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NAWQA Data Synthesis 5 year Plan

NAWQA Data Synthesis 5 year Plan. Nate, Sandy, Jessica, Rick and Ken April, 2008. Introduction. Strategic Areas Datasyn and NAWQA Data Warehouse (non-NAWQA) Data for Trends and Models (non-NAWQA) Data from BioData Data Analysis Applications - Internal Web applications - Public

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NAWQA Data Synthesis 5 year Plan

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  1. NAWQA Data Synthesis 5 year Plan Nate, Sandy, Jessica, Rick and Ken April, 2008

  2. Introduction Strategic Areas Datasyn and NAWQA Data Warehouse (non-NAWQA) Data for Trends and Models (non-NAWQA) Data from BioData Data Analysis Applications - Internal Web applications - Public Budget Request

  3. NAWQA Data Warehouse Recent Developments More frequent data refreshes Broader program adoption – easy queries Tactical support Sample management Data quality enforcement Feeding Topical team research databases

  4. Data Warehouse Developments Planned – 1 of 2 • Moving towards sharing the use of NWIS data aggregation over the next several years • More later on replacement tool for Oracle Discoverer to do data extraction and manipulation for analysis • Data checks for recovery calculations • Result Value out of normal range data checks like NASQAN

  5. Data Warehouse Developments Planned – 2 of 2 • More support for NSYN, TT managers Using DWH to keep tabs on current sampling activities • Revisit Planning DB? • Tracking, supporting, piloting the WRD effort for Sample management support like nationally unique sample ID linked to all labs and NWIS – call mark Brigham and Melanie Clark • Successful Hg team pilot of bar-coded samples to 7 labs • QWDX expands for nationally unique sample ID (SID) • ASR info transferred to all labs and NWIS login. • QC-link no. to link Environmental and QC samples -revisited? • Aggregation Site Photos

  6. More Data for Trends and Models (including non-NAWQA data) Program strategy to use non-NAWQA data Leverage existing integration capabilities Currently: SPARROW PRAQ – Principle Aquifers 5 year Future: Expand NAWQA Internal data warehouse to include: nasqan[done] nwis Storet

  7. Data Analysis Applications - Internal Canned Easy queries from Data Warehouse – getting full adoption Move to more analytical capabilities in new data query application that might be a SAS product (Ent. BI Server) for better integration with data analysts. Vs. Oracle product [BIEE] Porting NAWQA Analysis Algorithms to data warehouse Dealing with censored data Percentage of HBSL values Time-weighted moving averaged concentrations in SW Time since recharged date adjustment for some GW data graph application – see www.gapminder.org

  8. Web Applications for Public Part of communication strategy supplementing static reports. NAWQA Data Mapper – now 50% of public usage WARP SPARROW DSS – National Academy review… HBSLs integrated into Heinz center-style indexes for Public use Future: GW trends calculations and graphing and ? Bruce Lindsey GW trends mapper request Principle Aquifer comparison graphs histograms, box plots by PRAQ and pcode SW trends – ask Dave Reutter

  9. Other? • DataSyn reps on all NWIS user groups? • Join forces with GIS folks in NHD developments • Redo priorities ballot? • Animations using Google earth

  10. Other slide 2 • Linda Wayne Jon - cleaning up medium codes for well core cuttings. • Get landuse % data from CPG data entry into DWH • Landuse data cleanup where siteID does not match DWH

  11. Budget Request - WI Work plan defined year to year WI FY08 request was $600K, FY08 allocation = $500K ~2.75 Developer FTEs, 1 FTE DBA ~$120K/yr equipment & software cost Sharing infrastructure with BioData Request ~$570K/yr

  12. Budget Request – Data Synthesis Sandy = 80% Jon 100% Rick 75% Ken 50% Request ~$___K/yr

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