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FHWA Status Report - AASHTOWare Bridge Design/Rating User Group Meeting Virginia Beach, VA August 6-7, 2013

FHWA Status Report - AASHTOWare Bridge Design/Rating User Group Meeting Virginia Beach, VA August 6-7, 2013. Thomas Saad, P.E. Senior Structural Engineer Federal Highway Administration Phone: (708)283-3521. Outline. Design and Analysis Tools LRFR Implementation Webinars

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FHWA Status Report - AASHTOWare Bridge Design/Rating User Group Meeting Virginia Beach, VA August 6-7, 2013

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  1. FHWA Status Report -AASHTOWare Bridge Design/Rating User Group MeetingVirginia Beach, VAAugust 6-7, 2013 Thomas Saad, P.E. Senior Structural Engineer Federal Highway Administration Phone: (708)283-3521

  2. Outline • Design and Analysis Tools • LRFR Implementation Webinars • New FHWA Design Manuals and Design Examples • Design and Analysis Training • Research • Long-Term Bridge Performance Program (LTBPP) • Policy and Regulatory Issues • NBIS Update • NBI Coding Guide Update • NTIS • Etc…

  3. Topic No. 1: Implementation of the Load and Resistance Factor Rating Method, October 5, 2011 Topic No. 2: LRFD/LRFR Design and Load Rating of Culverts, November 17, 2011 Topic No. 3: LRFR Load Rating of Segmental Concrete Bridges, January 19, 2012 Topic No. 4: State-Specific LRFR Load Rating Guidelines, April 19, 2012 FHWA LRFR Webinar Series

  4. Topic No. 5: Application of Load Testing in Bridge Load Rating (1), September 20, 2012 Topic No. 6: Application of Load Testing in Bridge Load Rating (2), December 6, 2012 Topic No. 7: Application of Computer Software in Bridge Load Rating (1), February 28, 2013 Topic No. 8: Application of Computer Software in Bridge Load Rating (2), April 25, 2013 FHWA LRFR Webinar Series Recordings: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/lrfd/

  5. LRFR Webinar No. 9: Load Rating of Steel Truss Bridges (1) • September 12, 1:00 – 3:30 pm EDT • Focus on evaluation of gusset plates • New gusset design/analysis provisions • Gusset plate load rating methods case study • Evaluating deteriorated gusset plates • Lubin.gao@dot.gov

  6. Other FHWA Design and Analysis Toolswww.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge • Steel Bridge Design Handbook – Available • Fatigue Repair and Retrofit Manual - Available • Refined Analysis Manual – early 2014 • PT Box Girder Design Manual – early 2014 • FHWA PT Installation and Grouting Manual – release expected very soon • Manual on Engineering Stability in Construction of Bridge Superstructures – early 2014

  7. FHWA/NHI Bridge Design and Analysis Courses (www.nhi.fhwa.dot.gov) • NHI Course 130081: LRFD for Bridge Superstructures • NHI Course 132082: LRFD for Bridge Substructures and ERS • NHI Course 130092: LRFR for Highway Bridges • NHI Course 130093: LRFD Seismic Analysis and Design of Bridges • NHI Course 130094: LRFD Seismic Analysis and Design of Tunnels, Walls and other Geotechnical Features • NHI Course 130095: LRFD: Design and Analysis of Skewed and Horizontally Curved Steel Bridges

  8. FHWA Seismic Retrofit Seminar • 1 ½ day seminar (9 PDH) • Overview of FHWA Seismic Retrofit Manual • Develop design response spectrum identically to current LRFD • Delivered in IN, IL, NY, NJ, GA, MA, TN, UT • Thomas.saad@dot.gov

  9. Zone 1-SDC “A” Zone 2-SDC “B” Zone 3-SDC “C” Zone 4-SDC “D” Seismic Design Category (zone)(500 year Return Period)

  10. Zone 1-SDC “A” Zone 2-SDC “B” Zone 3-SDC “C” Zone 4-SDC “D” Seismic Design Category (zone)(1000 Year Return Period) SITE CLASS “B”

