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Client/server. About this show. This ppt has two parts. The first part provides a brief introduction to client/server programming in java using streams and sockets. Part two provides a basis for project 1 if you decide to complete a board game or game of dominoes.
About this show • This ppt has two parts. • The first part provides a brief introduction to client/server programming in java using streams and sockets. • Part two provides a basis for project 1 if you decide to complete a board game or game of dominoes. • You can use this ppt as a tutorial: copy the files, compile them and run them as you go through it.
The simple Client/Server Connection: The Server 5 steps to building the server • Create a ServerSocket object registers an available TCP/IP port and a maximum queue length : ServerSocket server=new ServerSocket(port#,queuelen);//* This is called the handshake point. If the queue is full the connection is refused. The process is known as “binding a server to a port”. Only one application at a time can be bound to a particular port. *Note that most machines running on campus networks are allocated IPs on the network each time they access the network. Ie., they do not have fixed IP addresses.
Simple Server continued: Step 2 2. The server listens, or “blocks” for a client connection: Socket connection =server.accept(); The socket connection makes possible interaction with the client via I/O streams. The server interacts with a client at a different port than the handshake point, which makes possible multi-threaded servers (ie.,after connection is established, the server can spawn a thread to process this client and go on listening for another.
Simple Server continued: Step 3 3. The server gets I/O connections associated with the client socket. I/O across the connection is not really much different than other java i/o. ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(connection.getInputStream()); ObjectOutputStream output = new ObjectOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream()); The server’s output stream is the client’s input stream, and visa versa.
Simple Server continued 4. Process the connection – this phase is application-specific and might involve a single message being sent, complicated objects being exchanged, a loop, whatever. 5. Close the connection by invoking close() method on the streams.
Simple Client/Server Connection: The Client 4 steps to building the client: 1. Establish a connection to the server: Socket connection =new Socket(serverIP,port#); A connection is returned if this step is successful, otherwise an IOException is thrown. Notice, the client needs to know where the server is (the server’s IP) while the server doesn’t know in advance the client’s address.
Simple Client continued: Step 2 3. The client gets I/O connections associated with the socket. ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(connection.getInputStream()); ObjectOutputStream output = new ObjectOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream()); Other stream types can be used to wrap around these for manipulation different object types. Any serializable object can be passed via the IO connection.
Simple Client continued 3. Processing phase 4. Close the connection by invoking close() method on the streams. This is application specific- the client needs to know when the server is done so as to avoid an IOException (EOFException) trying to read past EOF mark.
server code (in slide notes) • http://employees.oneonta.edu/higgindm/internet programming/Server.html
Client code • http://employees.oneonta.edu/higgindm/internet%20programming/Client.html
ServerTest app: • http://employees.oneonta.edu/higgindm/internet%20programming/ServerTest.html import javax.swing.JFrame; public class ServerTest { public static void main( String args[] ) { Server application = new Server(); // create server application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); application.runServer(); // run server application } // end main } // end class ServerTest
Clienttest.java app feeds a url:http://employees.oneonta.edu/higgindm/internet%20programming/ClientTest.html import javax.swing.JFrame; public class ClientTest { public static void main( String args[] ) { Client application; // declare client application // if no command line args if ( args.length == 0 ) application = new Client( "" ); // connect to localhost else application = new Client( args[ 0 ] ); // use args to connect application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); application.runClient(); // run client application } // end main }
Compile and run • Compile 4 java files. Run ServerTest, then ClientTest • Exercise: modify clienttest code so a url is entered on the command line. • Run the client and server on different machines • Hint: You can use c:\ipconfig \all to show a machine’s ip, if you can get to the command prompt • Loop back URL is
Threaded client/server…basis for a dominoes or board game project • We start by providing some background on classes and techniques used in this application. • LockSwingUtilities.invokeLater() • Scanner • Executor for threads • Synchronization using Locks
Scanner • Scanner is “replacing” StringTokenizer. It is similar, versatile and easy to use. • Deitel pg 59 has an example. import java.util.Scanner; … Scanner input=new Scanner(System.in); int x; x=input.nextInt();
SwingUtilities.invokeLater() • Having multiple threads manipulate GUI content may not give expected results. Better to have the event-dispatching thread queue requests to display answers, change colors, and so on, and handle them in order. Here is a method to do it: SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable(){ public void run(){ …thread does stuff to GUI }});
Executor service for running threads • Recommended thread construction in jdk1.5 is public class mythread extends Runnable{ public void run(){ //loop or whatever try{ Thread.sleep(sometime); …the rest of it }catch(InterruptedException e){…} } …}
Executor service for running threads • Executor Service example Deitel’s text pg 1059 import java.util.concurrent.*; Thread a= new Thread(…); Thread b= new Thread(…); ExecutorService threadEx=Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); /*or new CachedThreadPool(); to keep allocating new threads*/ threadEx.execute(a); threadEx.execute(b); … theadEx.shutdown();
Executor service for running threads • Runnables are managed and executed by a class that implements Executor interface. • An executor manages a thread pool. • This uses execute() method to run them and shutdown() to close threads. • Executor assigns each Runnable object to a thread in the pool. If there are none it may make a new thread if it has a CachedThreadPool or queue the runnable for the next available thread as in the fixed thread pool.
