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Revelation 1-3. It is pronounced REVELATION not REVELATIONS!!! In Greek it means apocalypse which means to uncover or unveiling ! Apocalypse is generally associated with doctrine, teachings, and prophecies revealing God’s plans about the last events.
It is pronounced REVELATION not REVELATIONS!!! • In Greek it means apocalypse which means to uncover or unveiling! • Apocalypse is generally associated with doctrine, teachings, and prophecies revealing God’s plans about the last events. • How many movies have been made concerning the Book of Revelation? • Most scholars date the book at about 95 A.D. (NIV)
John received the vision while he was in exile on the island of Patmos. • It was for saints then and saints today! • Evidently John became the head of the church after Peter was killed. • The number 7 is used 52 times in the Book of Revelation: • 7 churches, 7 spirits, 7 golden lamp-stands, 7 stars, 7 seals, 7 signs, 7 crowns, 7 plagues, 7 golden bowls, 7 hills, 7 kings, etc. Symbolically, the number 7 stands for completeness!
This book happens in every generation. • “God vs. Satan!” or “Good vs. Bad!” • “The Lamb verses the Dragon,” with the Lamb winning by death.
Interpretation (NIV) • Preterists: Understand the book exclusively in terms of its first-century setting, claiming that most of its events have already taken place. • Historicists: Take it as describing the long chain of events from Patmos to the end of history. • Futurists: Place the book primarily in the end times. • Idealists: View it as symbolic pictures of such timeless truths as the victory of good over evil. • Fortunately, the fundamental truths of Revelation do not depend on adopting a particular point of view. • They are available to anyone who will read the book for its overall message and resist the temptation to become overly enamored with the details.
Seven keys for understanding the Book of Revelation • Know that the Book of Revelation deals with things that are to occur after N.T. times, particularly in the last days. • Have an overall knowledge of the Plan of Salvation and of the nature of God’s dealings with men on earth. • Use various Latter-day revelations (D&C 45, 76, 77, 88 & 101). The fact is that we have a marvelously comprehensive and correct understanding of this otherwise hidden book.
4. Study the sermons of Joseph Smith relative to the Book of Revelation. 5. Use the inspired version of the Bible. 6. Reserve judgment on those things for which there is no interpretation given. Some people struggle because they are unable to interpret every symbol in the Book of Revelation.
The Prophet Joseph Smith said: “I make this broad declaration, that whenever God gives a vision of an image, or beast, or figure of any kind, He always holds Himself responsible to give a revelation or interpretation of the meaning thereof, otherwise we are not responsible or accountable for our belief in it. Don’t be afraid of being damned for not knowing the meaning of a vision or figure, if God has not given a revelation or interpretation of the subject” (Teachings, 296).
Joseph Smith said that the Book of Revelation is one of the plainest books God ever caused to be written (Teachings, 209). • Some of the symbols are clear and others are not! To try and interpret everything literally would result in some gross misconceptions! 7. Seek the spirit. This is the crowning counsel!
Section 77 is the key to understanding the Book of Revelation! • Where is the emphasis? The saints had to be wondering if God was still working with his people, or if Satan was going to be triumphant. The apostasy had already began snuffing out the gospel light (Sept. 1995, Ensign). • Message: Satan will never be victorious. The time is coming when he will be put down once and for all, finally and forever. God is still over all and will triumph in the final great battle between righteousness and evil!
3 Main parts: 1. Chapters 1-3 Revelation of Jesus Christ to John. 2. Chapters 4-18 Kingdoms of the World become Kingdoms of our Lord. 3. Chapters 19-22 Behold I come quickly and my reward is with thee.
Revelation 1:4 Seven churches/ wards Seven spirits/ leaders of the ward • Revelation 1:6 “Kings and Priest unto God” = Temple text • Revelation 1:11 “Write in a book” Must have been a scroll, no books until 2nd century (NIV). • Revelation 1:12 Seven golden candlesticks = we carry the light, not create it!
Revelation 1:13 “Clothed with a garment down to the foot” Sounds like the High Priest robes! • Revelation 1:16 Seven stars/ Presiding officers of seven churches • Revelation 1:18 “Keys of hell and of death” = that portion of the spirit world! 1 Peter 3:18-20 • Revelation 2:4 “Because thou hast left thy first love” = converts losing their testimonies
Revelation 2:7 “Nicolatians” = members of the church who are trying to maintain their church standing while living the ways of the world (D&C 117:11). • Revelation 2:10 “Crown of life” = trials (ten days) of life are short when compared to eternal peace! • Revelation 2:17 More temple: Hidden manna, white stone, new name written (D&C 130:10-11).
Revelation 2:23 “Search the reins and the hearts” The word rein literally means kidneys. To the Hebrew, the word signified strength and vigor. The phrase is an idiom, meaning that the Lord knows all things about the inner man, his strengths and weaknesses, his character and emotions. And he shall then be able to “give unto every one of you according to your works.”
Revelation 3:4-5 Garments and clothed in white! • Revelation 3:11-12 Take thy crown and I will write upon him the name of my God! To have his name written on a person is to identify that person as a God (DNTC 3:458). • Revelation 3:15-16 “Hot or Cold?” Brigham Young said, “The hottest corners of hell are reserved for those who in moments of crisis, maintain their neutrality!”
There were no neutrals in the war in heaven. All took sides either with Christ or with Satan. Every man had his agency there, and men receive rewards here based upon their actions there, just as they will receive rewards hereafter for deeds done in the body (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed., 828). There were, no neutral spirits in the war in heaven, any more than there are or can be neutrals in this life where choices between righteousness and unrighteousness are involved. “He that is not with me is against me,” saith the Lord, “and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad” (Matt. 12:30, 1 Nephi 14:10; Alma 5:38-40).
Lorenzo Young asked if the spirits of Negroes were neutral in heaven. He said someone said Joseph Smith said they were. President Young said no they were not. There was no neutral spirits in heaven at the time of the rebellion. All took sides. He said if any one said that he heard the Prophet Joseph say the spirits of the Blacks were neutral in heaven he would not believe them for he heard Joseph say to the contrary. All spirits are pure that come from the presence of God (Wilford Woodruff, Wilford Woodruff’s Journal, 9 vols., ed., Scott G. Kenny [Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1985] 6:511).
Revelation 3:20 “Holman Hunt, the artist, felt inspired to capture the stirring scripture on canvas. One day he was showing his picture of ‘Christ knocking at the door’ to a friend when the friend suddenly exclaimed: ‘There is one thing wrong about your picture.’ “What is it,” inquired the artist. “The door on which Jesus knocks has no handle,’ replied his friend. “Ah,” responded Mr. Hunt, “that is not a mistake. You see, this is the door to the human heart. It can only be opened from the inside.” “And thus it is. Jesus may stand and knock, but each of us decides whether to open. The spirit is powerless to compel a man to move. The man himself must take the initiative” (The Miracle of Forgiveness, 1969, 212).