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Quick Guide for Offline Reports. Bizworks – Distributor Technology Strategy (Version 0.0/last revised here). Open a Report. Login to Myherbalife.com with your Herbalife ID and PIN Go to My Accounts & Reports in the top navigation and click on “My Downline Reports”
Quick Guidefor Offline Reports Bizworks – Distributor Technology Strategy (Version 0.0/last revised here)
OpenaReport Login to Myherbalife.com with your Herbalife ID and PIN Go to My Accounts & Reports in the top navigation and click on “My Downline Reports” Select the Report you want to generate offline.
Open a Report Look at up right side of the “Selection Criteria” section of the corresponding displayed Report, the new indicator “View My Reports Queue” (Displays the current number of Reports in queues that have been run previously and are waiting to be downloaded by user).
Add Report to Queue Select the necessary parameters for the Report that you has selected as shown in the Screenshot (We will use the “Supervisor Volume” Report, for this example. Select the option “Add to queue”. (The Report will be run in the back end and you can download later)
Add Report to Queue Each time a new report is added to the queue for download, it should be indicated by notification number on the “View My Report Queue” button which is incremented. • Now you can see the counter in the “View My Reports Queue” has been increased by one.
View my Reports Queue Select the option “View my Reports Queue” This is a List that displays a group of Reports that are run in the back when user has selected the option “Add to Queue” and hence are added to the queue to be downloaded and seen later. It displays a number of current Queued reports added to this list.
View my Reports Queue It’s displayed a new pop-up window with the listed reports in queue. You can see your reports queue anytime by clicking the “View My Report Queue” button. then… • Status Description: • Completed: The Report is ready for download. • Failed: The Report generation has failed for some reason, the DS can re-try. • In Progress: The report is still being generated in the background.
Open a Report on Queue Select a Report into the queue list with a status “Finished” to download it. Open the Downloaded File. Downloaded Report
Open a Report on Queue • You can also select the buttons: “Refresh” to see the latest status of Distributor’s Reports in queue updated, or select the button “Close” to close the “My Report Queue” view. • You can have up to 10 Reports on your queue and only 3 reports can be in “Processing” status at any point of time . • Those will kept for 24 hours after generated.
Adding a Report with a big size on Queue Handling timed out error: In case a DS runs a report in real time for download and the file size exceeds our set limit, instead of getting the timed out error he/she should get a message saying that the report has been queued. So the report will be available in queued report to download at a later time. The DS can see the status just like in the other queued reports in the “My Reports Queue” pop up.