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Think Before You Shop

When considering a major purchase like a piece of jewelry, it’s best to make a few decisions before you begin shopping. What’s your budget? Do you want a certain type of metal or stone? Or a certain brand name? vanessa mooney jewelry If you decide what’s important to you up-front, you’re less likely to make an impulse purchase that could lead to buyer’s remorse.

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Think Before You Shop

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  1. Think BeforeYou Shop Whenconsideringamajorpurchaselikeapieceofjewelry,it’sbesttomakeafewdecisions beforeyoubeginshopping. What’syourbudget?Doyouwantacertaintypeofmetal orstone? Or acertainbrandname? vanessamooneyjewelryIf youdecidewhat’simportant toyouup-front, you’re lesslikely tomakean impulsepurchase that couldlead tobuyer’sremorse. Get to knowthecommon phrasesand markingsused to describejewelry. If youunderstand thetermsthat jewelersuse,you’ll bebetterable toevaluateapieceofjewelry anddecide foryourselfwhetherit isworth theprice. vanessamooneybracelets At theStore ● ● Askabouttherefundandreturnpoliciesbeforeyoubuy. Checkfortheappropriatemarkingsongold, silver, andplatinumjewelry. ● ● If you’rebuyingpearls, askif theyarenatural,cultured, orimitation. Askwhetheragemstoneisnatural, laboratory-created, orimitation, andif the gemstonehasbeen treated,if thechangeispermanent, ifspecial care isrequired, andifthetreatmentaffectsthestone’svalue. ● Makesureyoursalesreceiptincludesany informationyoureliedonwhenmaking yourpurchase,like thegemstone’sweight orsize. Somejewelersmaygiveyoua gradingreportfrom agemological laboratory. vanessamooneynecklace WhenShopping Online ● Beforeyoubuy,dosomeresearchtomakesureacompany is legitimate, orshop withcompaniesyouknow.Youmight checkastore’sreputation byentering the outlet’snameand theword“complaints” inasearchengine. Get thedetailsabouttheproduct,aswell as themerchant’srefundandreturn policies, beforeyoubuy. vanessamooneybracelet ● ● Look for astreetaddressor phonenumber incaseyouhaveaquestionorproblem. Call thenumber totestit.Youmay wanttoknowiftheseller is inanother country.Formore infopleaseclickon thefollowing linksbelow

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