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Safe, well managed / maintained roads and pavements

C&D Environment. Updated October 2013. Working together to achieve cleaner streets & open spaces, safe, well managed and maintained roads and pavements, and good quality parks and green spaces. Clean streets and open spaces. C&D NP- WHAT YOU TOLD US.

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Safe, well managed / maintained roads and pavements

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  1. C&D Environment Updated October 2013 Working together to achieve cleaner streets & open spaces, safe, well managed and maintained roads and pavements, and good quality parks and green spaces Clean streets and open spaces C&D NP- WHAT YOU TOLD US Safe, well managed / maintained roads and pavements Good quality parks and green spaces GOALS What we want to achieve? Local Community Plan Environment Forum Action Planning & Reporting Performance Reporting Council & Partner Service Plans Community Engagement & Communication Plans Regular reporting to the Neighbourhood Partnership Board STRATEGIES What will help deliver progress? • Continue to carryout anti dog fouling campaigns- Com Councils to be asked to contribute • Retain Green Flag Awards for Figgate & Lochend Parks • Develop Improvement plan for Loganlea Park • Develop links with Friends of Parks. Repeat Invitations to be sent to FoLP • Arrange joint Forum Meeting with Community Safety Sub Group on similar issues to be agreed – Spring 2014. • Plan Environment Forum Community Clean Up: Jan/Feb 2014 • Identify neighbourhood cleaning priority locations: “Dirty Map” at each meeting - ongoing • Plan another Street Audit: Spring 2014 • Anti Dog Fouling Stencils require to be Refreshed: November 2013 • Establish number of dead trees in Paisley Avenue: November 2013 • Identify possible sources of funding to replace dead trees: November 2013 • Publicise Neighbourhood Environment Programme & Neighbourhood Improvement Programme budgets: Website & Progress Reports - ongoing. • Identify accidents / blackspot locations • Update on NEP project progress: Report provided to each meeting- ongoing • Encourage local reporting of roads and pavement issues through ‘Local Issues’ reporting form: Distributed at each meeting – ongoing • Agree projects for 2014. January-March 2014 • Cycle Paths presentation: November 2013 ACTIONS

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