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Angie Ruth Social Studies Mrs. Ruth

Angie Ruth Social Studies Mrs. Ruth . Table of Contents. Assignment Page# Rules and Procedures 1 8 th Grade Syllabus 2

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Angie Ruth Social Studies Mrs. Ruth

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  1. Angie RuthSocial Studies Mrs. Ruth

  2. Table of Contents • Assignment Page# • Rules and Procedures 1 • 8th Grade Syllabus 2 • Grade Sheet 3 • Warm Ups 1-20 4 • Do You Know History? 5 • American Revolution Pre-test 6 • American Rev. Voc/Header Sheet 7 • Activation Codes for SS Books 8 • Anticipation Guide-French and Indian War 9 • 5 W’s of the French and Indian War 10 • French and Indian War Flow Chart 11 • Laws of His Majesty-Reflections Questions `12 • Brainpop-French and Indian War 13 • American Revolution Vocabulary-Crossword Puzzle 14 • American Revolution Strengths& Weaknesses 15 • Road to Revolution WS 16 • American Revolution Vocabulary Quiz 17 • Battle Station Packets 18 • The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Poem Packet19 • Warm Up Quiz 1-20 20 • American Revolution Who Am I? WS 21 • Warm Ups 21-40 22

  3. Rules and Procedures 1

  4. 8th Grade Syllabus 2

  5. Grade Sheet 3 • Assignment Grade • American Rev. Voc. WS 1x • BrainPop-French and Indian War 1x • American Revolution Vocabulary Quiz 2x • American Revolution Crossword Puzzle 1x • Warm Up Quiz 1-20 2x • Battle Station Packets 3x • Progress Report 1 1x

  6. Warm Ups 1-20 4 • 8/27 1. How many times does a test count? 3x • 2. How many days do you have to turn in an assignment late? Up to 2 • 8/30 3. What is the name of our guidance counselor who came to our class yesterday? Melanie Sigmon • 4. At where were the first shots of the American Revolution fired? Battle of Lexington • 9/4 5. What ended the French and Indian War? The Treaty of Paris • 6. Name the 2 countries that were fighting against each other in the French and Indian War. Great Britain and France • 9/6 7. What are search warrants used to enter homes or businesses to search for smuggled goods called? Writs of assistance • 8. What is the colonial government body that made decisions for the 13 colonies during the American Revolution? Continental Congress • 9/10 9. What was the name of the organization formed to EXCHANGE INFORMATION about British policies and American resistance? Committees of Correspondence • 10. What was the last attempt to avoid war against England? Olive Branch Petition • 9/12 11. What are surprise attacks by a small band of fighters called? guerilla warfare • 12. What are actions taken against your country called?treason

  7. Warm Ups Continued • 9/16 13. What policy forced the colonists to feed and house the British troops? Quartering Act • 14. What policy prevented colonists from settling west beyond the Appalachian Mtns. in order to reduce conflicts between colonist and Native Americans? Proclamation of 1763 • 9/19 15. Name (2) strengths of the British army.powerful navy, strong government, money supplies,well trained army, Native American allies,support of the loyalist • 16. Name (2) weaknesses of the British army.England was 3000 miles away, Unfamiliar battle fronts, lined infantry, weak military leaders, underestimated Continental army • 9/24 17. Name (2) strengths of the Continental Army. Home Field advantage, Experienced officers,Support of French, Superior weapons and marksmanship ,Inspired Cause,George THE HOT Washington, Guerilla Warfare, • 18. Name (2) weaknesses of the Continental Army. Infant navy, untrained soldiers, shortage of food and ammunition, no central government • 9/25 19. What percentage of Patriots in North Carolina supported the war? 50 • 20. What were those called who opposed any violence for any reason? Pacifists

  8. Do You Know History? WS 5

  9. American Revolution Pre-test 6

  10. American Rev. Header/Voc WS 7

  11. Activation Codes for Online Books8

  12. Anticipation Guide-French and Indian War 9

  13. 5 W’s of the French and Indian War 10

  14. French and Indian War Flow Chart 11

  15. Laws of His Majesty-Reflection & Questions 12

  16. BrainPop-French and Indian War 13

  17. American Revolution Vocabulary-Crossword Puzzle 14

  18. American Revolution –Strengths and Weaknesses 15

  19. Road to Revolution WS 16

  20. American Revolution Vocabulary Quiz 17

  21. Battle Station Packet 18

  22. The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Poem Packet 19

  23. Warm Up Quiz 1-20 20

  24. Warm Ups 21-40 21 • 10/3 21. Who wrote the “Declaration of Independence”? Thomas Jefferson • 22. Whose ideas helped him to write the “Declaration of Independence”? John Locke and Rene Rouseau • 10/4 23. Name the 5 delegates who were chosen to draft the Declaration of Independence. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Livingston, Roger Sherman • 24. What was the Olive Branch Petition? The colonies last attempt at peace • 10/8 25. Name the battle that was the turning point of the Revolutionary War. Battle of Saratoga • 26. Name the North Carolina battle that saw the militia defeat Cornwallis’ troops by using guerilla warfare. Battle of Kings Mountain

  25. 50 States of US Quiz 23R

  26. 24L 5 Themes of Geography Notes 1.Location-Where is it? A. Absolute Location-an exact location using latitude and longitude lines B. Relative Location-tells where a place is compared to other places 2. Place-What is it like? ; Describes the physical and humancharacteristics of an area. 3. Movement-How do people in one area relate to people in other areas? ;people, ideas, goods and information move from place to place 4. Human Environment Interaction- How does the relationship between people and their natural surroundings influence the way peoplelive? A. + influence: cleaning the environment, planting trees, reducing the use of fossil fuels, digging wells B. – influence: air pollution, water pollution 5.Region-What common characteristics does a certain area share? Examples of regions can include: cultural, physical features, language and religion.

