Communication Email: andrea.sackadorf@lcps.org Or… Call the main office, send a note, request a conference. Thursday Folders have gone light green! Most information will come via the e-folder on our school website. Please check it each week so you don’t miss anything. Some items will still arrive in the traditional yellow envelope.
CLARITY This is the slide where I can “hopefully” clear up any confusion with assessments and grading. You must register in order to access the parent portal where you can view assignments and test grades. Even if you registered last year you must re-register!