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IRMP 5 YEAR PLAN. IRMP update. HISTORY IN BRIEF. IRMP Team involved in detailed discussions for 12 months. ACFO Des Tidbury, SDO Les Gollop, SDO Paul Southern, DO Dave Philips, Jon Ball, SFCO Martin Hockley, Lincoln Ball, Mark Pinnell. Culmination of 3 years work.
HISTORY IN BRIEF • IRMP Team involved in detailed discussions for 12 months. ACFO Des Tidbury, SDO Les Gollop, SDO Paul Southern, DO Dave Philips, Jon Ball, SFCO Martin Hockley, Lincoln Ball, Mark Pinnell. • Culmination of 3 years work. • Working closely with ORH. • Advances in RBFRS data gathering techniques.
CONTEXT OF IRMP DEVELOPMENT • CPA feedback 2005 ‘IRMP not yet addressed the major drivers for changes and efficiencies’. • Council Tax Capping. • Efficiency savings. ‘The same with less or more with the same’
DRIVERS FOR CHANGE ‘fewer fire and special service deaths and injuries through the provision of safe and effective delivery of services including emergency response, community safety, and legislative fire safety activities’. THE AIM FOR ANY CHANGES IS TO IMPROVE THE SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC.
IRMP YEAR II, IMPACT ON FIVE YEAR PLAN • Review crewing and location of specialist vehicles to ensure RBFRS has the ability to sustain resources at a major incident in command and specialist areas.
INCIDENT COMMAND UNIT (ICU) • Re-deploy ICU to Maidenhead from Windsor. • Retained Duty Shift (RDS) firefighters from Maidenhead and Cookham will crew the ICU. Reduces switch crewing of 24 hr crewed pumps by one and increases resilience.
INCIDENT COMMAND UNIT (ICU) • In addition Cookham will be designated as a specialist unit with the pumping appliance being swapped for an off road Mercedes Sprinter and the Pinzgauer. The first strike capability in the village will remain but the crew will also provide brigade wide off road support.
INCIDENTS IN COOKHAM • FDR 1’s 2004: 9 2005: 12 • RTC’s 2004: 0 2005: 1 (no service rendered)
CHEMICAL INCIDENT UNIT (CIU) • Workloads at Whitley Wood. • A recommendation was to move CIU to Maidenhead with ICU (financial impact). • Issues with training and crewing. • Review in Year IV to look at long term viability of CIU. • Short term, CIU to stay at Whitley Wood.
OTHER YEAR III REVIEWS • Review of 24 hour duty system. • Review of 70 second response time. • Review of Officers Operational Cover. • Review of Fire Safety resources due to the Regulatory Reform Order.
IRMP 5 YEAR PLAN • Planning assumptions based on: 7 years data for incident distribution and 3 years data for demand levels and turn out times.
IRMP 5 YEAR PLAN • IRMP Team made aware of 5 Year Plan in December 2005. • FBU provided two documents in response. • FBU’s concern is that reductions should run concurrently with improvements.
RESPONSE STANDARDS • DWELLING FIRES The Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service is committed to achieving an optimum response standard of 8 minutes for the first appliance and 10 minutes for the second appliance for dwelling fires. The Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service is committed to a standard response of 10 minutes for the first appliance and 12 minutes for the second appliance for dwelling fires. The higher risk localities where it is predicted that appliances will not reach dwelling fires within the standard response be prioritised for community safety initiatives to drive down the risk.
ROAD TRAFFIC COLLISIONS • The Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service is committed to making an initial attendance to road traffic collisions, with the necessary resources to commence extrication of casualties, within 11 minutes.
IRMP 5 YEAR PLAN: KEY STRATEGIES • Cookham • Sonning and Wargrave • Windsor and Bracknell • Wokingham • Crowthorne and Camberley • Dee Road and Caversham Road
Sonning • Closure of Sonning Fire Station. • Redeployment of Personnel. Transfer to Wargrave Fire Station Opportunities to transfer on to 24 hour shift system Opportunities to work within a ‘bank’ system (Ops or Community Safety) Redundancy • Medium Term: Closure of Wargrave and build new station at Twyford.
WINDSOR AND BRACKNELL • Closure of Windsor Fire Station. • Pump from Windsor redeployed to Bracknell or Wokingham. Bracknell could have 2 or 3 pumps depending on option taken. • Transfer of 20 personnel to enable 12 per watch • Crewing of pumps 5 and 4. If the second pump ‘roams’ then crew 5 and 5.
WOKINGHAM • Reinvest savings from other strategies to achieve a 24 hour crewed station or two 12 hour shift watches with cover outside these shifts by RDS firefighters. Say, cover from 0800 to 2000 hours every day with RDS outside these hours.
CROWTHORNE • Pinzgauer to be redeployed to Cookham. • Trial the use of Camberley’s pumps into the southern part of Crowthorne’s ground to monitor effect on response standards.
DEE ROAD AND CAVERSHAM ROAD • Closure of Dee Road Fire Station. • Pump from Dee Road redeployed to Caversham Road. • Transfer of 20 personnel to enable 12 per watch • Crewing of pumps 5 and 4. If the second pump ‘roams’ then crew 5 and 5.