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The Junior Team. Important Information:. The Teachers!. Please join us for PomComCon on Saturday, November 23, 2013 (Time: TBD) - mandatory for students. Junior Team Conference Block: Block 7 - Full Odd Days 1:37-3:07 - Short Odd Days 11:37-12:38. Brandilyn Beu - Chemistry
The Junior Team Important Information: The Teachers! Please join us for PomComCon on Saturday, November 23, 2013 (Time: TBD) - mandatory for students. Junior Team Conference Block: Block 7 - Full Odd Days 1:37-3:07 - Short Odd Days 11:37-12:38 Brandilyn Beu - Chemistry Emmanuel Puyat - Math (Algebra 2 and Geometry) Brittney Rodriguez - English/Language Arts Paul Treesuwan - US History
Emergency Kit • Black Garbage Bag • Luminescent Light Stick • Two (2) Drink Items • Three (3) Food Items – Minimum 12 month shelf life * Pizza party for first house to complete emergency kits!
Materials Required - General • Planners – Must have a daily planner. • Sustained Silent Reading Book
Dress Code • Students are expected to come to school clean and appropriately dressed and groomed. Clothing should be modest and neat. • State law requires that student’s wear shoes on campus at all times. • Skirts, shorts and shirts may not be so revealing as to be distracting. Subject to teacher and staff discretion. • Hair and makeup should not be so unusual as to be distracting. • Undergarments should not show. • Sexually explicit, racist, or obscene/vulgar clothing is not acceptable. Additionally, clothing, jewelry, slogans, or accessories promoting drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or weapons are strictly prohibited. No gang-related jewelry, insignia, colors, paraphernalia, materials, apparel, clothing or attire may be worn or carried on campus or at school activities. Also prohibited are notebooks, manner of grooming, or gesture which by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, vandalism or any other attribute, denotes membership in such a group. • Gang associated styles, such as knee-high tube socks and shorts, collared shirts buttoned to the collar without a tie, etc., are strictly forbidden. • Clothing or articles of clothing including but not limited to spiked jewelry and pocket chains which are likely to provoke others to acts of violence or which are likely to cause others to be intimidated by fear of violence are strictly prohibited. • Applying makeup, nail polish, hair spray, perfume, etc., in class is prohibited. • Hats, skullies, headbands, hoods, bandannas, and sunglasses are not to be worn in the classroom. (Certain head coverings may be permitted for religious reasons, special hat days, or special events). • Any clothing that inhibits the safety of self or others is prohibited.
Cell Phone Policy • Phones, which include cell phones and school telephones, are not to be used during school hours, except at break times and lunch.Students may use the telephone, which includes cell phones and school phones, before and after school (before 8:10 am and after 3:40 pm) and during break and lunch ONLY. This includes using the cell phone's text messaging, games or camera features. • Furthermore, cell phones are to be left IN THE STUDENT’S BACKPACK and TURNED OFF. Cell phones (which are on, go on ring, send or receive messages, or that disrupts class or are used during class time) will be confiscated and will be returned only to the parent/legal guardian. • Students may not use office telephones except for school business approved by the administration.
Walking Norms • No walking alone. Only walk over with a Teacher or Staff member. • If you drive to school, no driving to The Down Town Center (unless you have a medical release to do so.) • No walking across the railroad tracks. We will be crossing the tracks on the bridge with a teacher and in groups. • Do not walk in front of the Metro Station. Stay on sidewalk. • No skateboarding or bicycling to and from The Down Town Center. • No walking in the street. Only cross the street at a cross walk. • If we need to cross over the train tracks it is important to remember, when crossing railroad tracks, only cross when it is safe. Do not cross when the railroad arms are down, the lights are flashing and the train is in close proximity. Use common sense. Citations are given out by PPD for not following the laws.
Rules regarding railroad and train crossings: Look in both directions and listen for trains. Many crossings have multiple tracks, so be ready to stop before crossing. Cross railroad tracks only at designated crossings and only when it is safe to do so. • Never stop on the railroad tracks. Remember that a train cannot stop quickly or swerve out of the way. If you are on the tracks you risk injury or death. • Remember that flashing red lights mean STOP! Stop at least 15 feet, but not more than 50 feet, from the nearest track when the crossing devices are active or a person warns you a train is coming. Stop if you see a train coming or you hear the whistle, horn, or bell of an approaching train. • Do not go under lowering gates or around lowered gates. Flashing red lights indicate you must stop and wait. Do not proceed over the crossing until the red lights stop flashing, even if the gate rises. CUC 22451(b) - Pedestrian going around activated R/R crossing. • The rule also applies to “walking” field trips. • Any student that is not in compliance with the rules stated above will be subject to detention or suspension/expulsion and a possible citation.
Attendance Policy • Excused Absences: The SAE defines excused absences as: • illness, medical/dental appointments • family funeral • school field trips • academic events • school office appointments • suspensions • court appearances • holidays or ceremonies specific to a family’s customs or beliefs • verified family emergency • funeral services for non-family members
Attendance Policy • Unexcused Absences: The SAE defines unexcused absences as those not defined above as excused, as well as the following: • unverified absence • truancy • absence due to leaving campus without permission • Students who are late to class often fail to realize that the teacher may have already recorded them as absent. It is the student's responsibility to remain after class and ask the teacher to correct the "absence" to a "tardy".
Academic Honesty • Academic Honesty is a fundamental principle of scholarship. The content of papers produced by students as a result of their study and research is expected to clearly distinguish a student's own work and ideas from the work and ideas of others. Acknowledgment must be given to the source ideas or any words not one's own. The SAE will instruct students in MLA-style citations, which is the expectation for all SAE papers. Rewriting or printing information taken from a source without proper citation is also plagiarism. It is also vital that students do their own work in daily class and homework assignments. Copying work from others including books, internet websites, or any other documented form is unacceptable behavior and may result in loss of credit for all parties involved. • The goal of The SAE is to develop students who work independently and collaboratively with a sense of integrity and ethical standards of study.
Mastery Learning • Final Course Mark Percentage Bands The SAE does NOT allow a D to be used as a final course mark because we are a college preparatory school and a D is not an acceptable grade for college preparatory course work.
Junior Team – Encore Policy • Students will be assigned Encore upon failing to submit an independent practice assignment on time Monday-Thursday.When students fail to attend Encore, they will be assigned an additional Encore. After three cumulative “No Shows” for Encore, students will be referred to Ms. Sue Griffin for disciplinary action.
Encore • Encore is in Mr. Tree’s Room (205) EVERY DAY!!
Tutoring Schedules • Monday – Tree • Tuesday – Beu, Puyat, Rodriguez • Wednesday – Beu, Tree • Thursday – Puyat, Rodriguez • Friday - By Appointment Teachers are available by appointment almost any day.
Junior Team - Assessment Retake Policy • Students are permitted one retake within one week of receiving their assessment grade per semester. If the assessment is designated “Summative” (unit assessments, major essays and projects), students are required to attend at least one hour of tutoring and complete one additional assignment prior to the retake.
Junior Team – Late Work Policy • When a student fails to turn an independent practice/summative/formative assessment in on time they lose the ability to retake/redo the assessment. Students will also be assigned Encore. Late work will not be accepted after one week. Not all assessments will be accepted late. Teachers must inform students when late assignments will not be accepted.For major summative assessments (i.e. essay or project), Junior students may turn in late work once per semester per course.
Junior Team – Unexcused Tardy Policy • Tardy students receive a fifteen minute detention that must be served the same day. If a student fails to attend, the student will receive a thirty minute detention the following day. If the student fails to attend this second detention, the student will be referred to the Dean for further disciplinary action.