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BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009

BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009. AGENDA. BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009. Management Preparation and Design of Educational Products Preparation and Design of Educational Activities Research Promotion and awareness raising

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BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009

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  1. BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009

  2. AGENDA BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • Management • Preparation and Design of Educational Products • Preparation and Design of Educational Activities • Research • Promotion and awareness raising • Quality and evaluation plan • Dissemination • Exploitation • Deliverables

  3. Management I BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • General coordination and management activities. Outcome: Report on the plan: content, administration, budget distribution and calendar (1) • Preparing of an International Law&ICT Library and an on-line Law&ICT Encyclopaedia with the learning material.- Outcome: Publication as open educational resource in the LEFIS web page (www.lefis.org) • Administration of the virtual campus.- Outcome: Report • Promotion of edition of the courses on line and Newsletter • All participants must collaborate in the activity • The activity will be developed by the administrative personal of the University of Zaragoza as coordinator institution and by the realization of meetings (in Zaragoza, Istanbul and Belfast) and virtual meetings (three initially).- Outcomes: Reports of every partner on every meeting (6*11) • Final report.- Outcome: General report and report of every partner

  4. Management II BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • Meetings programme • 1st Meeting in Zaragoza, Spain: Strategy for the project management -Management of the Quality Committee.- October 2007 • 2nd Virtual Meeting of the Partners and Quality committee.- December 2007 • 3rd Meeting in Istanbul: -Interim Report.- March 2008 • 4th Virtual Meeting.- September 2008 • 5th Virtual Meeting.- March 2009 • 6th Meeting in Belfast.- Preparation Final Report .- September 2009

  5. Preparation and Design of Educational Products BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • Implementation and testing of modules in the languages of each University (October-2007- May 2008), taking always as reference the normal teaching offer of the participant Universities and the use of e-learning tools.- Outcomes.- 10 Learning modules, one per University, in electronic format, in the language of the participant University.- Tests made by students of the 10 modules • Implementation of the English courses by the non speaking English Universities, including translation and revision by English translators (October-December 2007). The English module will be a part of the normal teaching of the participant Universities.- Outcomes.- 9 Learning modules, one by non speaking English University, in electronic format, in English • Approval in every University of the offered content as teaching for 2008-2009 (January-May 2008).- Outcomes.- 10 documents, one per University, with the publicity of the offer in the respective Web (October 2008-January 2009) • The Mykolas Romeris University will coordinate the activities related with the content of Master and continuing education programmes.- Outcome.- Report (1) • The Münster University will coordinate the activities relate with Graduate programmes.- Outcome.- Report (1) • The Bahcesehir University will give the technical support to the preparation of Educational Products in relation with e learning.- Outcome.- e-learning tool including all the offer

  6. Preparation and Design of Educational Activities BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • Offer of the teaching of the Law & ICT virtual campus in traditional (blended) and on line teaching by the respective Universities (October 2008-September 2009).- Outcomes.- 10 Learning modules, one by University, in electronic format, in the own language of the participant University.- Tests made by students of the 10 modules • Public offering of the English modules of the non speaking English Universities (9).- Outcomes.- Tests on the contents made by participant students on the use of the English modules • Every University will be responsible for the preparation and support of their respective educational activity.- Outcome.- 10 final reports on activities • The MykolasRomeris University will coordinate the activities related with the content of Master and continuing education programmes.- Outcome.- Final report on the activities of the different Universities • The Münster University will coordinate the activities relate with Graduate programmes.- Outcome.- Final report on the activities of the different Universities • The Bahcesehir University will give the technical support to the preparation of Educational Activities in relation with e learning.- Outcome.- Final report on the use and problems of the e-learning tool developed