Synchronization using Lock • Example in Deitel text pg 1071 • This is fairly similar to providing synchronized methods. • import java.util.concurrent.locks.*
Synchronization using Lock import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; public class SynchronizedBuffer implements Buffer { // Lock to control synchronization with this buffer private Lock accessLock = new ReentrantLock(); // conditions to control reading and writing private Condition canWrite = accessLock.newCondition(); private Condition canRead = accessLock.newCondition(); private int buffer = -1; // shared by producer and consumer threads private boolean occupied = false;
Synchronization using Lock: set public void set( int value ) { accessLock.lock(); // lock this object try { while ( occupied ) { System.out.println( "Producer tries to write." ); displayState( "Buffer full. Producer waits." ); canWrite.await();// wait until buffer is empty } // end while buffer = value; // set new buffer value // producer cannot store new value until consumer retrieves current value occupied = true; displayState( "Producer writes " + buffer ); // signal thread waiting to read from buffer canRead.signal(); } // end try catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { exception.printStackTrace(); } // end catch finally { accessLock.unlock(); // unlock this object } // end finally } // end method set
Synchronization using Lock: get public int get() { int readValue = 0; // initialize value read from buffer accessLock.lock(); // lock this object // output thread information and buffer information, then wait try { // while no data to read, place thread in waiting state while ( !occupied ) { System.out.println( "Consumer tries to read." ); displayState( "Buffer empty. Consumer waits." ); canRead.await(); // wait until buffer is full } // end while // indicate that producer can store another value // because consumer just retrieved buffer value occupied = false; readValue = buffer; // retrieve value from buffer displayState( "Consumer reads " + readValue ); // signal thread waiting for buffer to be empty canWrite.signal(); } // end try // if waiting thread interrupted, print stack trace catch ( InterruptedException exception ) { exception.printStackTrace(); } // end catch finally { accessLock.unlock(); // unlock this object } // end finally return readValue; } // end method get // display current operation and buffer state } // end class SynchronizedBuffer
Threaded client/server code links below and in slide notes • http://employees.oneonta.edu/higgindm/internet%20programming/TicTacToeServerTest.html • http://employees.oneonta.edu/higgindm/internet%20programming/TicTacToeServer.html • http://employees.oneonta.edu/higgindm/internet%20programming/TicTacToeClient.html • http://employees.oneonta.edu/higgindm/internet%20programming/TicTacToeClientTest.html
TicTacToeServer • In slide notes
TicTacToe client • In ppt notes
Compile & run • Compile the 4 files. Run TicTacToeServerTest first. You need to run 2 clients (players). • A window opens for the server and a board appears for each client.
Exercises • Modify the client to connect to a server on another machine. • “Fix” the server so it can tell when the game ends.
Exercises For Token-Ring • Remove the tictactoe game part of the TicTacToeServer and further modify it so it accepts many client connections. Make analogous modifications to the TicTactoeClient. This might be the basis for a RingManager. • Build a Node “thing” with both server and client “parts”. Use “localhost” and provide each with their port using JOptionPane, TextField or commandline. This might be the basis for the ring node class.