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Weather. By Kayla Gravette. Introduction. Subject: Weather Grade Level: Preschool/ Kindergarten Content Area: Science Educational Objectives: To be able to teach about the weather and be able to identify the types of weather and images associated with different types of weather.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Weather By Kayla Gravette

  2. Introduction • Subject: Weather • Grade Level: Preschool/ Kindergarten • Content Area: Science • Educational Objectives: To be able to teach about the weather and be able to identify the types of weather and images associated with different types of weather. • Directions: - Read through each slide with the children - When you read the quiz questions, read each question aloud to the children and allow them to answer as a group or by raising their hand. - To choose an answer, click on the image of your choice.

  3. What is the weather? • Weather is the word we use to describe how the sky looks and feels. • Can you name the types of weather in the picture?

  4. Weather • There is: • Sun • Cloudy • Snow • Partially Cloudy • Rain • Thunderstorms • What is your favorite?

  5. Weather • My favorite weather is thunderstorms because I like to see the flash of the lightning from outside my window and hear the rain on the roof of my house.

  6. Weather • My favorite part about thunderstorms is that something really pretty appears in the sky afterwards! Do you know what it is?

  7. Weather • It’s a rainbow!

  8. Weather • Our friend Teddy needs some help with the weather! Can you help him figure out what to wear?

  9. It’s hot, hot, hot in the sun, sun, sun! What should Teddy wear to play in the sun? Sun Glasses Heavy Coat Mittens Ear Muffs

  10. Oh Dear! Teddy can’t wear this item for this type of weather! Let’s try again!

  11. HOORAY! You’ve helped Teddy find what he needed to wear!

  12. It’s cold, cold, cold in the snow, snow, snow! What should Teddy wear to play in the snow? Umbrella Swim Suit Scarf Flippers

  13. Oh Dear! Teddy can’t wear this item for this type of weather! Let’s try again!

  14. HOORAY! You’ve helped Teddy find what he needed to wear!

  15. It’s wet, wet, wet in the rain, rain, rain! What should Teddy wear to play in the rain? Boots Sunglasses Ear Muffs Goggles

  16. Oh Dear! Teddy can’t wear this item for this type of weather! Let’s try again!

  17. HOORAY! You’ve helped Teddy find what he needed to wear!

  18. It’s dark, dark, dark at night, night, night! What should Teddy wear to go to bed at night? Swimsuit Pajamas Mittens Flippers

  19. Oh Dear! Teddy can’t wear this item for this type of weather! Let’s try again!

  20. HOORAY! You’ve helped Teddy find what he needed to wear!

  21. Weather We learned about the different types of weather and some of the things we use in weather. What is your favorite thing to wear?

  22. Resource List Sara. (2012, February 16). Weather Theme. Retrieved July 19, 2012, from Everything Preschool: http://everythingpreschool.com/themes/weather/more.htm

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