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Outline IM-CLeVeR: Intrinsically Motivated Cumulative Learning Versatile Robots

IM-CLeVeR: Intrinsically Motivated Cumulative Learning Versatile Robots Gianluca Baldassarre , Marco Mirolli , Francesco Mannella, Vincenzo Fiore, Stefano Zappacosta, Daniele Caligiore, Fabian Chersi, Vieri Santucci, Simona Bosco.

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Outline IM-CLeVeR: Intrinsically Motivated Cumulative Learning Versatile Robots

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  1. IM-CLeVeR: Intrinsically MotivatedCumulative LearningVersatile Robots Gianluca Baldassarre, Marco Mirolli,Francesco Mannella, Vincenzo Fiore, Stefano Zappacosta,Daniele Caligiore, Fabian Chersi, Vieri Santucci, Simona Bosco Gianluca Baldassarre

  2. OutlineIM-CLeVeR: Intrinsically Motivated Cumulative Learning Versatile Robots • The “numbers” of the project • The partners • The project vision • The 3 pillars of the project hypothesis + 4 S/T objectives • WP3: Experiments • WP4: Abstraction • WP5: Intrinsic motivations • WP6: Hierarchical architectures • WP7: Integration and demonstrators • Conclusions Gianluca Baldassarre

  3. The “Numbers” of the ProjectIM-CLeVeR: Intrinsically Motivated Cumulative Learning Versatile Robots • Integrated Project • Coordinator: ISTC-CNR • Call: Cognitive Systems, Interactions and Robotics • EU funds: 5.9 ml euros • 7 Partners • Start: May 2009 • End: April 2013 Gianluca Baldassarre

  4. Partners Institutes Groups 1. CNR-ISTC-LOCEN Coordinator (Gianluca Baldassarre, Marco Mirolli) 1. CNR-ISTC-UCP (Elisabetta Visalberghi) 1. UMASS (Andrew Barto) 2. USFD (Peter Redgrave & Kevin Gurney) 3. UCBM-LBRB (Eugenio Guglielmelli) 3. UCBM-LDN (Flavio Keller) 4. FIAS (Jochen Triesch) 5. AU (Mark Lee) 6. UU (Ulrich Nehmzow) 7. IDSIA (Juergen Schmidhuber) Gianluca Baldassarre

  5. Vision: the problem • How can we create “truly intelligent” robots? • Versatile: have many goals; re-use actions • Robust: function in different conditions, with noise • Autonomous: learning is paramount • Weng, McClelland, Pentland, Sporns, Stockman, Sur, Thelen, (Science, 2001): • …knowledge-based systems (e.g. production systems)… • …learning systems focussed on single tasks (e.g. RL)… • …evolutionary systems… •  Important results, but limited autonomy and scalability. . . . . . on the contrary . . . • . . . organisms do scale, are flexible, and are robust! Gianluca Baldassarre

  6. Vision: the idea • Why are organisms so special? • Let’s give a closer look at children… Gianluca Baldassarre

  7. Vision: the idea Ingredients: • Powerful abstractions: “elefant on table leg”, “it slides down” • Explore andrecord interesting states: • Based on intrinsic motivations (novelty, learning rates, …) • Such states motivate to reach them (= goals) • Furnish learning signals which guide learning • Acquired skills are: • Re-used to explore and discover new goals • Composed to produce new skills • Science: which brain and behaviouralmechanisms are behind these processes? • Technology: Can we reverse engineer them? Gianluca Baldassarre

  8. Vision: 2 promises • Science: we can understand the mechanisms in organisms • Technology: we can develop a new methodology for designing robots… … in particular robots that (we will get 3 iCubs!)… Learn actions cumulatively: …on the basis of intrinsic motivations… …on the basis of abstraction (sensory andmotor)… …on the basis of already learned actions. Gianluca Baldassarre

  9. Vision: how we will do it:3 pillars + 4 S/T objectives From Technologyto Science FromScience to Technology WP4: Abstraction and attention 2. Computational bio-constrained models: mechanisms underlying brain and behaviour Technology Science Suitable representations 4. Two robotic demonstrators: - CLEVER-B - CLEVER-K 1. Empirical investigations: -Monkeys - Children - Adults - Parkinson patients WP5: Intrinsic motivations 3. Machine-learning models: powerful algorithms and architectures Focussing learning WP6: Hierarchical architectures to support cumulative learning Gianluca Baldassarre

  10. WP3: Experiments and mechatronic board From Science to Technology WP3 WP4: Abstraction and attention 2. Computational bio-constrained models: mechanisms underlying brain and behaviour Technology Science Suitable representations 4. Two robotic demonstrators: - CLEVER-B - CLEVER-K 1. Empirical investigations: -Monkeys - Children - Adults - Parkinson patients WP5: Intrinsic motivations 3. Machine-learning models: powerful algorithms and architectures Focussing learning WP6: Hierarchical architectures to support cumulative learning Gianluca Baldassarre

