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Chemical Technopark of Sverdlovsk region on the base of Open Joint Stock Company « URAL С HIMPLAST ». 2010. 4 th place. By volume of shipped goods. 5 th place. By turnover of retail. By volume of financial results of economical activity. 6 th place.
Chemical Technopark of Sverdlovsk region on the base of Open Joint Stock Company «URALСHIMPLAST» 2010
4th place By volume of shipped goods 5th place By turnover of retail By volume of financial results of economical activity 6th place By volume of investments in capital asset 7th place By volume of foreign investments 11thplace Sverdlovsk regionGeneral information The region is the centre of Urals Federal District – agglomeration with the population of 12,5 million people. 194,3 th. square km 4,4 mln. people GDPin 2009- 28 billion. US$. (evaluation) Sverdlovsk region EKATERINBURG
Chemical Technopark of Sverdlovsk regionLocation • 120 km. fromEkaterinburg • The square - 90 km2 • Motoraccess roads • Railway access roads - The territory of the area – 25 km - The station «Vagonozavod» - The largest railway interchange – the station «Smychka» and «Nizhniy Tagil» • Guard security, the territory is under24-hours security (access control). • Sanitary-hygieniczone – 1 km Chemical techno park
Chemical Technopark of Sverdlovsk regionInfrastructure Electric power: installed capacity 2*25 МВА; at present is loaded on 10 % Steam:own boiler plant for steam production Gas service: the present fuel mode of areaallowsto consume gas additionally at the amount of 3200 m3 per hour Drainage and purification system: own treatment facilities on the area Ecological permit: at present time the area possesses all necessary authorization-based documentation for setting chemical production, including unsafe one
Government support measures forthe residents of Technopark • Short terms of executing documents («Single window») • Providing land tax benefits • Financing projects which are a part of chemical cluster and are directed at stimulation of small and medium enterprises
Open Joint Stock Company “URALHIMPLAST” is the base for creating Chemical Technopark • Founded in 1938 as «Torfohimzavod», two shops – phenolic and distilling – served for recycling waste products of gas-generator plant on the turf. • During the Second World War for the first timethephenolics were produced on “Uralhimplast”. • At the beginning of 50-s the construction of large-tonnage phenolic-consuming production started– phenol-formaldehyde and ion-exchange resins, phenoplast, as well as the department for producing formalin – main raw material for synthetic resins. For the first time carbamide resins were produced. • In 1960s-80sthe enterprise became one of the largest in its industrial sector, activily cooperating with domestic plants and realizing the supply of production for export. During this period “Uralhimplast” has started the productionof pentaeritrit, fluoroplastic, polyvinylchlorideelastrons, o-cresol and polyformaldehyde. • From 1992the enterprise has become joint-stock company, majority ownership of which belongs to holding companyUCP Chemicals AG (Vienna, Austria) • In 2005twojoint enterprises were created and started their work: «Cavenaghi S.p.A.»(production and realization of casting resins and binders) и«Amdor S.p.A.»(production and realization ofchemical agents for road construction andcorrosion inhibitors for gas-and-oil producing industry).
Open Joint Stock Company “URALСHIMPLAST”today «Uralсhimplast» is one of the largest producers ofartificial resins, plastics and products of organic chemistry in Russia
UCP Chemicals AG 100% 91.62% 50% 50% 50% 50% ЗАО Uralchimplast Management company ООО Uralchimplast - Amdor ОАО Uralchimplast ООО Uralchimplast - Cavenaghi ЗАО UralMethanolGroup JV UCP Chemicals India Ltd. Production and supply Castingresins Methanol Phenolics Management of assets of the Group Corrosion inhibitors and productionfor road construction 50% 50% 50% 50% CavenaghiS.p.A. Oil and Gas company ITERA Southern Agro Phenols Ltd. ЗАО Amdor 50% Distributor net СП Uralchimplast - Kronoshpan • Moscow • Saint-Petersburg • Novosibirsk • Tolyatti • Rostov-on-Don Carbamide resins 50% ЗАО Kronoshpan The structure of the Group of companies Структура группы
Methanol Formalin concentrated Novolakresins Phenol Urotropin Pulveribakelite Phenoplast woodyflour The activity of OJSC«Uralсhimplast» as the base for creating Technopark: novolak resins - abrasives on bakelite bond; - production of electrical goods - periclase-carbonaceousrefractories; Current business OJSC «Uralсhimplast» - production of plastic articles (handlesof frying pans, etc. ) • sound-proofing materials • for car industry; Businesses, introduced for realization - frictional products - foundry industry (metallurgy and machine building)
