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from the earth - into the earth

from the earth - into the earth. PHB (Polyhydroxybutyrate) Urs J. Hänggi, Biomer. Eindhoven 2008. PHB serves biological needs, not plastics despite of this: - absolutely linear -> low melt viscosity -> thin walls - absolutely isotactic -> extremely crystalline -> creep resistant

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from the earth - into the earth

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  1. from the earth - into the earth PHB (Polyhydroxybutyrate) Urs J. Hänggi, Biomer Eindhoven 2008

  2. PHB serves biological needs, not plasticsdespite of this: - absolutely linear -> low melt viscosity -> thin walls - absolutely isotactic -> extremely crystalline -> creep resistant - absolutely no nucleants -> control of spherulite size- not thrombogenic or immunogenic from the earth - into the earth Eindhoven 2008

  3. Compounding PHB - mixture of nucleants -> tough - mixture of low and high mw plasticizers -> ductile - other processing aids -> stabilize melt -> Like soft PVC, PP, or PE-HD from the earth - into the earth Eindhoven 2008

  4. Example clips -sharp edges (letters BIOMER) - glossy surface (background of BIOMER) - soft, pleasant touch from the earth - into the earth Eindhoven 2008

  5. Example fireworks -heat resistance - density (sinks in lakes) - fully biodegradable on land and on bottom of lakes from the earth - into the earth Eindhoven 2008

  6. Example smoke grenades - thin and thick parts in same shot - shock resistance (creep resistance) -resistance to chemicals - shelf live 5 years (-40 to +60°C) - fully biodegradable - ruminants are not harmed (produce milk!) from the earth - into the earth Eindhoven 2008

  7. Example ELISA sticks - surface properties (balance between hydrophilic and hydrophobic) - not thrombogenic, not immunogenic ->ideal for medical devices from the earth - into the earth Eindhoven 2008

  8. Example film hindge - Stretching crystalls -> last forever from the earth - into the earth Eindhoven 2008

  9. Summary compounded PHB (selection) - like PP or PE-HDplus - of renewable resources - biodegradable in aerobic (garden, compost) as well as in anaerobic environments (sewage tanks, bottom of lakes, sea) - adjustable melt viscosity - creep resistant - thin walls, complex structures, sharp edges (LCP type behavior) - shiny surfaces, agreeable touch - medical devices from the earth - into the earth Eindhoven 2008

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