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Post Modernist’s. The Postmodern era started in the 1950’s Writers attempt to blend literary styles There is a break from traditional forms of writing. Postmodernism. Do you recognise these books?. Significant Writers. Is it too soon to know which writers will be read in 500 years time
The Postmodern era started in the 1950’s Writers attempt to blend literary styles There is a break from traditional forms of writing Postmodernism
Do you recognise these books? Significant Writers
Is it too soon to know which writers will be read in 500 years time Can we assume Duffy will? Can we assume Pollard will not? The Literary Cannon
Past events like the WW1 + WW2 Current issues like Globalisation, Energy issues and climate change Shown in Pollards poems Bangkok and U.S.A. Major events
“rack up fake t-shirts” “Younger than your youngest daughter” “Burgers were sold on every SUV- choked corner”
Language related to Postmodernists They looked at human nature and what being human entails Language distinguishes us from animals It opposes: Christianity, Natural Sciences and past Philosophers Why?
Art’s role in Postmodernism This is an example of Postmodern art by Marcel Duchamp he named it the fountainin 1917. Replicas came around in the 1960s. What is art? At what point can a toilet go from being 'just a toilet' to 'art'? Let me give you my definition of art: Art is whatever someone consciously calls, ‘art' . That's it. That is the definition in total. For example, if I cupped my hands together and held nothing but said what I held in my hands was ‘art', than this is art. Now, before you think I am nuts, let me make one point of distinction. It is at this point than we can critique the artist and determine the value of the art created. This critique is far more important than calling the work art or not. This piece of art shows Since the photograph taken by Stieglitz is the only image of the original sculpture, there are some interpretations of "Fountain" by looking not only at reproductions but this particular photograph. Tomkins notes that "it does not take much stretching of the imagination to see in the upside-down urinal's gently flowing curves the veiled head of a classic Renaissance madonna or a seated Buddha.
Art has become apparent to many that the worldview fostered through Modernism (and by the Western humanist tradition) is flawed, corrupt, and oppressive. Both recent events (i.e. since the World War Two), and the perception of those events, has given rise to the notion that Modernism has played itself out and is now floundering and directionless. If Modernism is at an end, we are now facing a new period. The name given this new period is Postmodernism. The term postmodernism is used in a confusing variety of ways. For some it means anti-modern; for others it means the revision of modernist premises. Constructive postmodernism: does not reject Modernism, but seeks to revise its premises and traditional concepts. Like deconstructive postmodernism, it attempts to erase all boundaries, to undermine legitimacy, and to dislodge the logic of the modernist state. Constructive postmodernism claims to offer a new unity of scientific, ethical, aesthetic, and religious intuitions. Deconstructive postmodernism: destroy or eliminate the ingredients that are believed necessary for a worldview, such as God, self, purpose, meaning, a real world, and truth. Art through divine intervention? Or not
It could be argued that several forms of art have been "post-modern" since the First World War. If the mass slaughter of the Great War, achieved through the advances made in science and technology, was the result of the modernist commitment to "progress," then one might begin question the value of the modernist enterprise.
All the following have different approaches to postmodern art and art from generation to generation, however, Rosalind has been inspired by her readings of French structuralist and post-structuralistmaterials.
http://www.flashcardmachine.com/literary-timeline-praxis.htmlhttp://www.flashcardmachine.com/literary-timeline-praxis.html Google Images http://shroudedindoubt.typepad.com/bag_of_worms_yet_words/2004/08/postmodernism_a.html http://www.wwnorton.com/college/english/pmafim/timeline.htm http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41433FY2JCL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU02_.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rosalind-Krauss-American-Philosophical-Criticism/dp/0275975207&usg=__C3UskWbwmvUg0U4cZliXt-zakiQ=&h=300&w=300&sz=14&hl=en&start=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=ERZKiF0ZKVQu0M:&tbnh=116&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3DRosalind%2BKrauss%2Band%2BAmerican%2Bphilosophical%2Bart%2Bcriticism%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1 Bibliography