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Online mindfulness training programs for adolescents, parents, educators & professionals to build focus, regulate emotions, manage stress, strengthen communication skills and more.<br>
ReduceStress,Build FocusandIncreaseYour PersonalandProfessional CapacitywithOnline Course. www.mindfulnesswithoutborders.org
WHYUS? MindfulnessWithoutBordersisaleading providerofbestpracticesandevidenced- basedprogramsonsecularmindfulness andsocial-emotionalintelligencetoyouth, educators, healthandcorporate professionalsincommunitiesaroundthe world.
Mindfulness is a practice that involves focusing your awareness on the present moment, while acknowledging and accepting without judgment your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. It allows you to see your experience just as it is and deal with difficult emotions and body sensations. www.mindfulnesswithoutborders.org
Weoffer Courses andOnlineClasses forhelpyouface thechallengesof everydaylife, help mitigatestressand bolsterpersonal andprofessional success.
Youth Empowerment Programs Are you looking for activities that strengthen youth mental health and well-being? If so, our Mindfulness Ambassador Program for youth may be the perfect match.
Professional DevelopmentProgram wearelaser-focusedonsocialandemotionalintelligence asacoreingredienttoindividualperformance.
Want to Getting Start Today!! Complete our certification training and bring our evidence- based program to employees in your workplace. Register for online workshops and learn skills to manage stress, reduce reactivity and improve productivity. Invite our faculty to facilitate a workshop or customized training for your organization.