  11. Zone 1-SDC “A” Zone 2-SDC “B” Zone 3-SDC “C” Zone 4-SDC “D” Seismic Design Category (zone)(1000 Year Return Period) SITE CLASS “D”

  12. Zone 1-SDC “A” Zone 2-SDC “B” Zone 3-SDC “C” Zone 4-SDC “D” Seismic Design Category (zone)(1000 Year Return Period) SITE CLASS “E”

  13. Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) Program • Definition of Bridge Performance: Bridge Performance Encompasses How Bridges Function and Behave Under the Complex and Interrelated Factors they are Subjected to Daily: • Method of Design • Construction • Materials • Age • Maintenance History • Traffic Volumes • Loads • De-Icing Chemicals • Freeze-Thaw Cycles • Environment • Extreme Events

  14. Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) Program • Vision:The LTBP Program will Serve as the National Platform for Strategic Long-Term Investigation of In-Service Bridge Performance. • Mission:Foster Improved Bridge Performance, Health, Stewardship, and Management Through the Analysis of Data Collected Over a 20-Year Period on a Large Representative Sample of U.S. Highway Bridges. To achieve this, the Program is Designed to Produce and Support Improved Deterioration Models, Reliable Life-Cycle Cost and Forecasting Models, Design Procedures, and Decision-Making Tools.

  15. Virginia Bridge Testing Coring USW Impact Echo GPR Electrical Resistivity

  16. Initial East Coast N/S Bridge Corridor

  17. Long Term Bridge Performance Program • “Robot” • Remote controlled • Cameras • GPS • 4 NDE technologies • Deployed on 24 bridges

  18. High-Resolution Imaging USW (Modulus) IE

  19. NBIS Compliance Update • Progress made nationally on 20 of 23 metrics • 1 metric stayed the same at 100% Satisfactory • 2 metrics re‐defined with no comparison available • Significant improvement in 5 metrics • 3 frequency, scour POAs, QC/QA

  20. NBIS Compliance Update • FHWA/AASHTO Task Force in 2011 • Some metrics revised for 2012 assessments • Remainder revised for current cycle • Issued latest version of metrics on 4/1/13 • May training for FHWA staff • Risk considerations, commentary, incorporated Q&As

  21. NBI Data Quality • Trends show results of significant efforts to reduce errors • Error = bad or missing data • > 60 Million pieces of data in NBI

  22. NBIS Video for Local Agencies • Central online library of videos and resources for local agencies • Each video addresses a single topic • condenses complex regulations and requirements of the Federal-aid Highway Program into easy-to-understand concepts and illustrated examples • Launched August 27, 2012 at the American Public Works Association (APWA) International Public Works Congress and Exposition

  23. National Tunnel Inspection Standards (NTIS) • SNPRM published in Federal Register • Comments due by September 30, 2013 • https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2013/07/30/2013-17875/national-tunnel-inspection-standards#h-4 • TOMIE Manual at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/ • National Tunnel Inventory and Coding Guide being developed

  24. Asset Management System Primer • MAP-21 requires AMS for NHS bridges and pavements • States document how they will do business • State must define performance measures for bridges and pavements • Penalties if performance not met • http://youtu.be/OGiJeUGI4kI

  25. NBIS Regulations Update • Mandated by MAP-21 • Methodology, training, and qualifications for inspectors • Frequency of inspections • Three years to complete (October 2015)

  26. NBIS UpdateRisk-based inspection intervals Is 24 months the right interval for both of these bridges?

  27. NBIS UpdateProcedure for National Certification of Inspectors

  28. NBIS UpdateProcedures for Reporting “Critical Findings” • Relate to structural or safety- related deficiencies of highway bridges • Monitoring activities and corrective actions taken in response to a critical finding

  29. Compliance Oversight and Penalty Procedures • MAP-21 mandates • Procedures for annual compliance reviews • Penalty for noncompliance with the NBIS • Establishes timeframes • States notified of noncompliance concerns by Dec 31st • 45 days to resolve or establish a PCA • Implement penalty if no PCA or resolution • Federal Register Notice being developed

  30. Thank you!

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