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Climate – the general weather patterns and conditions of a region over time .
Climate – the general weather patterns and conditions of a region over time
Weather – Whether the weather is hot whether the weather is cold, no matter the weather you must know the definition of weather , whether you like it or not!The present stateof atmosphere: the state of the atmosphere with regard to temperature, cloudiness, rainfall, wind, and other meteorological conditions
Temperate zone- • temperate zone- strips going around the earth that have warm summers, cold winters and moderate springs and falls. There are two zones. Northern and Southern Hemisphere: The strip going around the globe that goes from 23N (end of Tropic of Cancer) up to the Arctic Circle. Southern Hemisphere: The strip going around the globe that goes from 23S (end of Tropic of Capricorn) to the Antarctic area. • the part of the earth's surface lying between the tropic of Cancer andthe Arctic CircleintheNorthernHemisphereorbetweenthetropic of capricornandtheAntarcticCircleintheSouthernHemisphere,andcharacterizedbyhaving a climate that is warm in the summer, coldin the winter,andmoderate in the spring and fall
Arable • adjective that describes if an area is able to produce crops; suitable for farming;
tropical- very little climate change, usually hot and often humid. The Tropic of Cancer is the strip around the globe from the equator to 23N. The Tropic of Capricorn is the strip around the globe that is from the equator to 23S.
fertile – adjective that describes land that is rich in minerals and nutrients and will produce lots of crops.
northern hemisphere- the half of the earth between the North Pole and the equator • southern hemisphere- the half of the earth between the equator and Antarctica.
irrigation – bringing of water to dry land in order to produce crops. • cultivate- to prepare the land to be ready for planting. (dig rows, remove rocks, water it, add fertilizer, etc) boundaries- like a border, something that separates one area from another.
barren- bare naked, not much vegetation, unproductive; unfruitful: barren land barren- bare naked, not much vegetation, unproductive; unfruitful: barren land
topographic map- the detailed mapping or charting of the features of a relatively small area, district, or locality.topography-a word that is used to refer to the landforms in an area.
landform- features on the surface of the earth, such as plains, plateaus, and mountains to minor features such as hills, valleys, and alluvial fans
subsistence- producing just enough to stay alive, nothing extra for trading
harbor- a part of a body of water along the shore deep enough for anchoring a ship and located so that it provides protection from winds, waves, and currents.
livestock- the horses, chickens, pigs, cattle, sheep, and other useful animals kept or raised on a farm or ranch.
agriculture- includes both livestock and planting of crops-growing plants and raising animals for human use.
seaport- a city that is located by a coast. It has docks & piers and is near a harbor and lots of trade is done there because ships transport goods.
industrialization- the process by which modern tools and machines come into widespread use in a society or area.
manufacturing- making products on a large scale. Includes factories and large machines and large quantity production.
river- a natural stream of water of fairly large size flowing in a definite course or channel or series of diverging and converging channels. • lake- a body of fresh or salt water of considerable size, surrounded by land • mountain range- a series of more or less connected mountains ranged in a line
unemployment- the state of not working, esp. involuntarily: Automation poses a threat of unemployment for many unskilled workersstandard of living- the level of access to medical care, fresh water, food, shelter, employment, safety and comfort in everyday life enjoyed by a community, class, or individual .
renewable resource- any natural resource that can replenish, come back again, usually in our lifetime. • nonrenewable resource- not able to come back again in our lifetime. Oil, coal, take millions of years to come back. Limited and supply cannot be replaced. • energy - any source of usable power, as fossil fuel, electricity, or solar radiation • mineral- a substance obtained by mining, things we dig out of the earth such as ore, copper, diamonds, zinc, etc.
Gross Domestic Product- The total market value of all the goods and services produced within the borders of a nation during a year. • per capita GDP-the value in U.S. dollars of how much is produced per person in a country during a year
traditional economy- resources are allocated by inheritance, there is a strong social network, mostly you do what your parents did. Very little innovation. • command economy- An economy that is planned, owned, and controlled by a central government • mixed economy- an economy in which there is some government ownership and supervision and some private businesses and enterprise, like China • free market economy- The prices of goods and services are determined in a free price system set by supply and demand. Wages and prices set by consumers and business owners. Government does not own and regulate
depletion - to decrease seriously or exhaust the supply of a resource • conservation- official supervision of rivers, forests, and other natural resources in order to preserve and protect them through good management.
developed country- stable government, high life expectancies, higher per capita GDP, access to clean water and medical care, some access to modern comforts and conveniences. • LDC, less developed country –lower life expectancy and GDP, usually a high degree of poverty and lack of modern comforts and conveniences;
products- goods made- items you can trade, touch , hold, use. • services- work provided by people (labor) that involves skill and knowledge. EG: teachers, plumbers, pilots etc.