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Interfaces Between CCS trackside and other subsystems Joint sector research and validation for the specification of the electromagnetic compatibility. Sector involvement. Cross acceptance Working party Collection and classification of national rules
Interfaces Between CCS trackside and other subsystemsJoint sector research and validation for the specification of the electromagnetic compatibility
Sector involvement • Cross acceptance Working party • Collection and classification of national rules • CCS TSI editing including update of the “Interfaces Between CCS trackside and other subsystems” • Specification of target system • EMC Working Party • Contributing to the EMC target specification • Projects aiming in closing the EMC open points
Motivation of the sectorinvolvement • Requirements for the compatibility between vehicles and axle counters + track circuits for the authorisation of vehicles are currently an open point in the TSI CCS. • As a consequence national rules have to be followed today, in some cases national rules do not exist • The joint sector projects aim to • a reach broad European acceptance of the new limits • test specifications • provide the scientific input for the closure of open points related to the vehicle/train detection interface
Overview of EMC Project planning • 2010: partial validation of TS 50238-2 (vehicles and track circuits in the 15kV network) • 2011-?: validation of TS 50238-3 (vehicles and axle counters) • 2012-2014: closure of TSI CCS open points in FP7 4th call project proposal EUREMCO • 2013-2015: closure of TSI CCS open point “eddy current brake” – CTG project idea for FP7 5thcall
EMC phase 1 • TS 50238-2 establishes new vehicles emission limits and vehicle test methods for the compatibility with track circuits • funding provided by CER/EIM/UIC for the partial validation in the 15kV network • Tests have been carried out by DB, SBB and ÖBB with the support of Siemens • Test report expected by end of December 2010 • To be included in the CCS TSI at the next revision
EMC phase 2 • TS 50238-3 establishes new vehicles emission limits and vehicle test methods for the compatibility with axle counters • UIC applied for TEN-T co-funding for a joint validation campaign of 8 CER/EIM (UIC) members in all networks in 2011 • Expected outcome: • Validated list of practically relevant parameters • Susceptibility limits for axle counters missing so far • Validation of vehicle emission limits and vehicle test method of TS 50238-3 and proposal for improvements • Proposal for the quantification of other relevant parameters • Funding rejected – further strategy to be developed !!!
EMC phase 3 - EUREMCO • If positivelyapproved, EUREMCO will finalise the validation of the TS 50238-2 (track circuits) for DC 1,5kV, 3kV and AC 15kV/16,7Hz, 25kV/50Hz • Expectedoutcomes: • Set of test signals to test track circuits again transients • Clear definitions and specifications for the assessment of transients • Limits for the characteristic parameters of transients for both vehicles and power supply (sources) and track circuits (destination) • Clear understanding of the influence of the infrastructure on the conducted emissions of vehicles • Transfer function from test results within the same power supply system (for track circuits). • Requirements that rolling stocks will not disrupt track circuits on non-electrified lines
EUREMCO: EUropean Rail ElectroMagnetic COmpatibility • UNIFE appliedjointlywith 10 UNIFE/CER/EIM/UIC members for FP7 4th call co-fundingfor a projectin 2012-14 • Funding: €2,1m, Budget: €3,6m
Remaining open point:Eddy currentbrake • A CTG projectideawhich has been picked up by ERRAC in the « sectorwishlist » for the FP7 5th for a joint project of UNIFE/CER/EIM/UIC members in 2013-15 • Funding: open • Expectedoutcome: • Improve understanding of the interaction of the eddy current brake with the track and trackside signalling equipment • Identify critical thermal, mechanic and electromagnetic parameters and its related vehicle and trackside compatibility limits • Develop design, engineering and operational guidelines for new eddy current brakes and new trackside signalling equipment
Conclusion • Sectortarget – simplifiedvehicle autorisation through: • Harmonised EMC limits, both for signallingsusceptibility as well as for vehicleemissions • Harmonised test methodproving the vehicleconformitywith the specifiedlimits • Final goal – one assessement applicable for all networks compliantwith the INTERFACE document • Precondition: • Strongcooperation of all stakeholders: railwayundertakings, infrastructure managers as well as manufacturers (both of vehicles as well as of signalling)