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If you plan to practice yoga at home in the morning, you can practice all the asanas that excite the body and follow a gentle yoga asana in the evening. Along with these, you may do Pranayama on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.
WhatIsTheBestTimeToDoYoga:Brahma Muhurta,MorningOrEvening? If you are also planning to make yoga an integral part of your daily life, you should choose the optimum or best time to do yogathat works best for you. However, no time is wrong or bad to practice yoga! It would be best if you practicedyoga regularly overtime. Scilicet,youhave to practiceyoga continuouslywiththetimesuitedtoyourlifestyle. Whether you do it as a salute to the morning sun just after waking up or in the evening,do ittorelax afteralong day'sfatigue.Yogacanbeincredibly refreshing and a powerful way to relax. Planning for yoga practice sessions depends onyourpersonalgoalsanddaily schedule. What's more, timing is the key to unlocking yoga's myriad spiritual benefits: which usually means you should practice yoga in the Brahma muhurta (early morningbefore sunrise).
Different timings have been fixed for yoga depending on physical and mental needs. Traditionally, yoga can practice at any time of the day during Brahma Muhurta,morning orevening;make sureyour stomachisempty. If you plan to practice yoga at home in the morning, you can practice all the asanasthatexcitethebodyandfollowagentleyogaasanaintheevening. Alongwiththese,youmaydoPranayamaonan empty stomachinthemorning andevening. BestTimeToDo Yoga:YogaInBrahma Muhurta There are two Muhurtas before sunrise. The first Muhurta is Vishnu Muhurta andthe secondMuhurtaiscalled BrahmaMuhurta. 'Brahma Muhurta,' that is, the last hour of the night or one and a half hours before sunrise. Accordingto Ayurveda,theair flowingduringthe BrahmaMuhurtaislike nectarforourhealthduetonectarparticlesobtainedfromthemoon.Bydoing yogaatthistime,energyistransmittedinthebody,andthebodybecomes radiant. When we wake up in the morning, this nectar-may air touches our bodies. With its touch, there is a communication of power, strength, energy, andintelligenceinourbody;the mindbecomeshappyandcalm. Accordingto scientific research, our atmosphereislargely free ofpollution during Brahma Muhurta in the morning. At this time, the amount of oxygen in our atmosphere is also higher than during the day. The pure air in the early morningfills ourbodyandmindwithenergyandenergy. Soyoga andPranayama aredoneatBrahmaMuhurtatokeepthebody healthy.Apartfromthis,theatmosphereofthemorningbecomespleasant duetothechirpingofbirds,duetowhichourbodyandmindbecomemore cheerful.
Value ofMorningandEveningYoga • For many people, getting up at this time is also very challenging. But according to experts foryoga,the time ofsunrisehas beendescribedasidealand practicalbecausefreshairinthemorning isgoodfor thebody'senergy. • It isknown that regular morningyoga sessionsare agreat way to energize you. • Various researches have shown that you will get the most out of a sunrise yoga session.Thatcanhelptorejuvenateyouandprepareyourbodyfor theday. • Morningyogawarmsandwakesyouupandincreasesflexibility,mobility,and • muscle strength. At the same time, your mind is also happy, so that you can do yourtaskseasily. • Best YogaPosesforMorningYoga Routine: • CobraPose • Butterfly Pose • ChildPose • SuryaNamaskar • BridgePose • EveningYogaBenefits • If you cannot wake up in the morning, it does not mean that you cannot do yoga. You can practice yoga at any time of the day. Yoga experts believe that if youcannotdoyoga inthemorning,youcan doyogainthe evening. • When you run around during the day, take the tension of deadlines and get tired,youcanrelieve yourstressbydoingyogaintheevening.
Practise yoga in the evening also calms your mind, giving you a sound, restful sleepandyouwillwake uprefreshedthenextday. • Some things should be taken care of while practicing yoga in the evening. First ofall,make surethatyour stomachisemptywhenpracticingyoga.And remember that, whether you practice yoga in the morning or the evening, do breathingfor5to10minutes. • BestYogaPosesforEveningRoutine: • Prasaritapadottanasana • Malasana • AnandaBalasana • Suptabuddhakonasana • Conclusion • According to the yoga science, yoga practice should be regular, whether yoga is done during Brahma Muhurta, morning and evening, and at any time. All yoga sessionshaveindividualbenefits. • To know more about the best time to do yoga and the benefits of practicing yoga inBrahmaMuhurta,readthe articleson7pranayama.com. • Forthe betterpracticeofpranayamasuchasKapalbhathi,AnulomVilom, Bharamri,andmany moredownloadthe7pranayamaapp. • SourceLink: • https://techarrives.com/the-best-time-to-do-yoga/