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Forthcoming events in MICS3

Forthcoming events in MICS3. MICS3 Data Analysis and Report Writing Workshop. Data and report review process. To ensure: - Production and finalization of high quality data sets - Technical concurrence on data - Review of findings and provision of feedback The objectives are:

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Forthcoming events in MICS3

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  1. Forthcoming events in MICS3 MICS3 Data Analysis and Report Writing Workshop

  2. Data and report review process To ensure: - Production and finalization of high quality data sets - Technical concurrence on data - Review of findings and provision of feedback The objectives are: To agree on data and findings before the publication of the preliminary report To maximize the provision of technical support to countries

  3. Data and report review process Two parts: - Clean data and final tabulations (step 1-6) - Substantive review (step 7-9)

  4. Clean data and final tabulations Step 1: Once the data sets are cleaned, HQ runs programs to check data sets for consistency of numbers of cases, skip problems, structural problems Step 2: HQ produces and reviews the summary list of errors in the data, obtained from step 1 Step 3: HQ provides list of errors to the country team

  5. Clean data and final tabulations Step 4: The country team corrects data errors, if needed in CSPro files, re-runs export procedures, and if necessary, re-calculates sample weights and wealth index, appends these to the data sets, re-calculates data quality tables and tabulations, sends back to HQ

  6. Clean data and final tabulations Step 5: HQ re-runs data quality tables, tabulations and frequencies, using syntax developed at HQ Step 6: HQ compares tabulations produced at HQ (step 5) with tabulations produced by country (step 4), and reviews results of comparisons. HQ writes to country to resolve differences

  7. Substantive review Step 7: HQ/RO undertakes a substantive review of tables, particularly on the plausibility of the findings from the surveys. HQ/RO communicates with countries to discuss findings Step 8: Countries finalize preliminary reports based on template provided and send to HQ/RO for feedback Step 9: Country produces/publishes preliminary report

  8. Final report and 4th workshop All final tabulations will have been produced by the end of the review process leading to the preliminary report Countries to come to the 4th workshop with final reports, if possible, reviewed beforehand

  9. 4th workshop Final report / pending issues Archiving / IHSN MICS3 to DevInfo Dissemination – communication Further analysis 6 – 7 days Next year ?

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