  7. Tests BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 Tests

  8. BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009

  9. Tests BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009

  10. Tests BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009

  11. Tests BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009

  12. Tests BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009

  13. Research BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • Study of the different e-learning tools of the participant Universities (October 2007-December 2007) by Bahcesehir.- Outcome.- Study and proposal of solution for a joint offer • Technical support of the e-learning tools of the participant Universities (October 2007-May 2008) by Bahcesehir.- Outcome.- Report on the realized services • Implementation of the new integrated e-learning tool of the participant Universities (June 2008.October 2008) by Bahcesehir.- Outcome.- Web solution integrated in the LEFIS page • Implementation of the security tool for the e-learning tool of the participant Universities (June 2008-October 2008) by UNIZAR.- Outcome.- Web solution integrated in the LEFIS page • Implementation and support of the e-learning tool of the participant Universities (October 2008-September 2009) by Bahcesehir.- Outcome.- Report on the realized services • Implementation and support of the security tool for the participant Universities (October 2008-September 2009) by UNIZAR.- Outcome.- Report on the realized services • The Mykolas Romeris University will coordinate the activities related with the content of Master and continuing education programmes.- Outcome.- Report on the realized services by Bahcesehir and UNIZAR • The Münster University will coordinate the activities relate with Graduate programmes.- Outcome.- Report on the realized services by Bahcesehir and UNIZAR

  14. Promotion and awareness raising BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • The Torun University will be the coordinator of the work package.- Outcomes.- Proposal of content for every training course.- Final report on all the activities developed in the work package • Training for trainers course for all participant Universities in Zaragoza: target graduate offer (November 2007).- One week.- Outcome.- Report on the development and results of the course • Second training for trainers course for all participant Universities in Münster: target postgraduate offer (July 2008).- One week.- Outcome.- Report on the development and results of the course • Third training for trainers course for all participant Universities in Vilnius: target continuing education/ Lifelong Learning (November 2008).- One week.- Outcome.- Report on the development and results of the course • The Bahcesehir University will give the technical support to the courses in the e-learning aspects.- Outcome.- Report on the realized services by Bahcesehir

  15. Quality and evaluation plan I BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • Quality and evaluation plan (October 2007-September 2009) organized and put in practice by the Queen’s University in coordination with all the partners, integrating the Management Committee, with these contents. • - Own planning and schedule of activities. • - Setting its own standards and indicators of quality and make them known to all the partners. • - Control of the general development of the activities and the respect for the established deadlines. • - Provision of counselling and assessment on the main activities. • - Establishment of the general as well as the interim quantitative and qualitative indicators of quality of the project • - Proposals of changes and modifications that will improve the project outputs. • - Actuation as intermediary in case of different approaches or points of view within the main results. • - Putting of especial attention to the innovative and original aspects of the project. • - Measurement of the project’s impact and especially the implementation of the courses. • - Provision of interim reports on the quality development of the project. • - Evaluation of the interim and final products according to the established parameters. • - Evaluation of the dissemination activities, especially in the last months of the project.

  16. Quality and evaluation plan I I BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • The Mykolas Romeris University will coordinate the activities related with quality of the content of Master programmes: identification of good practices • The Münster University will coordinate the activities related with quality of the contents of the Graduate programmes: identification of good practices • The Torun University will be responsible in quality questions related with the quality of the continuing education offer: identification of good practices • The Bahcesehir University will give the technical support to the quality matters • UNIZAR will be responsible of quality from the perspective of the use of the LEFIS seal and code of practices in relation with teaching and learning quality (http://www.lefis.org/outcomes/lefis_seal/lefissealcode.pdf)

  17. Dissemination BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • FASE is responsible of the dissemination activities under coordination of UNIZAR • Constitution of a durable committee in charge of the supervision of the network dissemination activities with participation of all partners.- Outcomes.- Initial and final report • Design of the dissemination strategy.- Outcome.- Initial report • Presentation of the project in academic seminars, national and international conferences and symposiums: promotion of the project in the main international Webs, in the most important general web sites of the participant countries and in the specialized areas of education and training.- Outcomes.- Initial and final report. • General dissemination among organizations and experts on training through the Internet by means of general and specialized search engines and cover all search engines specialized in education and training.- Outcomes.- Initial and final report. • The fact that the web will be of free access will facilitate other entities contribution to it and to the general dissemination of it. The web of Law & ICT will be part of the LEFIS web • Campaign of diffusion of results of the project as part of the LEFIS mark, among a great number of organizations and regions, even of non participant countries attending to the management meetings and the training courses. The partnership meetings in the different countries will be accompanied with parallel. dissemination seminars where national Experts in the subject will be invited to take part and to contribute with their ideas.- Outcomes.- Initial and final report • The Bahcesehir University will give the technical support to the exploitation matters.- Outcomes.- Initial and final report

