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West Nile Virus

West Nile Virus. By Robbie Bodnar. History and Transmission. Emerged in Africa 1000 years ago Came to the U.S. in 1999 in New York City Found in Africa, Asia, Middle East, North America, few cases in Europe Most cases are during the warmer months. Carriers in the U.S. Culex pipiens.

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West Nile Virus

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Presentation Transcript

  1. West Nile Virus By Robbie Bodnar

  2. History and Transmission • Emerged in Africa 1000 years ago • Came to the U.S. in 1999 in New York City • Found in Africa, Asia, Middle East, North America, few cases in Europe • Most cases are during the warmer months

  3. Carriers in the U.S. Culex pipiens Culex tarsalis Culex quinquefasciatus

  4. Symptoms Horses: • Listlessness, stumbling around, weakness in limbs, ataxia, partial paralysis, death • Fever not usually observed Birds: • Not necessarily observed until encephalitis • Might appear drowsy, unable to fly and walk

  5. Treatments • Control is mainly by eliminating mosquito breeding sites • INNOVATOR™, Prevenile™, Recombitek™

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