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Intraoral Radiographic Anatomy

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Intraoral Radiographic Anatomy

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Intraoral Radiographic Anatomy

    2. Radiographic Density Radiopacity – light on film Radiolucency - dark on film Page 24 of Dr. Beck’s Note

    4. Follicle

    8. Trabecular Pattern

    9. Sparse Trabeculation Inferiorly

    12. Dental Papilla

    13. Mandibular Posterior Region

    14. Alveolar Ridge

    15. External Oblique Ridge

    16. Mylohyoid Ridge

    17. Mandibular Canal

    18. Enlarged PDL Space?

    19. Inferior Border of Mandible

    20. Inf. Alveolar Canal

    22. Oblique Ridges

    30. Mental Foramen

    33. Anterior Looping of the Canal

    36. Posteriorly Positioned Foramen

    37. Anterior looping of the canal

    39. Mandibular Tori

    40. Anterior Mandible

    41. Genial Tubercle

    42. Genial Tubercle

    45. Nutrient Canals

    49. Mental Fossa Radiolucent depression between alveolar ridge and mental ridge

    50. Mental Ridge

    74. All Those Horizontal Lines!

    75. Alveolar Ridge

    76. Floor / Wall of Maxillary Sinus

    77. Zygomatic Arch (Inf. Border)

    78. Zygomatic Process of Maxilla

    79. Floor/wall of Nasal Cavity

    80. Tuberosity

    81. Hamular Notch

    84. Coronoid Process

    85. Resorption of Coronoid Process?

    86. Clinical Hamular Notch

    87. Tuberosity

    88. Maxillary Sinus Floor of sinus extends to alveolar crest due to missing teeth

    89. Floor / Wall of Maxillary Sinus Wavy outline of the sinus

    90. Relatively smooth outline

    92. Inverted Y formed by nasal fossa and maxillary sinus

    93. Nasolabial Fold/ Cheek Mass

    94. Maxillary Anterior Region

    95. Anterior Nasal Spine Radiopaque V-shaped

    96. Floor of Nasal Cavity Extends bilaterally away from ANS

    97. Incisive Foramen Variable size and shape, border Variable position, due to angulation of x-ray beam

    98. Nasopalatine Canal Transmits nasopalatine nerves and vessels Terminates in incisive foramen Not always seen

    99. Sup. Foramina of Nasopalatine On each side of nasal septum Mostly seen when h vertical angle

    100. Nasal Septum Superimposition of septal cartilage and vomer Deviated septum

    101. Inferior Concha In the nasal fossa Away from the septum

    102. Nasal Mucosa

    103. Intermaxillary Suture Median suture Extends from alveolar crest through ANS, posteriorly to distal aspect of hard palate Uniform width Variable shape Angulation of central ray

    104. Soft Tissue Outline of Nose

    105. Inverted Y-Line

    108. Foramena of Stenson and Scarpa

    117. Orbital Entrance of Naso-lachrymal Canal

    119. Orbital Entrance of Naso-lachrymal Canal

    120. Orbital Entrance of Naso-lachrymal Canal

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