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Topic 11 New Sensors, Platforms, Analysis Techniques and Integrated Systems for Measuring Ice Cloud Properties Part I – In Situ. Co-Leaders D. Baumgardner M. Maahn Z. Wang Contributors. A. Abdelmonem K. Beswick J. Dorsey J. F ugal M . Gallagher T. Garrett I. Gorodetskaya
Topic 11 New Sensors, Platforms, Analysis Techniques and Integrated Systems for Measuring Ice Cloud Properties Part I – In Situ Co-Leaders • D. Baumgardner M. Maahn Z. Wang • Contributors A. Abdelmonem K. Beswick J. Dorsey J. Fugal M. Gallagher T. Garrett I. Gorodetskaya M. Hamilton R. Jackson A. Johnson A. Korolev P. Kupiszewski P. Lawson R. Shaw J. Ulanowski E. Weingartner • Workshop on Measurement Problems in Ice Clouds • Zurich, Switzerland • July 5-6, 2013
Presentation Guide Topic Theme and Objectives of the Working Group Brief Status of this Topic after the July, 2010 workshop What progress has been made in the last three years? What are the remaining unknowns and uncertainties and how do they impact our fundamental understanding of the atmosphere, climate change, weather and society in general?
Presentation Guide Topic Theme and Objectives of the Working Group Brief Status of this Topic after the July, 2010 workshop (see BAMS article) What progress has been made in the last three years? What are the remaining unknowns and uncertainties and how do they impact our fundamental understanding of the atmosphere, climate change, weather and society in general?
Topic 11 Focus Assessment of new and evolving technology for measuring and analyzing the properties of ice in clouds and precipitation, including in situ and remote sensing techniques, ground based, airborne and space borne platforms and integrated suites of sensors. Working Group Objectives • summarize the strengths and weaknesses of current technology; • assess the technological progress that has made since June, 2010; and • identify gaps in our measurement capabilities where new technology or measurement approaches are needed.
Presentation Guide Topic Theme and Objectives of the Working Group Brief Status of this Topic after the July, 2010 workshop What progress has been made in the last three years? What are the remaining unknowns and uncertainties and how do they impact our fundamental understanding of the atmosphere, climate change, weather and society in general?
As of June 30, 2010, from the BAMS meeting summary, issues related to measurement capabilities. • 3) Currently available instruments are limited by problems caused by ice crystal shattering and sample volume uncertainties for cloud particles smaller than 50 μm. Although consistent and reliable measurements of ice crystal size distributions can be obtained for particles larger than 400 μm, given sufficiently long integration times, large uncertainties still remain at smaller sizes. • 4) New instruments are becoming available to differentiate liquid droplets from ice crystals at sizes less than 50 μm by detecting their shapes from forward light scattering patterns or by measuring change of polarization state.
Presentation Guide Topic Theme and Objectives of the Working Group Brief Status of this Topic after the July, 2010 workshop (see BAMS article) What progress has been made in the last three years? What are the remaining unknowns and uncertainties and how do they impact our fundamental understanding of the atmosphere, climate change, weather and society in general?
In Situ/Near Field Sensors Maturing Sensors Name Year Measurement Issue Addressed SID-3,2H 20?? Small ice properties-water/ice, morphology Holodec 2004 Small ice properties-water/ice, morphology CAS-POL 2008 Small ice properties-water/ice, morphology PN 1997 Small ice properties-Phase function Nevzorov19?? Small ice properties-water/ice CEP 20?? Light extinction New Sensors Name Year Measurement Issue Addressed BCP 2011 Small ice properties-water/ice, morphology BCPD 2012Small ice properties-water/ice, morphology CPSPD 2011Small ice properties-water/ice, morphology Hawkeye 201?Small ice properties-water/ice, morphology FCDP 2011 High speed aircraft. PHIPS-HALO 2011 Small ice properties-water/ice, morphology MASC 2012 Snow properties Polarsonde 2012 Small ice properties-water/ice, morphology SPIN 2012 Ice nuclei ISI 2012 Ice nuclei residuals
SID-2H vs. FSSP-100: All Ice and Water Cases • RF11 cloud pass at -13°C (all ice) • RF04 cloud pass at 7°C (all water) • Penetration at base of shallow maritime cumuli • 2D-C images = small water drops • FSSP-100 >> SID-2H concentration • SID-2H shouldn’t be trusted in warm clouds • SID-2H derived particles shape dominated by spheres, small number of irregular particles • Penetration through dying cloud • 2D-C images = small ice particles; mostly aggregates aswell as rimed columns & dendrites, very few drops • SID-2H ~ FSSP-100 concentration • SID-2H derived particles shapes dominated by spheres and irregular particles
SID-2H vs. FSSP-100:‘First Detectable Ice’ Case • RF04 cloud pass at -5°C • Penetration within 500 m of cloud top • 2D-C images = drops, no ice • FSSP-100 >> SID-2H concentration • SID-2H derived particles shapes, irregular particles, and columns • Ice predominately observed by SID-2H in updraft/downdraft interfaces • Data from Johnson et. al – Submitted to J. Tech.
