1. 1 Bilingual Coordinators’ Network Meeting March 20, 2008 When using this template, please use the “Handouts” option in the PowerPoint print menu (select 1, 2, 3, or 6 handouts per page) and select “Black and White.” The program will automatically switch to a white background and black lettering for your handouts. When using this template, please use the “Handouts” option in the PowerPoint print menu (select 1, 2, 3, or 6 handouts per page) and select “Black and White.” The program will automatically switch to a white background and black lettering for your handouts.
2. 2 Today’s Topics CTEL Program Standards Update
Bilingual Program Standards -Coto Bill
CCSD Guidelines
SB 52/1292 Updates
Administrator’s Assignment Manual
3. 3 Program Standards CTEL
Program documents are being submitted and are under review
Eight programs have been approved
Two more on the May 1 COA agenda
At least one more on the June 18/19 meeting
4. 4 CTEL Approved Programs CSU, San Marcos
Stanford University (online program)
University of Phoenix (statewide)
National Hispanic University
Alliant International University (San Diego, Fresno and San Francisco)
UC Riverside, UC San Diego and UC Los Angeles Extension consortium
5. 5 CLAD Course Work Update Final date that a candidate may complete course work under the CLAD Certificate guidelines was January 31, 2008
If not completed, contact an IHE with a new CTEL approved program
IHE determines if the course work may apply toward an approved CTEL program
Coded Correspondence 07-17
6. 6
7. 7 Exams CTEL
Examination built on same KSAs as CTEL Program Standards
Examinations offered December and June
8. 8 Exams CSET:LOTE
CSET: LOTE Subtests IV & V built on same KSAs as program standards
Examinees take CSET: LOTE
II/III—Language of emphasis
V—Bilingual Culture
9. 9 Program Standards Bilingual Authorization
New program standards were approved on January 31, 2008
New routes for the authorization will be made available if AB 1871 (Coto) passes
Handbook outlining timelines for transitions and how to prepare documents for submission will be out by the end of March
Please watch for information on being a reviewer
10. 10 2008 Bills AB 1871 (Coto)
Earn a BCLAD authorization by completing an approved program or by a combination of examination and portions of an approved program
11. 11 Certificate of Completion of Staff Development (CCSD) Sunset date: 1/1/2008
Coded Correspondence 07-16
Key dates
last day for courses 1/31/2008
last day for collection of portfolios 4/1/2008
12. 12 CCSD Timelines December 31, 2008:
Last date an individual may be assigned on the basis of enrollment in the CCSD program or finishing their portfolio for the CCSD
Latest filing or issuance date
Applications MUST BE received at CTC
Applications for the CCSD WILL NOT be accepted after this date
13. 13 Otherwise Authorized by Statute to Teach English Learners (ELs) Designated Subject Credential Holders (Vocational, CTE, Special Subjects) and Services with SCA: Allowed a teacher “in training” for the CCSD to teach ELs only until 1/1/2008
Coded Correspondence 07-24
14. 14 Program Standards SB 1292 Guidelines
Guidelines were adopted on 1/31/ 2008
Handbook out by the end of the month, but interested program sponsors can contact Jo Birdsell at jbirdsell@ctc.ca.gov for submission information
Timeline will transition current guidelines to new guidelines over a two year period
15. 15 SB 52 Career Technical Education
Commission agenda item was presented at the November meeting
One of the recommendations references a new CTE/EL standard
16. 16 SB 52 Recommendation 5. Require training for all CTE teachers in how to teach English learners.
Rationale: All teachers of English learner students must have appropriate English learner training (EC 44001, 44253.1, 448300(a)). Teaching English learners was addressed minimally in the current Career Technical Education program standards under the topic of “special populations.” However, this type of teacher preparation should be increased and improved by updating the manner in which it is defined in the program and encouraging programs to integrate it throughout CTE teacher preparation. The revised program standards would address the knowledge and skills a teacher must have to work with English learners.
17. 17 Enhanced Intern Programs Increase intern allocation to $3500 per intern IF
Provide pre-service of 120 hours or more with at least 40 hours focused on teaching ELs
Provide an additional 40 hours of support Teri
2 minutesTeri
2 minutes
18. 18 Enhanced Intern Programs Maintain a ration of no fewer than 1 experienced teacher to 5 interns
Decile 1-3 schools have no higher percentage of interns than other schools in the district for 07-08
CTC distributed document to all programs
New program amendments submitted in Feb 2007
19. 19 EL Authorization on Documents Multiple and Single Subject
Enrollment in program 7/1/03
Internship credentials 7/1/03
Teaching permits (Emergency/Provisional Internship - PIP/Short-Term Staff - STSP) 7/1/03
20. 20 EL Authorization on Documents Education Specialist
Preliminary credential 7/1/07
Internship credential 7/1/07
May be added to preliminary or clear document issued prior to 7/1/07 if IHE verifies completion
Teaching permits (Emergency/PIP/STSP) 7/1/03
21. 21 Administrator’s Assignment Manual Updated in 2007
Available on CTC website as well as Credential Information Guide (CIG)
Element added within each section for ‘Commonly Asked Topics’
Assignment Unit Contact
Email -cawassignments@ctc.ca.gov
Voice Mail – 916-322-5038
22. 22 Resources E-News (Coded Correspondence, Commission Agendas, etc)
CAWNews (Credential Information Alerts, etc)
PSD News (latest on program/exam issues)
Type Subscribe XXXNews in the subject line
23. 23
24. 24 Professional Services Division Contact Information Jo Birdsell, Ed.D.
Commission on Teacher Credentialing