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Pearl Harbor: A Day that will Live in Infamy

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Pearl Harbor: A Day that will Live in Infamy

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Pearl Harbor: A Day that will Live in Infamy Created by Kelly Over and Justin Nash

    2. Directions Page: How to Navigate this Site

    3. Table of Contents Video of Pearl Harbor What is Pearl Harbor? What purpose did Pearl Harbor serve? Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor? What happened the day of the attack? What was the reaction to the bombing by Americans? How did our government react to the bombing?

    4. Table of Contents (Continued) Could the United States have prevented this from happening? How does Pearl Harbor affect us today? Pearl Harbor Quiz List of Works Cited Conclusion

    6. What is Pearl Harbor? Pearl Harbor is a natural harbor located on the southern end of the island of Oahu in the state of Hawaii (Hawaii was still a U.S. territory in 1941).

    7. What purpose did Pearl Harbor serve? Pearl Harbor was an excellent place for the U.S. Navy to use as a harbor for its ships. The mountains of Oahu were thought to be an excellent protection against an enemy invasion.

    8. Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor? The U.S. had put an embargo (cut off supply) on oil and planes to Japan. Japan needed these to complete its military conquest of the Pacific and Asia. Japan, felt it was only a matter of time until the U.S. tried to stop them militarily.

    9. Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor? (Continued) The Japanese decided to strike first in a surprise attack. The place they could hurt the U.S. most was at Pearl Harbor, where much of the U.S. Pacific fleet was docked.

    10. What happened on the day of the attack? Sunday, December 7, 1941, 7:55 AM: The Japanese air force attacks Pearl Harbor in a surprise attack. The American Naval Base was caught completely off guard. By the time the U.S. forces could mount a resistance, nearly 2,400 people died in the attack.

    11. What happened on the day of the attack? (Continued) The Japanese attack destroyed five battleships, three cruisers, and several smaller vessels, while wiping out almost 200 airplanes. Click here to see a 3-D map of the Japanese attack (Left mouse click on 3-D map link)

    12. What happened the day of the attack? (Continued) Hardest hit was the USS Arizona, the Arizona was hit by several Japanese bombs and sunk to the bottom of Pearl Harbor. Nearly 1,200 sailors were killed, only 300 survived.

    13. What happened the day of the attack? (Continued) 15 year old sailor Martin Matthews was on board the Arizona and was blown overboard by the explosion. Matthews explains, “There were steel fragments in the air…and pieces of bodies.”

    14. What happened the day of the attack? (Continued) Today the sailors who gave their lives on the USS Arizona are honored by a monument in Pearl Harbor.

    15. What was the reaction to the bombing by Americans? “We felt, this is our country , and we’re going to fight to defend it. When we got home that evening we were glued to the radio.” Dellie Hahne, college student at Santa Barbara College in CA

    16. How did our government react to the Pearl Harbor bombing? “...a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.” Franklin D. Roosevelt, December 8, 1941

    17. The United States enters World War II and eventually triumphs After Pearl Harbor, millions of men and women pulled together in service to our country both hear and abroad to help our country to victory in World War II.

    18. Could the United States have prevented this from happening? This is a matter of controversy in social studies that you can decide for yourself. Historians are split on whether or not President Roosevelt knew about the impending attack, and if he just let it happen to give the U.S. an excuse to go to war. (Continued on next page)

    19. What do you think? Would the President of the United States sacrifice thousands of lives just for an excuse to enter the war? What did he have to benefit from this? (Keep in mind the war did end The Depression.) If FDR did know, why didn’t the U.S. at least mount some sort of defense? (We still probably would’ve gone to war if we won the Battle of Pearl Harbor.) Your opinion could be the right answer, because no one knows for sure.

    20. How does Pearl Harbor affect us today? Due to the bravery of the men and women who risked or lost their lives at Pearl Harbor, the only invasion of this country in the 20th century, Americans were able to go on to win World War II and keep the freedom we so cherish.

    21. Pearl Harbor Quiz (Click on the answer you think is correct)

    22. Pearl Harbor Quiz (Continued)

    23. Pearl Harbor Quiz (Continued)

    24. Pearl Harbor Quiz (Continued)

    25. Pearl Harbor Quiz (Continued)

    26. List of Works Cited http://satftp.soest.hawaii.edu/space/hawaii/maps/Oahu_map.758x554.gif (Map of Oahu) http://www.execpc.com/~dshaaf/bshipro2.html (Map of battleship row) http://www.isd.net/aswanson/ww2his/tojo.htm (Picture of Tojo) http://movieboxoffice.about.com/library/bl/gallery/blpearl01.htm (Pictures from the movie Pearl Harbor) http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/photos.html (Pictures of FDR) http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/wwphotos.html (pictures of sinking of USS Arizona) http://www.homestead.com/ibnease/index.html (USS Arizona Memorial) http://memory.loc.gov (Picture of man and daughter listening to the radio) http://www.iwojima.com/raising/lflaga.gif (Flag raising over Iwo Jima) http://www.essentialpearlharbor.com/osehphsounds.html (Sound waves of CBS Broadcast and FDR’s speech) http://www.thedeskof.com/thoughts/god_bless_America.htm (Kate Smith’s “God Bless America”) http://www.library.nwu.edu/govpub/collections/wwii-posters/img/ww1647-91.jpg (Poster after Pearl Harbor) http://www.cinemenium.com (Video Trailer of Pearl Harbor)

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    34. Yes, you are correct!! Good Job!!

    35. Yes, you are correct!! Good Job!!

    36. Yes, you are correct!! Good Job!!

    37. Yes, you are correct!! Good Job!!

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