starter activity Your teacher will give you some information about the history of medicine. There are 12 facts to learn by the end of this session. On each slip of paper is a question and an answer. Go up to someone in the class and ask them your question. If they don’t know the answer tell them. They will do the same. When you have finished swap papers and repeat this process with someone else. By the end you should know the answers to all 12 facts.
What will I be studying this year? Aims To find out what I will be studying for GCSE History To define key words used during the course & create a glossary To create a timeline of events, ideas and individuals
Your task What will I need to do to be successful at GCSE history? Make a list of ideas, share your ideas with your partner and add any new suggestions to your list. I will ask you how many of these things you have done throughout the course!
Possible answers • Keep well-organised notes • Develop systems for memorising key facts (dates, names, events etc.) • Watch TV (History Channel, UK History etc.) • Use the departmental website (www.studyhistory.co.uk) • Visit museums (Imperial War Museum, Science Museum) • Meet homework deadlines
How will I be examined? • Study in development: medicine and public Health through time (37.5%) • Enquiry in depth (37.5%) • 2 coursework assignments: modern world study (Northern Ireland); History around us (Ightham Mote) (25%)
How will medicine through time be examined? • Written paper • 1 ¾ hours • Section A – 1 compulsory source-based question on developments in medicine (2010, change from supernatural to natural approaches to disease in Ancient World and its impact on medicine before 1700 AD) • Section B – 1 question from choice of two on medicine through time • Section C – 1 question from choice of 2 on public health
Your task • Look at the example of a past paper. With your partner write some tips for fellow students on how to ensure exam success with this paper.
Hints on exam success • Read rubric carefully • Read the questions carefully • Look at the marks available for each question • Use the source labels to help you • Support your ideas with detail factual evidence • Structure your revision – ‘If you fail to plan, your planning to fail’
Your task It is important you keep a glossary of keywords that you come across during the course. Your teacher will give you a pile of key words. Try to match them against a definition. Create a glossary page in your notes and copy down the key words.
Homework The study in development requires you to have a firm grasp of when key events happened in a the correct chronological order. Your teacher will give you a copy of a timeline. Place the periods and dates on the timeline and then find out when the following events happened, ideas were popular or individuals lived. Write a brief description on your timeline.
Events, individual & ideas • Theory of 4 humours • Hippocrates • Galen • Black Death • Andreas Vesalius • William Harvey • The Great Plague • Edward Jenner’s ‘Casebook’ • Florence Nightingale • Public Health Act • Discovery of penicillin • Introduction of NHS • 1st heart transplant