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PMGSY Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (Prime Minister’s Rural Roads Programme) Presentation by: S. Vijay Kumar

PMGSY Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (Prime Minister’s Rural Roads Programme) Presentation by: S. Vijay Kumar Joint Secretary, Govt. of India and Director-General, NRRDA April, 2005. Indian Rural Development Programmes.

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PMGSY Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (Prime Minister’s Rural Roads Programme) Presentation by: S. Vijay Kumar

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  1. PMGSY Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (Prime Minister’s Rural Roads Programme) Presentation by: S. Vijay Kumar Joint Secretary, Govt. of India and Director-General, NRRDA April, 2005

  2. Indian Rural Development Programmes • Since Independence Indian economic planning has aimed at industrial infrastructure development • Agricultural development was attempted thru’ agrarian reforms and improvement in foodgrains, oilseeds and dairy production • From 1970s onwards poverty alleviation was included as an explicit part of the development strategy and Rural employment and income generating programmes were funded with huge outlays in the Central Budget

  3. Indian Rural Development Programmes-(contd) • The Ministry of Rural Development administers at the Central level all Rural Development Programmes aimed at Rural Self-employment, Wage-employment and rural Poverty Alleviation • Rural infrastructure development includes Watershed Development and Drinking Water, and recently Rural Roads through the Prime Minister’s Rural Roads Programme (PMGSY; w.e.f.2000)

  4. Infrastructure Modernisation Economic Reforms introduced in 1991 to integrate with global economy and traditional public sector domain such as Power, Telecommunications, Banking, Roads, Ports opened to private enterprise Present Road Network around 3,300,000 Km NH - 57,700 Km SH - 124,300 Km MDR, ODRs and VRs - 2,994,000 Km Transportation recognized as a driver for achieving high growth rate of GDP targeted at 6~8% Transportation system is however facing capacity constraints . Major share of NHs and SHs are single lane. Village connectivity inadequate.

  5. Rural Connectivity • According to a study,165 people can be brought above poverty line with Rs 10 lacs (US $ 22,000) investment in rural roads • Estimates in 2001 – 40 % villages do not have an all-weather road • Asset value of Village roads estimated as Rs 100,000 crore (US $ 22 Billion) • Construction of new roads and maintenance of assets are both major concerns

  6. Central intervention in State Sector • ‘Rural Roads’ is allocated to State Govts as a Subject under the Indian Constitution • Rural Roads are funded by State Govts out of their own resources or out of General Fund transfers from Central to State Govts • Central Intervention justified because of impact of rural roads in reducing rural poverty.

  7. Linkage between Poverty & Unconnectivity(Poorer / more unconnected ranks lower)

  8. PMGSY Scope • Launched on 25th December, 2000: objective of connecting unconnected Habitations of:- • 500+ population by 2007 • 250+ population for Hill & North East States, Desert and Tribal Areas. • Total Investment : USD 26 billion • Eligible Habitations : 170,000 • New road construction : 369,000 km • Upgradation / renewal : 368,000 km

  9. PMGSY Funding Strategy • PMGSY funding is from a Cess on HS Diesel imposed by the Central Govt through Legislation (Central Road Fund Act, 2000) which yields USD 500 million to USD 750 million annually for PMGSY • ADB and World Bank funds being sourced ($1.2 billion tied up for next 4-5 years) • Strategy also being worked out to leverage the Cess (being perpetual revenue source) and borrow from Domestic Capital Market

  10. Institutional Arrangements • NRRDA at Central level gives technical and management guidance • SRRDA constituted at State level, with CEO, Financial Controller, SQC, IT Officer, Empowered Officer • PIU at District level • Programme funds placed in SRRDA account and operated by PIUs • Online Management & Monitoring and Accounting: www.pmgsyonline.nic.in

  11. PMGSY Features • Core Network of existing and proposed roads at Block/District level after detailed survey. • Core Network identifies road links required for eligible habs. to ensure farm-to-mkt all-weather connectivity • Basic Connectivity being provided to about: • 60,000 habs with pop. of 1000+, • 81,000 habs with pop. of 500+; and • 29,000 habs with pop. of 250+ • Associated Through Routes of new links will be taken up to ensure all-weather Farm-to-Market connectivity. Road Condition to determine nature of investment: upgradation / renewal / maintenance

  12. Selection of Roads under PMGSY

  13. Habitations and Length of Roads under PMGSY* *As per Core Network Survey

  14. Community Participation • As per 73rd Amendment Act 1992,Constitution provides for role for local elected bodies (Panchayats) in developmental activities including roads. • District Panchayat approves Core Network • Dist. Panchayats approves selection of roads out of Core Network for annual proposals • Village Panchayat participates in Transect Walk to finalise road alignment • Panchayats being involved in Road Safety and Maintenance activities..role still evolving as 12th Finance Commission has recommended huge Block Grants to Panchayats

  15. Technical Standards • Indian Roads Congress(IRC) is Standards setting agency for roads • Technical Standards as per IRC’s Book of Specifications and Rural Road Manual. (IRC SP-20:2002) • DPRs checked by independent State Technical Agencies ( IITs, RECs etc) • Crust Design based on traffic and CBR. WBM base course and PMC as surface course for sealed roads • For links to habitations below 1000+, unsealed roads if possible • For links to habitations below 500+, 3.0m carriageway instead of 3.75 m • All necessary provisions for drainage including CDs. • CC Pavement with open side drains in village portion.