HOLODEC • J. Fugal1;2, M. Beals3, O. Schlenczek2, R. Shaw3, S. Spuler4, J. Stith4 • 1Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany, 2Institute for Atmospheric Physics, University of Mainz, Germany; 3Atmospheric Sciences Program, Michigan Technological University, USA; 4Earth Observing Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA
Change in Polarization State • to Detect Water Phase Changes • Implementation in CAS-POL and CPSPD
Measurements with the Cloud Aerosol Spectrometer with Polarization (CAS-POL) can distinguish droplets from crystals (courtesy James Dorsey, U. Manchester)
Example of CPSPD Measurements Baumgardner, D., Newton, R., Krämer, M., Meyer, J. and Beyer, A.: The Cloud Particle Spectrometer with Polarization Detection: A Next Generation Open-Path Cloud Probe for Distinguishing Cloud Droplets from Ice Crystals, Atmos. Res., In Review., 2013.
CPSPD now smaller and aerodynamically improved (University of Clermont-Ferrand unit) Flow calculations courtesy of Alexei Korolev
200µm • 500µm • 500µm • 500µm • 500µm • Polar Nephelometer : phase discrimination Case study : Nimbostratus arctic cloud Changes since 2010 Undergoing modifications to increase forward scattering sensitivity.
Improvements made to Nevzorov Sensor • Korolev, A., J. W. Strapp, G.A. Isaac, and E. Emery: Improved Airborne Hot-Wire Measurements of Ice Water Content in Clouds, JTECH, 2013 In Press
Calibration and Performance Tests of the Cloud Extinction Probe • Korolev, A., A. Shashkov and H. Barker: Calibrations and performance of the airborne Cloud Extinction Probe, JTECH, 2013 In Press
Scaling down the sensors in size, weight and power for commercial aircraft and RPAS installations The Backscatter Cloud Probe (BCP)
BCP measurements from Lufthansa and China Air A340-300 • AF447 • Beswick, K., D. Baumgardner, M. Gallagher, The Backscatter Cloud Probe: A Compact Low-Profile Autonomous Optical Spectrometer, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Disc., In Press, 2013
Backscatter Cloud-probe with Polarization Detection (BCPD) More than 100 hours of data in mixed-phase and all ice clouds have been collected on the FAAM BAe-146 and Canadian Convair 580. These are currently being evaluated in comparison with other cloud probes.
SPEC Fast Cloud Droplet Probe (FCDP) • Records Particle Arrival & Transit Times, Qualifier & Signal Pulse Heights • Hermetically sealed and Operated Autonomouly on Global Hawk to 65,000 ft • Temperature controlled fiber-coupled laser • FSSP-300 optics with Pinhole Limiting Depth of Field (Lance et al. 2010) • 40 MHz Analog-to-Digital-converter (ADC) Sampling of Signal and Qualifier • Linux-based 400 MHz Processor & 32-Gig Flash Drive Stores Data at the Probe • Measurements by Global Hawk in Subvisible Cirrus (Jensen et al. 2012 - PNAS)
SPEC Learjet • Hawkeye/3V-CPI Measurements in ICE-T • 19 July 2011 Tropical Cu • All Particles > 100 mmare Ice • Rapid Transition Zone as Millimeter Drops Rapidly Freeze • First Ice are < 100 mm Particles in Field of Millimeter Drops
FCDP Measurements from Global Hawk Investigation of Subvisible Cirrus During NASA ATTREX Mission. • Saturation Ratio w.r.t. • Ice = 1.6 Outside Cloud • and Decreases to • 0.9 1.0 in Cloud. • FCDP Concentration Exceeds 1 cm-3 at Cloud Edges • Jensen et al. (2012) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
PHIPS-HALO: Particle Habit Imaging and Polar Scattering Probe • Cam.2 • Cam.1 PHIPS-HALO: an optical sensor to measure the 3D morphology and optical properties of individual cloud particles. One system measures the polar scattered light from cloud particles with a resolution of 1ofor forward scattering directions (1oto 10o) and 8o for side and backscattering (18oto 170o). The other system uses stereo imaging composed of two identical camera-telescope assemblies and a pulsed flash Laser. The measured particle size range is 5 to 800 µm Abdelmonem, A., Schnaiter, M., Amsler, P., Hesse, E., Meyer, J., and Leisner, T.: First correlated measurements of the shape and light scattering properties of cloud particles using the new Particle Habit Imaging and Polar Scattering (PHIPS) probe, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 4, 2125-2142, doi:10.5194/amt-4-2125-2011, 2011.
Multi Angle Snowflake Camera (MASC) at Alta Ski Area • Up to 10 micron resolution photographs of snowflakes in freefall with fallspeed • Garrett, T. J., Fallgatter, C., Shkurko, K., and Howlett, D.: Fall speed measurement and high-resolution multi-angle photography of hydrometeors in free fall, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 5, 2625-2633, doi:10.5194/amt-5-2625-2012, 2012.