  27. Latitude 25R

  28. 26L Longitude • Longitude- imaginary lines that extend north and south • Also called meridians • Prime Meridian- 0 degrees; it passes through Greenwich, England • Measures distance east and west of the prime meridian • Longitude lines meet at poles. (Banana) • Lines of longitude are farthest apart at the equator. (Banana) • Here one degree of longitude is equal to 70 miles and at the poles they may only be a few miles apart. • 360 degrees in a circle. Halfway around the earth from the Prime Meridian in either direction you will come to the 180 degrees meridian---the world famous dating site----the International Dateline, • Mrs. Ruth says...Longitude lines go up and down but u measure them going around. (numbers are in middle of map or top and bottom)

  29. Latitude and Longitude Quiz 27R

  30. 28L Warm Ups 41-60 • 9/18 41. When is Constitution Day recognized each year? Sept. 17 • 42. What is the Preamble? The beginning of the Constitution; gives the purpose of the Constitution • 9/19 43. Name at least (3) reasons why people choose to live where they do. climate/weather, job, larger living space, • 44.What are (3) factors that have caused the world’s population to grow so rapidly? advances in medicine, cleaner environment, increase in food production • 9/20 45. What continent is the most populated? Asia • 46.Define population. Total number of people who live in specific area • 9/24 47. What is birth rate? Measures the number of births per 1,000 people per year • 48. What is death rate? Measures the number of deaths per 1,000 per year • 9/25 49. Is the population of the world evenly distributed? no Why or why not? • 50. How do you figure the rate of natural increase? The death rate subtracted from birth rate

  31. Warm Ups 41-60 29R • 9/26 51. Define demographer. Geographer who studies the characteristics of human population • 52. Why did your family decide to live where they do? • 9/27 53. Name (2) items one may see in an urban area. • 54. Name (2) items one may see in a rural area. • 9/28 55. Tom is moving to the US from Brazil to open a store in Chicago. Give at least 1 push and 1 pull factor for the move. • 56. Compare and contrast the two types of migration. Both involve moving; Internal migration involves moving within the same country and External involves leaving the country or continent to go to another • 10/1 57. Name the (3) ways that migration effects people. Cultural, economic, political • 58. Name at least (2) pull factors that would attract someone to Catawba County. • 10/2 59.Name the most populated city in the US. New York City • 60. Name the most populated city in the world. Tokyo

  32. 30L Warm Up Quiz 21-40

  33. Geography of Population 31R • Do you know how many people are in the world? 7 billion • Where do most people live? Asia, -India, and China • Population-the total number of people who live in a specified area • The populationdid not reach one billion until 1804. • Factors that are responsible for the population jumping six billion in 6 years. • A. Food Production • B. Birth Rate- measures the number of birthsper 1,000 people per year and Death Rate-measures thenumber of deaths per 1,000 people per year • C. Rate of Natural Increase -the death rate subtracted from the birth rate. This isthe population growth that occurs from natural processesof birth and death. Asia, Africa, and South America all have a high rate of natural increase • 1. Why? Because farming is a major way of life in these regions and the families need more children to work on the farm. • Europe and North America have a low rate of natural growth. • Growth Problems -resources are limited and notenough housing, food and jobs

  34. 32L World Population DVD WS

  35. Geography of Population-Cont.33R • Population Density - the average number of people who live in a certain area; shows how crowded area is • A. To find the population density - add up total number of people living in an area and divide by the total number of land they occupy • B. Where people choose to live is partly effected by climate/weather, elevation, and resources. • C. The average population density of the entire planet is 113 people per square mile. The population density in the United States is 80people per square mile. • Population Distribution • A. Most people live in the Northern Hemisphere • B. 75% of earth is water, between 30 to 45% of earth is too hot , too cold, too wet or too dry for a large number of people to live. • C. More people live on the edge of a continent than in the interior. • Urban Area-cities and their suburbs; where most of the world’s population lives • Rural Area-farms and small villages • Demographer-geographer who studies the characteristics of human population • Urbanization - the process of development from small settlements to large ones • What is the most populous city in the United States? • What is the most populous city in the world?