  16. Construction of a Rural Road Under PMGSY Earth Work: Compaction Madhya PradeshShivpuri Pohri Road to AB Road, Length 36.12 Km, Cost 596.16 Lakhs, Phase 2

  17. BASE COURSE Tamil Nadu, Dist: Coimbatore Metal is collected and tested. Spread in camber with templates. Dry rolled and then Wet Rolled. Tamil Nadu Dist: Coimbatore Chinapallayam Road, 2 km. Cost: Rs. 28 lakhs. Phase 1. Madhya Pradesh Dist: Gwalior Simaria Road to Chait, 8 km. Cost: Rs. 149.29 lakhs. Phase 2.

  18. BITUMINOUS SURFACING Granular Surface is Primed West Bengal, Dist: N- 24 Pargana. Taki Road to Jassore Road (NH35) 7.5 Km., Cost:253.00 Lakh Hot-mix material (Manual or Plant Mixed) is systematically laid and rolled. Tamil Nadu. Alampadi Ivanur Road

  19. Quality Management • Quality Control as per QC Handbook • QC Registers for every work maintained by Contractor and PIU • Three tier Quality Control Mechanism • Quality Control by first tier at PIU level • Quality supervision by Second tier Monitoring under State Quality Coordinator (SQC) • Quality Auditby Third tier of Quality mechanism; Independent National Quality Monitors (NQMs) • NQMs deputed by NRRDA to report on Institutional, Contract and Quality issues

  20. On-line management • Web-based S/W.Data entry by PIUs • Data on road inventory, proposals, tendering, execution,accounts all inputted at source • Processed outputs available for use in PIU,SRRDA,NRRDA. • Maintenance planning application as soon as PCI data inputted • Fully transparent,fully drillable to basic data,i.e. ‘road’ or ‘habitation’ • GIS being built on database • Visit us at www.pmgsyonline.nic.in

  21. Maintenance Planning • Maintenance is State(and Panchayat) responsibility • 5-year post construction routine maintenance included in Contract for PMGSY works • A second round of 5-year zonal maintenance for rural Through Routes included in PMGSY Guidelines • Network maintenance policy still evolving. Guidelines issued to States to prioritise maintenance fund budgeting based on traffic and PCI.

  22. Impact Assessment of PMGSY Assessment by independent agencies for 9 States (based on perception of respondents) reveals the following: • Higher use of motorised equipment like tractors in agriculture on the one hand and diversification of cropping pattern through easier availability of inputs and access to markets • Easier access to raw-materials and commercial vehicles has benefited existing local industries • Market for home-made products like pickles, etc., in neighbouring towns has increased and both on-farm and off-farm employment opportunities have improved

  23. Impact Assessment of PMGSY- (contd) • Improvement in health services:ante-natal care institutional delivery and post-natal care • Increased enrolment in schools particularly of girls, and more regular attendance of teachers • More frequent visits of Government officials and grass-roots level functionaries • Social network area has increased including radius of marriage alliance • Increased use of consumer durables like, television, electrical gadgets, etc., has been noticed

  24. Bharat Nirman • Bharat Nirman or Build India announced by President and detailed by FM in Parliament’s Budget Session in Feb, 2005 • Bharat Nirman aimed at building rural infrastructure including roads, electrification, potable water, e-connectivity,housing • PMGSY Programme Rephased to achieve Bharat Nirman targets by 2009-10 of connecting 1000+ habitations(500+in hills,desert and tribal areas) • Phase II consists of balance PMGSY target to connect habs of 500+ population in remaining States and 250+ in Hill States, Tribal and Desert Areas.

  25. PMGSY (2000-05) * Roadworks for both years were cleared together ** Upto March, 2005 # Upto April 2005 *** Arrears of diesel cess not yet released

  26. Bharat Nirman Funding(Rs. in crore) * Includes Rs. 12611 crore for proposals prior to 2004-05

  27. Issues • DPR preparation, Supervision and Quality Control, HRD etc. being partially outsourced. Quality-cum-cost based Consultants procurement now institutionalised in PMGSY. • All systems and policies are in place due to 4 years of operation and scaleup done from $0.5b to almost $1b annually. Scaling up from $1b to $2b per annum is the next step, subject to meeting funding gap • Additional loans from ADB/WB planned • Additional Funding being accessed through creation of SPV to leverage Cess funds.Legal issues arising from federal structure being addressed.

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