  11. Tactile sensors Inertial/magnetic unit + battery + wireless WP3: Empirical Experiments: “Board experiment” • UCBM-LBRB (Eugenio Guglielmelli); • UCBM-LDN (Flavio Keller): children • CNR-ISTC-UCP (Elisabetta Visalberghi): monkeys; Sabbatini, Stammati, Tavares, Visalberghi, 2007,Amer. J. Primatology Campolo, Taffoni, Schiavone, Formica, Guglielmelli, Keller, 2009, Int. J. Sicial Robotics Gianluca Baldassarre

  12. WP4: Abstraction WP4 From Science to Technology WP4: Abstraction and attention 2. Computational bio-contrainedmodels: mechanisms underlying brain and behaviour Technology Science Suitable representations 4. Two robotic demonstrators: - CLEVER-B - CLEVER-K 1. Empirical investigations: -Monkeys - Children - Adults - Parkinson patients WP5: Intrinsic motivations 3. Machine-learning models: powerful algorithms and architectures Focussing learning WP6: Hierarchical architectures to support cumulative learning Gianluca Baldassarre

  13. WP4 Abstraction: motor, perception, attention, vergence, • Abstraction is a key ingredient for action hierarchies • Abstraction is a key ingredient for intrinsic motivations Schembri, Mirolli, Baldassare, 2007,ICDL, ECAL, EPIROB Neto Nehmzow, 2007, Rob. & Aut. Syst. Gianluca Baldassarre

  14. WP5: Novelty detection From Science to Technology WP4: Abstraction and attention 2. Computational bio-contrainedmodels: mechanisms underlying brain and behaviour Technology Science Suitable representations 4. Two robotic demonstrators: - CLEVER-B - CLEVER-K 1. Empirical investigations: -Monkeys - Children - Adults - Parkinson patients WP5: Intrinsic motivations WP5 3. Machine-learning models: powerful algorithms and architectures Focussing learning WP6: Hierarchical architectures to support cumulative learning Gianluca Baldassarre

  15. WP5 Intrinsic (extrinsic) motivations • Intrinsic motivations (skill/knowledge acquis.): • Psychology: motivate actions for their own sake • Drive actions whose effects are an increase in:(a) knowledge or prediction ability;(b) competence to do • Terminate to drive actions when knowledge or competence is acquired • Extrinsic motivations (e.g. food, sex, money): • Psychology (Berlyne, White, Deci & Rayan):motivate actions to achieve specific goals • Drive actions whose effects directly increase fitness • Come back again with the homeostatic needs they are associated with Gianluca Baldassarre

  16. WP5 Intrinsic motivations • CNR-LOCEN (Gianluca Baldassarre, Marco Mirolli) • Young robot: low level of hierarchy develps skills based on evolved ‘reinforcers’ (knowledge-based intrinsic motivations) • Young robot: high level of hierarchy selects skills which produce the highest suprise (competence-based intrinsic motivations) • Adult robot: high level of hierarchy performs skill composition to achieve salient goals (external rewards fitness measure) Adult robot tasks Adult robot: results Child robot task Young robot: results Before learning After learning Gianluca Baldassarre Schembri, Mirolli, Baldassare, 2007, ICDL, ECAL, EPIROB

  17. WP6: Hierarchical architectures From Science to Technology WP4: Abstraction and attention 2. Computational bio-mimeticmodels: mechanisms underlying brain and behaviour Technology Science Suitable representations 4. Two robotic demonstrators: - CLEVER-B - CLEVER-K 1. Empirical investigations: -Monkeys - Children - Adults - Parkinson patients WP5: Intrinsic motivations 3. Machine-learning models: powerful algorithms and architectures Focussing learning WP6: Hierarchical architectures to support cumulative learning WP6 Gianluca Baldassarre

  18. WP6 Bio-inspired / bio-constrained hierarchical reinforcement learning • CNR-LOCEN (Gianluca Baldassarre & Marco Mirolli) • Piaget theory: actions support learning of other actions • Camera, dynamic arm, reaching tasks • Continuous state/action reinforcement learning • Hierarchical RL: segmentation, Piaget Gianluca Baldassarre Caligiore Borghi Parisi Mirolli Baldassarre, ongoing From Fuster, 2001, Neuron

  19. Conclusions: A timely project! • Timely research goals:sensorimot. abstraction, intrinsic motiv., hierarchical architect. • Within important trends: • Developmental robotics • Computational system neuroscience • Emotions/motivations • In synergy with various events:EpiRob, ICDL, IEEE Journal Automonous Mental Development • In line with EU calls:“Cognitive Systems, Interactions and Robotics” • First EU Integrated Project wholly focussed on these topics www.im-clever.eu Gianluca Baldassarre

  20. What we need from iCub • Robustness! • Usability (assistance): • Software: Yarp, simulator for rapid prototyping • Hardware: when it will break • One standardised simulator (e.g., based on Bullet) • Compliance: for safety, for more bio-realism • That it actually becomes a standard in EU research Gianluca Baldassarre

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