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NOBEL Technical Audit WP3 Objectives & Achievements February xx, 2005

NOBEL Technical Audit WP3 Objectives & Achievements February xx, 2005. Workpackage 3 Advanced Burst/Packet Switching. Gert Eilenberger. WP3 Objectives.

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NOBEL Technical Audit WP3 Objectives & Achievements February xx, 2005

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  1. NOBEL Technical AuditWP3 Objectives & AchievementsFebruary xx, 2005 Workpackage 3 Advanced Burst/Packet Switching Gert Eilenberger

  2. WP3 Objectives • Develop optical burst/packet switching techniques for high throughput core networks (e.g. terabit routers) and flexible, effective metro networks adopting data centric protocols (e.g. GEth) • Allow for evolution from wavelength (circuit) switched to burst/packet switched optical networks: exploit improved statistical multiplexing for lower overall port numbers to achieve lower cost. • Define network and node architectures to cope with data traffic profiles evolution (connectionless, bursty traffic, link to traffic characterization activities in WP1) and traffic volume increase (>10 Tbit/s per node) • Exploit transparent opt. wavelength/burst/packet switching to reduce O/E/O conversions and other el. hardware for reduced overall cost (link to WP5 for feasibility of burst/packet compatible transmission)

  3. WP3 Objectives • Optimal balance between optical and electronic technologies in terms of performance and cost (links to WP7, 8) • Requirements and specifications for CP extensions specific to burst/packet techniques (link to WP4) • Novel network management functions adapted for optical burst/packet networks to provide configuration and fault management functions (in particular performance monitoring, protection and restoration). • QoS support in opt. burst/packet layer (reservation, allocation, signalling, signal regeneration etc.) • Elaborate possible extensions and/or evolution of standards

  4. WP3 Partners Contributing partners (total manpower for 2 years): • Telecom Italia Lab 22 MM • Alcatel SEL AG (WP3 coordinator) 24 MM • Alcatel CIT 24 MM • Lucent Nederland BV 6 MM • Marconi ONDATA 2 MM • Siemens 24 MM • Telefonica 5 MM • FhG-HHI 32 MM • IMEC 12 MM • UCL 18 MM • IKR - University of Stuttgart 10 MM • UPC 41 MM • (NTUA) 8.3 MM • TOTAL 228.3 MM

  5. WP3 Points of Strength 2004 • Definition of requirements and traffic profiles for burst/packet networks and nodes • First concepts on Control Plane architectures and functions specific for burst/packet networks • First solutions for burst, packet and hybrid network architectures • Requirements and assessment of technologies for optical and opto-electronic burst/packet switching solutions • D4 and D16 (due in Feb 05) give preliminary results on • Definition of advanced burst/packet and hybrid circuit/burst/packet network and node architectures to cope with the evolution trends towards data centric networks

  6. Headlines and Key Messages • Motivation for burst/packet switching in transport networks • Convergence layer for TDM and IP required • Targeted network architectures (issues in core and metro) • Core: Convergent networks for TDM and IP • Metro: Packet (Eth) dominated solutions • Technologies (optics vs. electronics): • all-optical solutions not mature yet • OBS/OPS network scenarios and solutions: • G.709 FS, WR-OBS, Buffer limited packet network, Data Plane, CP issues, TCP over OBS • Hybrid circuit/burst/packet network scenarios and solutions • ORION, APSON, G.709 FS

  7. Insert your contribution here

  8. WP3 Interaction with other WPs • WP1: Provide inputs on burst/packet network scenarios and layering aspects to the NOBEL network vision. • WP2: Exchange info on Routing Management for burst/packet networks. • WP4: CP requirements/concepts to provide QoS in the new L2 burst/packet transport service. • WP6: Harmonization of burst/packet network and node architectures to be implemented by WP6. • WP7: Exchange of technology requirements and specifications for burst/packet nodes

  9. WP3 Outlook for 2005 • Extension of preliminary results • Achieve a clear view on future advanced burst/packet network architectures • Roadmaps and evolution scenarios for their introduction • specify functional solutions in data, control and management plane (in particular for end-to-end QoS in burst/packet networks), • assess the underlying technologies for their potential implementation. • Contribute and impact future directions in standardisation activities on burst/packet networks from the viewpoint of a European network vision.

  10. OLD slides To remember

  11. WP3: Advanced Packet/Burst Switching Activities • A3.1 Optical core & metro burst/packet network & node architecture & evolution • A3.2 Optimal balance of opt. and el. technologies (transparency vs. O/E/O) • A3.3 Novel control & management functions for optical burst/packet networks • A3.4 QoS in optical burst/packet layer (reservation, allocation, signalling, regeneration) • A3.5 Contribution to possible extensions and/or evolution of standards

  12. WP3: Advanced Packet/Burst Switching Deliverables • D4: “Requirements for burst/packet networks in core and metro supporting high quality broadband services over IP” (M4) • D16: “Preliminary definition of burst/packet network and node architectures and solutions” (M14) • D23: “Definition of hybrid opto-electronic burst/packet switching node structures and related management functions” (M20) • D16: “Preliminary report on feasibility studies on opto-electronic burst/packet switching nodes” (M24)

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