  18. Exploitation BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • FASE is responsible of the exploitation activities under coordination of UNIZAR • Marketing strategy for the diffusion of the project results into a wide public.- Outcomes.- Initial and final report to be approved by all participants • Establishment of links with universities and organizations which may profit from the results of the project and will be interested in taking part in the European Network. - Outcomes.- Initial and final report • Preparation of other projects related to the Law & ICT, for upgrading, enlargement and contributions from other countries.- Outcomes.- Initial and final report • Design of the Agreement and Regulations for the continuing and enlargement of the partnership.- Outcomes.- Initial proposal and final report • Preparation of the commercialization of the results helping to the partners, each in their own scope of performance, as training courses, workshops or consultancy.- Outcomes.- Initial and final report to be approved by all participants • The Bahcesehir University will give the technical support to the exploitation matters. Outcomes.- Initial and final report

  19. Deliverables BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • Report on the management plan: content, administration, budget distribution and schedule (WP MNGM) • International Law Encyclopaedia and on-line Law&ICT Encyclopaedia (WP MNGM) • Report on the technical administration of the virtual campus (WP MNGM) (WP RES) • Final general report of each partner (WP MNGM) • Modules of blended teaching (WP PREP) • Report on offered contents in Masters and continuing education (WP PREP) • Report on offered contents in graduate education (WP PREP) • Report on e-learning tool (WP RES) • Modules of on-line teaching (WP PREA) • Training courses (WP PROM) • Quality and evaluation plan (WP QPLN) • Dissemination report (WP DISS) • Exploitation report (WP EXP)

  20. BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 http://www.lawict.eu/ The design of the new page

  21. BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 http://www.lawict.eu/ Sensitive Europa offer map

  22. BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 http://www.lawict.eu/ Sensitive Lateinamerica offer map

  23. Workshop: The Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus Technical Report BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • I propose that we work, as a group, towards producing a project ‘Technical Report’ which deals with the practical issues of designing e-learning courses in law. Over the past few months I am sure that we all have learned about these practical issues of designing and teaching law through e-learning. • I suggest that we all prepare a short presentation for 10th June where we discuss how we do things differently in future (whether choose a different, topic, set out the subject in a different way, use different tools, or ask for extended tools). • Then, rather than publish a number of small contributions, put these together as one joint co-authored publication from the Law ICT project. • This can then be used as the basis for individual presentations or further publications.

  24. Needs BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • Is it possible to teach law using e learning tools? • It depends of the context of teaching: kind of studies and level (Graduate or Postgraduate studies) • Requirements to satisfy • Competences and abilities • Planification • Adequate technical resources • Good learning organization • The model

  25. Context I BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • Faculty of Law • Graduate and Doctorate courses • Philosophy of Law • The right to vote and the ICT • Lectures • Practical cases • Presentations • Written papers: large (5000 words) and small (1000 words, LEFISPEDIA) • Final examen

  26. Context II BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • School of Engineering • Graduate course • Ethics and legislation for engineering • Lectures/Presentations • Practical cases • Presentations • Written papers: large (5000 words) and small (1000 words, LEFISPEDIA)

  27. Context III BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • Information and Documentation Management • Master course • Ethics and legislation for information and documentation managers • Lectures/Presentations • Practical cases • Presentations • Written paper: large (5000 words)

  28. Context IV BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • Distance and blended learning • Spanish version (distance and blended learning) • English version (blended learning) • Graduate course • Electronic Government: for jurists and not jurists • Interdisciplinary teaching • Presentations • Books • Practical cases • Student presentations • Written papers: large (5000 words) and small (1000 words, LEFISPEDIA)

  29. Learning organization and Technical resources BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 • Learning organization • Data protection and electronic signature research group.- Supported by the Aragon Government, UNIZAR and San Jorge University.- 16 researchers • LEFIS as European Mark, owned and administrated by the University of Zaragoza • www.lefis.org.- Community • www.lawict.eu.- Virtual Campus • ocw.unizar.es.- Public courses offer promoted by MIT and Universia • Tools • LEFIS Digital Library.- Greenstone and Invenio (rivest.unizar.es).- New Zealand and CERN • LEFISPEDIA.- Wikipedia. www.lefis.org/wiki/index.php5/Conceptos • Videos.- http://lawict.blogspot.com/ • EGOBS.- Phpsurveyor, LEFIS Google Maps • PESUZ 2008.- Monkey, Excel, Power point and Moodle, comparitions resource • Monitoring.- Awstats, Google analytics and Urchin • Security Management.- Moodle PKI

  30. The model BELFAST MEETING 8th, 9th and 10th June 2009 Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus

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