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Williams Prep High School @DuSable 4934 South Wabash ● Chicago, Illinois 60615 ● PHONE (773) 535-1120 ● FAX (773) 535-1004 Ms. Diann N. Weston Principal Williams Prep: The Pipeline for the College Bound! Welcome to Classical Latin. 2013-2014. Communication.

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  1. Williams Prep High School @DuSable4934 South Wabash ● Chicago, Illinois 60615 ● PHONE (773) 535-1120 ● FAX (773) 535-1004Ms. Diann N. Weston PrincipalWilliams Prep: The Pipeline for the College Bound!Welcome to Classical Latin 2013-2014

  2. Communication • Instructor: Georgeta Popescu Williams Prep High School @ DuSable Campus • Contact me at: Phone: 773.535.1120 http:// www. dhwprepmed.org

  3. What is Classical Latin ? • Language spoken by Romans • Still spoken in churches&universities • Used in many professions today

  4. What will we be studying? • Roman culture • Roman Art • Daily Life • Famous Romans • Much more! • Mythology: Roman Gods and Goddesses • Grammar • Vocabulary • History of Rome

  5. Benefits of Classical Latin • Acceptance into Good Colleges • Sensitivity to Cultures • Bigger English Vocabulary • Basis for the Study of Many Modern Languages

  6. Classical Latin is the root of many languages. • Romance languages: -French - Spanish - Italian -Romanian - Portuguese

  7. Benefits of Classical Latin • Background for Medical and Legal Professions. • Sense of History • Development of Reasoning and Critical Thinking Skills • Higher Test Scores

  8. Word Power Every time you learn one Latin word it explodes into many English words. Latin UNUS( One) English words: unit, unify, unification, unicorn unique, unison, university.

  9. 5 R’s for Success • Rigor < Lat. Rigor • Relevance <Lat. Relevare • Relationship <Lat. Relatio • Reflection < Lat. Reflectare • Recognition <Lat. Recognitio

  10. Latin Abbreviations • A.M. ante meridiem • P.M. post meridiem • Etc. Et cetera • vs. Versus • N.B. Nota Bene • P.S Post scriptum

  11. Latin Prepositions= English Prefixes • Sub • Super • Trans • Ex • Inter • Intra • Per

  12. Latin Words in English • Senator • Area • Alumni • Media • Index • Memorandum • Antenna • Consensus • Stimulus • Campus • Formula, etc.

  13. E Pluribus Unum • WHY IS IT AN APPROPRIATE MOTTO FOR THE UNITED STATES? • The U.S. is one nation consisting of many different states. • The U.S. is one nation made up of many different racial, ethnic, and religious groups. • Our federal government is largely patterned on that of the Roman Republic.


  15. Classical Latin Grading Components • Class participation – 30 % • Assignments/ Homework - 30% • Assessments/ Tests/ Projects - 20% • Quizzes - 10% • Exam -10%

  16. Will I have to speak Latin? • Ita vero – Yes • Repetitio est mater studiorum ( Repetition is mother of learning)

  17. Q&A • Will I have homework? YES. • Do you accept late work? YES/NO • What if I don’t do my homework? What are you thinking?

  18. Let the Games begin!

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