Shutter time = 1/40000 second • 40W LEDs: Three at 2700 lumens each. Currently being analyzed: 3 million pictures obtained from two cameras between January and April, 2013.
Polarsonde: A low-cost polarisation backscatter sonde • A probe for cloud ice/ supercooled liquid • Originally conceived for support of aviation forecasting • Potentially useful for study of cloud structure and for support of modelling • Transmits linearly polarised light from LED (6 kHz mod’n.) • Photodiodes with perp. and parallel polarisers • and lock-in amplifiers • Measures linear “depolarisation” • Interfaces to RS92SGP radiosonde • Uses Vaisala RSA921 Ozonesonde interface Murray Hamilton, Huichao Luo; University of Adelaide
Launch at Summit Camp: 18 July 2012Cloud present at ca 3400 m and ca 5500 m
data from 10 m on tower at SummitLarge depolarisation implies ice, small (ca 0.3?) implies liquid. (temp and RH for 1st week Nov. follow) After 24-hr darkness … did not behave well in sunlight. Fog monitor (faulty) and particle size spectrometer also at 10 m Modified since to be insensitive to sunlight.
Validation of polarsonde • Cloud particle microscope; Huichao Luo • Relatively low-cost … Light weight … balloon borne • Collaboration with ICECAPS and Greenland Isotope projects. • Monte-Carlo modeling of scattering in cloud • Multiple scattering is a significant confounding process • Uses Mie theory for liquid droplets • typical linear depolarisation • Approx. equal contributions to depolarisation from geometry and multiple scattering • Model for ice crystals in progress – guidance is sought at Zurich workshop!
• Polarization-change discrimination of particle phase • Particle residence time in chamber of 10 -12 seconds • Parallel-plate chamber geometry • Self-contained compact refrigeration system: - Cold plate temperature to -70° C - Warm plate temperature to -40° C • Full computer control of all systems; automated operation for unattended measurements • Self-contained in a single rack, 59 cm wide x 73 cm deep x 167 cm high
Idealized SPIN chamber schematic • Walls held at different temperatures (below freezing) • When coated with ice this leads to gradients in temperature and vapor pressure between the walls • Exponential relationship between temperature and saturation vapor pressure leads to super-saturated region with respect to ice and water (depending on wall temperatures) • Pass particles through this region to see if they form ice crystals and count the ice crystals to determine ice nuclei concentration The SPIN’s chamber design follows the parallel-plate geometry developed by Stetzer and the engineering team at the ETH-Zurich. Chou, C., Stetzer, O., Weingartner, E., Jurányi, Z., Kanji, Z. A., and Lohmann, U.: Ice nuclei properties within a Saharan dust event at the Jungfraujoch in the Swiss Alps, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 4725-4738, doi:10.5194/acp-11-4725-2011, 2011.
Optics Assembly
Ice Selective Inlet (ISI) The ISI extracts small ice crystals from mixed-phase clouds, simultaneously counting, sizing and imaging the hydrometeors contained in the cloud with the use of Welas optical particle counters (OPC) and a Particle Phase Discriminator (PPD). Separation of ice crystals from supercooled droplets is in the airborne state – no physical impaction!
ISI: Droplet evaporation unit Ice-coated inner-walls SVP (ice) < SVP (liquid) Flux of water vapor from liquid droplets to ice surface
CLACE2013 : Intensive measurement campaign (Jan-Feb 2013) at the high alpine site Jungfraujoch in the Swiss Alps Participating groups: Deployed inlets for the extraction of ice nuclei: Addressed question: Study the physico-chemical characteristics of atmospheric ice nuclei in mixed-phase clouds under ambient conditions as a function of air mass origin and as a function of cloud type and cloud properties. Ice-CVI from TROPOS ISI from PSI
CLACE 2013: Ice residual analysis • IR measured by ALABAMA were almost exclusively mineral dust • No enrichment of black carbon in IR identified Normalized dry size distributions of the total aerosol (red) and ice residuals (blue) measured with a single particle soot photometer Source: R. Färber and M. Gysel, PSI Chemical composition of typical ice residuals measured with the ALABAMA single particle mass spectrometer Source: J. Schneider, T. Klimach and S. Schmidt, MPI
New Analysis Technique for Image Data • Lindqvist, H., K. Muinonen, T. Nousiainen, J. Um, G. M. McFarquhar, P. Haapanala, R. Makkonen, • and H. Hakkarainen (2012), Ice-cloud particle habit classification using principal components, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D16206, doi:10.1029/2012JD017573.
Continuing Issues and recommendations (Needs Editing) • Many new instruments how can they be validated/referenced to older instruments? • Many new instruments developed at research institutes – how do we make them available to broader community? • Modifications/improvements continue to be made on existing, individual instruments – how to implement on other similar sensors? • Still no analysis package with common features. • Single particle polarization measurements – How to quantify? • SID-2H – Other ways to analyze images? Sensitivity analysis? • Do small ice particles exist that aren’t a result of shattering?