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Outline. Introduction to PICDeveloping code for PICMPLAB IDEProject CreationUpdating Source CodeBuilding ProjectsProgramming the PICReferences: www.microchip.com. Introduction to PIC: Peripheral Interconnect Microcontrollers. Basically meant to develop and run ASM programsMore than One b
1. PIC Overview ELG4911 Raymond Peterkin
Edited by: Misbah Islam
2. Outline Introduction to PIC
Developing code for PIC
Project Creation
Updating Source Code
Building Projects
Programming the PIC
References: www.microchip.com
3. Introduction to PIC: Peripheral Interconnect Microcontrollers Basically meant to develop and run ASM programs
More than One billion 8bit processors have been sold
8 Bit Family PIC10, PIC12, PIC14, PIC16, PIC 18
< $20 , Memory 8K-256 K, 48 MHz, 6-100 Pins
PIC 18 Features:
9-Ports, 80 pins, Parallel I/O, PWM, 10bit ADC, USART, CAN, Timers
On chip memory 64KB,
External Off-chip 2 MB (EMI uses 38 pins)
16 Bit family
(ASM, C) PIC24, PIC32
4. ASM and C To run C you need cross compilers
MPLAB with Lite-C or MCC18 compilers need models PIC18 and over
With commercial systems, e.g. CCS and Hi-TECH you can compile C programs on all models
http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/51025e.pdf (pp.44)
Code Examples:
5. Developing Code for PIC, ASM example MPLAB IDE:
Free integrated development environment (IDE) from Microchip to implement code for PICs
Latest version 8.0 (recommended), In Lab 7.6
IDE and documentation (user guide) can be downloaded from the Microchip website
6. What are these? IDE: Integrated Development Environment
Software package that lets you assemble, compile, link, export and debug programs.
ICE: In Circuit Emulator:
Hardware that allows you to test the developed programs on non-real (emulated) hardware. To test ICE you need IDE
Is a piece of hardware, e.g. PICkit 2, PM3 that allow the export of executable .hex files (load) files to the PIC processor’s memory directly. It is driven by the IDE.
7. MPLAB IDE Projects A project must be created for implementation
Specify your device
Create and edit your files
Compile and link your project
Program the device
To create a project
Project?Project Wizard…
8. MPLAB IDE Project Creation (1/4)
9. MPLAB IDE Project Creation (2/4)
10. MPLAB IDE Project Creation (3/4)
11. MPLAB IDE Project Creation (4/4)
12. Updating Source Code Modify .asm files
Under ‘Source Files’ folder in project window
Open and edit files to implement new functionality
Additional files can be created and added
13. Building a Project Project?Build All (or Ctrl+F10)
Output window indicates success or failure
HEX file generated when project is built
Used to program the device
14. Programming the PICDirectly Downloading Hex files to the PIC Memory Used to transfer HEX file to the PIC and begin program execution
Two methods (HEX file must be generated)
Programmer?Select Programmer?PICKit2
Separate program
Start?All Programs?Microchip?PICkit 2 v2.11
15. Option a.Programming PIC with MPLAB IDE (1/3) Connect PIC to computer through PICkit2 Hardware
Select the PICkit 2 from the Programmer menu
Programmer?Select Programmer ?PICkit 2
16. Programming PIC with MPLAB IDE (2/3) New ‘PICkit’ 2 tab appears in the output window
New options appear in the Programmer menu and tool bar
17. Programming PIC with MPLAB IDE (3/3) Transfer HEX file to PIC
18. Option b. Programming PIC with PICkit 2 (1/2) Connect PIC to computer through PICkit2
Start PICkit2 programmer software
Start?Programs?Microchip?PICkit2 v 2.40
Device is listed
PIC is detected
19. Programming PIC with PICkit 2 (2/2) Import HEX file
File?Import Hex
Transfer HEX file to PIC
Click ‘Write’ button
Memory contents are updated with new program
20. References Microchip website
Main source of information with several documents
MPLAB IDE User’s Guide (under MPLAB IDE description)
Chapters 2 and 3 contain tutorials, page 44
Good Tutorial: p 45 summary
PICkit 2 Microcontroller Programmer User’s Guide
PIC data sheets