  36. 34L Why People Move Notes • Migration- The process of relocating to a new area • Immigrant- person who leaves one country to settle in another • Push Factors- reasons that cause people to leave an area; examples-lack of resources to support an entire group, change in climate, escape from war or persecution, forced removal • Pull Factors- reasons that attract people to another area; examples-availability of land, jobs, return to homeland, • Both Push and Pull Factors can be environmental, economic, cultural and political. • Refugee-person who flees a place to find safety • Persecution-cruel treatment on the basis of religion, race, ethnic group, nationality, political views, gender or class • (2) Kinds of Migration • A. Internal-people move from one place to another within the same country; one who does this is known as a migrant • 1. Most Common Forms • a. Moving from rural areas or small towns to cities • b. Moving from cities to suburbs • B. External-moving to another continent or across a continent • (3) Ways that Migration Affects People • A. Cultural-People bring their culture with them when they migrate to another area, and usually their culture mixes with culture of the people who already live there • 1. Culture- shared attitudes, knowledge and behaviors of a group; • 2. Diversity-having many different ways to think about or do something • 3. Discrimination- actions that might be hurtful to an individual or group • B. Economic-the arrival of a new group can help or hurt the region’s economy, and resources • C. Political-the policies of a region can be affected by the arrival of a new group of people; the new group can be seen as unwanted or dangerous so the government may allow them to be treated badly in hopes that they will leave

  37. Comparison Country Chart 35R

  38. 36L Country Comparison

  39. Population WS 37R

  40. 38L Why People Move Vocabulary Flip Chart • Migration • Immigrant • Push Factor • Pull Factor • Diversity • Discrimination • Refugee • Persecution • Internal Migration • External Migration • Culture • Migrant

  41. Why People Move WS 39R

  42. 40L Resources and Economics • Natural Resource- something found in nature that is needed or useful to humans ;Examples: forests, mineral deposits, fresh water (3) Types of Resources A. Renewable-those that nature can replace; examples-trees, plants B. Unlimited- those that never run out; examples-sunlight, wind C. Nonrenewable-cannot be easily replaced; examples-minerals and fuels like coal and oil • Economic System-different ways that people use resources to make and exchange goods (4) Types of Economic Systems A. Command-one in which production of goods and services is decided by a central government; the government usually owns most of the resources and businesses that make the products or provide the services; also called planned economy; Burma, Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia B. Market-when the production of goods and services is determined by the supply and the demand of consumers; also known as demand economy or capitalism; found in the US

  43. Resources and Economies 41R C. Mixed-a combination of command and market economies provides goods and services; Canada, Japan, Australia D. Traditional-goods and services are traded, but money is rarely exchanged; also called barter; oldest economic system; not used much anymore Gross Domestic Product (GDP)-measures the total value of all the goods and services produced in a country in a year ( 2) Categories of Countries Based on Economic Development A. Developing Countries- have low GDP, few economic activities, raise food or animals to survive, have little or no machinery or advanced technology to do work 1. Specialize in raw materials or low cost items B. Developed Countries-have high GDP, many economic activities especially business and information growth of high-level technology, food grown on commercial farms, most people work in offices and factories 1. Specialize in high level technology goods or services Exports-products sold to other countries Imports-products or resources that come into a country

  44. 42L Warm Ups 61-80 • 10/5 61. Name the (3) main types of resources. Renewable, non-renewable, unlimited • 62. Name the (4) types of economies. Command, market, traditional, mixed • 10/8 63.Using the map on p.74, name at least (5) non-renewable resources. Coal, natural gas, petroleum, uranium, bauxite, copper, gold, iron ore, silver • 64. What information is used to measure the development of a country? Use p.76 in book to help you answer question. The value of a country’s economy, health information, life expectancy, literacy • 10/10 65. Which does not belong with anarchy? Rule by the people, rule by no one, no laws RULE BY THE PEOPLE • 66. Which does not belong with direct democracy? Rule by the people, led by a monarch, regular voting LED BY MONARCH • 10/15 67. MONARCHY- Rule by One, Power inherited from family, Regular Elections REGULAR ELECTIONS • 68. OLIGARCHY- Rule by Few, Military or Religious or Family Power, Power Always Acquired by Force POWER ALWAYS ACQUIRED BY FORCE • 10/16 69. Name one way that MONARCHY and DICTATORSHIP are alike. Both ruled by one person • 70. Name one way that MONARCHY and DICTATORSHIP are different. Dictatorship gained power by force and monarchy inherited power

  45. Warm Ups 61-80 Cont. 43R • 10/17 71. Government-Organization set up to make and enforce rules for a group of people • 72. Citizen-person who owes loyalty to a country and receives its protection • 10/23 73. • Who is the Republican Presidential Candidate? Mitt Romney • 74. Who is the Democratic Presidential Candidate? Barack Obama • 10/24 75. Want change, liberal, want higher taxes and are for gun control all describe which political party? Democrats • 76. Want to keep things as they are, conservatives, lower taxes and against gun control all describe which political party? Republicans • 10/25 77. Who is currently the governor of NC? Beverly Perdue • 78. What city does the governor of NC live in? Raleigh • 10/26 79. Name the person who is in charge of education in North Carolina. June Atkinson • 80. Name the NC representative of our area for the House of Representatives. Patrick Mc Henry

  46. 45 13 Colonies Study Guide p1. and 2

  47. 47 BrainPop 13 Colonies

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