Methanol Formalin concentrated Urea-formaldehyde resins - production of wood-particle board, МДФ, plywoods; - production ofmineral cotton, glass linen. Carbamide • production of laminated • wood-particle board, • - plywoods Melamine Melamin- urea-formaldehyde resins - production ofplywoods, - fibreboard, LVL-bricks; - production ofmineral cotton; - production ofglass wool; - production ofabrasives; - metallurgy, machine building. Phenol Phenol-formaldehyde resins - car industry; - machine building; - foundry industry. Furane resins Furfuryl alcohol Activity of OJSC «Uralсhimplast» as the base for creating Technopark: carbamide, phenolic and melamine resins Current businesses of OJSC «Uralсhimplast» Businesses, introduced for realization
- production of corrosion inhibitors • road construction Ammonia - production of plywood Caustic soda Polyethylene- Polyamines Reagent ОХА (отход) Dichloroethane Ion-exchange resins Corrosion inhibitors Epichlorhydrin • Thermal power plant, • Heat and power plant, ГРЭС - oil production • Industrial • enterprises • (effluent treatment) Activity of OJSC «Uralсhimplast» as the base for creating Technopark: polyethylene-polyamines Current businesses of OJSC «Uralсhimplast» Businesses, introduced for realization
ProductsTNP from PVC (hoses) • production ofcable; • - production ofmedical systems; • - production ofsoles; • - production ofrotating head Elastrons PVC (granules) PlasticizersDOF - production ofwindow profile; - production ofwindowsills; - production ofplinths; - production ofcorrugators; - production ofcable-channels, etc. JPVH (PVH composition) Resin PVC Activity of OJSC «Uralсhimplast» as the base for creating techno park: refiningPVC Businesses, introduced for realization Current businesses of OJSC «Uralсhimplast»
Phenol Orto-cresol Alkylphenols (waste) Methanol • production of • крезолноволачных resins • for microelectronics; - production ofherbicides; • production of • antioxidants, etc. Activity of OJSC «Uralchimplast» as the base for creating Technopark: orto-cresol Current businesses of OJSC «Uralhimplast» Businesses, introduced for realization
Ceramicpropants Polymer-covered propants Oil production (reagents for hidrorupture of the oil reservoir) Phenol-formaldehyde resin Activity of OJSC «Uralchimplast» as the base for creating Technopark: polymer-coveredpropants Current businesses of OJSC «Uralchimplast» Businesses, introduced for realization
Activity of OJSC «Uralchimplast» as the base for creating Technopark: rough cooperation Gas-chemical complex ▪methanol▪ ammonia▪ carbamide ▪ melamine The profile of potential partnersis similar to the following Russian enterprises: “Novomoskovsiy Azot”, “Tolyattazot” Petrochemical complex ▪ethylene ▪ dichloroethane ▪ polyvinylchloride ▪ caustic soda The profile of potential partnersis similar to the following Russian enterprises:“Sayanskhimplast” (Sayansk), “Kaustik”(Sterlitamak)
Marketing advantages of Technopark to allocate new production “Fast” market entrance guarantee Time economy on a production area search, documentation collection, concurrence with the authorities, building and connection with the infrastructure objects Wide circle of partners On the territory of Urals: Central part and Siberian region in the sphere of oil- and gas processing, thermal protection, woodworking, metallurgy, machine-building, road building Geographically developed distribution network Central region – Moscow. St. Petersburg. Tolyatti. Rostov-on-Don. Siberian region – Novosibirsk. Own motor car park (isothermic tanks) and tank wagon park
Other advantages of technopark to allocate chemical production Accredited laboratory of stock holding company “Uralchimplast” allows to conduct a wide range of laboratory researches A high degree of involvement in a world society in the sense of export, import, information exchange, membership in Global Phenolic Resin Association, EPRA Help/joint passing of chemical products registration including products which contain chemical substances in REACH
Activity of OJSC «Uralhimplast» as the base for creating techno park: cooperation with processing companies
Activity of OJSC «Uralhimplast» as the base for creating techno park: cooperation with processing companies
The profile of potential resident of Chemical Technopark The priorityis given to foreign companies, who are interested in making business on Russian market,suffering from any kind ofadministrative problems, market barriers, difficulties in making business in Russia, who need a specialized area with provided infrastructure Preferred specialization: - Chemical production (organic synthesis) - Production with large use of chemical products (organic synthesis)
Thank you for attention! For all questions please contact: MINISTRY OF INTERNATIONAL AND FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS OF SVERDLOVSK REGION tel. +7-(343)-217-86-73 Fax. +7 (343) 217-89-07 r66@midural.ru