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Katie Ludlow, Tyler Gerald and Robby Metzler. Cuba. How the U.S. got Involved with Cuba. As the Spanish influence decreased in strength in Cuba, the U.S. began to have more control over the island. (economically and politically)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Katie Ludlow, Tyler Gerald and Robby Metzler Cuba

  2. How the U.S. got Involved with Cuba • As the Spanish influence decreased in strength in Cuba, the U.S. began to have more control over the island. (economically and politically) • After the USS Maine explosion, the U.S. was pushed to go to war with Spain because they would not abandon Cuba, so the U.S. had to fight for the control over the island.

  3. U.S. Motives • Having good power over countries like Cuba would help business in the U.S. because the companies in Cuba owned large sugar plantations. • The U.S. wanted to expand our empire and have more control over countries. • Cuba is as closer to our capital than any other country • Having access to Cuba would greatly help America's trade with the eastern world

  4. Did they justify their actions? • The U.S justified their actions by using notions like manifest destiny as a reason to take Cuba • The U.S’s actions were also justified by “yellow journalism”. Journalist exaggerating the truth on events like president McKinley's insult, the USS Maine, and the horror stories which were made up about Cuba, were three strikes to go to war in America's eyes.

  5. Reaction of the Local Population • The Cuban population was already in revolt, and rebel forces saw America as help to reclaim their nation. • America’s population was mostly for the war, because a majority of people had anti Spanish feelings due to past events, and stories of Cuba’s situation.

  6. Final Result • The final result of U.S’s decision to go into Cuba was a one sided victory for America. • America also now had a military presence in Cuba, and a naval base to better enforce the Monroe doctrine.

  7. U.S. and Cuba U.S. Cuba

  8. Works Cited • www.spanamwar.com • memory.loc.gov/ammem/sawhtml/sawhome.html • www.thestar.com • www.history.navy.mil/photos/events/.../eve-pge.htm

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