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Outline. Clean/renewable energy technologies (SUnRISE)- bioenergy- energy in the built environment/buildings- microgeneration- wind- wave, tidal and low head hydropower- gas hydrates- fuel cells and storage- clean combustionOther areas of interest. Bioenergy. Joint Research Council funded project on Energy production on farms through anaerobic digestion (
1. Cleantech Workshop San Diego June 09 University of Southampton: overview of expertise, track record and aspirations
2. Outline Clean/renewable energy technologies (SUnRISE)
- bioenergy
- energy in the built environment/buildings
- microgeneration
- wind
- wave, tidal and low head hydropower
- gas hydrates
- fuel cells and storage
- clean combustion
Other areas of interest
3. Bioenergy
4. Joint Research Council funded project on Energy production on farms through anaerobic digestion (£0.75M, 2007-10) www.AD4RD.soton.ac.uk
EU FP6 CROPGEN: Renewable Energy from Crops and Agro-wastes (2.5 M€, 2004-7). 12 partners in 6 countries www.cropgen.soton.ac.uk
Focus on integrated farming systems for sustainable food and fuel production
Integration with biorefineries and aquatic biomass production Energy from biomass
5. Bioenergy Use of trees for second generation lignocellulosic feedstock for heat, power and liquid transportation
Genetic improvement
Environmental sustainability – LCA , biodiversity, water, climate change
Whole system research
Recent Funding £ 4.5 million
UKERC Funding – Bioenergy
Member of The Porter Alliance for Bioenergy
TSEC-BIOSYS – Whole Systems analysis of UK Bioenergy
Department of Energy, DEFRA, BBSRC
6. Energy from municipal and industrial wastes >£1.5M funding in past 4 years (Defra, EPSRC)
Focus on AD process optimisation for energy production and digestate quality: kinetic studies, microbiology, modelling
From laboratory studies to monitoring of full-scale plants (Biocycle)
Leading role in evaluating resource recovery potential from food wastes and establishing mass and energy balances
Future plans include improved fundamental understanding of factors causing process instability in high-nitrogen wastes
7. Algal biomass Wide expertise across the university relevant to bioalgae for biofuel
Biology, Molecular Biology, Marine Biology
Process engineering
Environmental Sciences
Huge global potential to exploit algae - Southampton is UK-leading
8. Energy in the Built Environment: buildings
11. Energy in the Built Environment: transport
13. Fuel consumption can be improved 10-20% just by changing how a vehicle is driven
Key areas to change are acceleration, gear changing and braking
Other benefits relate to:
Reduction in accidents
Ride comfort
Vehicle wear and tear
CO2 and local air quality pollutants
No overall increase in journey time
Current advice on how to drive to reduce fuel consumption is generalised to cover all vehicles
14. Energy in the Built Environment: microgeneration
17. High-efficiency low-cost photovoltaics
19. Wind power
20. Quantifying the resource
Environmental impacts
Bird strikes
Social acceptability
Materials and structures Wind turbines: capabilities If using a school logo, make sure that if you have a long page title, it does not encroach on the logo. Allow about 2cm around the logo. Run the page title onto two lines if necessary. If using a school logo, make sure that if you have a long page title, it does not encroach on the logo. Allow about 2cm around the logo. Run the page title onto two lines if necessary.
21. Wind turbines: capabilities Aeroacoustics
Tribology (nCATS)
Design optimisation
Grid connection If using a school logo, make sure that if you have a long page title, it does not encroach on the logo. Allow about 2cm around the logo. Run the page title onto two lines if necessary. If using a school logo, make sure that if you have a long page title, it does not encroach on the logo. Allow about 2cm around the logo. Run the page title onto two lines if necessary.
22. Wind energy: projects Data management for COWRIE-Collaborative Offshore Wind Research Into the Environment
Vestas Technology Ltd/SEEDA: unsteady aerodynamic gust response and noise
Lloyd’s Register UTC in Hydrodynamics, Hydroelasticity and Mechanics of Composites
ISSC Committee V4 on Ocean Wind and Wave Energy
With RAL on application of infra-red and acoustic emission techniques to blades and Aalborg University on thermal degradation of sandwich structures
Electrical Systems and Subsea Cables –SUPERGEN
Structural Health Monitoring and Corrosion protection –national centre for advanced tribology
23. Wave, tidal and low head hydropower
25. ANACONDA: all-rubber MW wave power device A flooded rubber tube in the water, anchored head to sea, designed so that the speed of bulge waves matches the speed of water waves.
26. ANACONDA: all-rubber MW wave power device Dimensions of a 1MW Anaconda: 200m long, 7m diameter, 12cm wall
Research on the highly novel hydrodynamics of the Anaconda at Southampton is supported by
EPSRC (2008-10),
Checkmate SeaEnergy
27. Ecohydraulics Small, meso, and mega-scale hydropower development
Current funded projects:
- EU low-head hydropower
- Swedish Hydropower Industry
- Environment Agency
28. Gas hydrates
29. Gas hydrate – A new energy source? Hydrates – an ice-like compound, found only in restricted conditions, such as Artic or deep ocean sediments – recently found in Eastern Margin of India
Hydrate contains large volumes of methane gas that has the potential to be future energy resource –
quantification and location of hydrate uncertain - How can this potential be realised?
30. Assessment of physical properties – help understand impact of gas hydrates World leading research on dynamic properties of hydrate bearing soils
laboratory testing of both artificial and natural sediments
numerical modelling of large scale behaviour
International research collaborations with
National Oceanographic Centre, Fugro McClelland Geoscience (USA), Geotek (UK), Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (India), CISRO (Australia)
31. Fuel cells and storage
32. Fuel Cells Development of Pt-M catalysts for oxygen reduction and hydrogen oxidation in PEM fuel cells (Johnson Matthey/EPSRC)
Production and characterization of novel, high surface area platinum deposits on MEAs (Johnson Matthey/EPSRC)
Synthesis and characterization of titanium dioxide nanotubes and their Metallization (Royal Society)
Development of Biofuel cells (Dstl/EPSRC)
Improvements in Borohydride Fuel Cells (DStl)
Reaction Engineering Environment in Redox Flow cells (Regenesys Technologies)
33. Accelerated Discovery of Lithium Battery Materials (GR/S27238/01) Novel low temperature synthesis of LiFePO4 materials
High Throughput Measurements for material optimisation
Results show 90% energy recovery during charge/discharge cycle
This shows that the Li-ion battery is the most efficient way of storing energy on the large scale
34. 3D batteries for shape flexibility
35. Spinouts arising from EPSRC projects
36. Clean combustion
37. Clean Combustion Technologies: from W to GW Biomass combustion
Coal combustion
Hydrogen combustion
Oxy-fuel combustion
High-efficiency hybrid
combustion systems
Multi-scale modelling
38. Gas Turbine – Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Hybrid Power System EPSRC grant No. EP/E011640/1 (2007 - 2010)
39. Discrete Particle Modelling of Fluidised Beds EPSRC grant No. EP/G034281/1 (2009 - 2012)
40. Other technologies/areas Ground source heat pump
Water resource management
Adapting to climate change (Living with Environmental Change)
Remediation of contaminated land
High speed rail
41. Unrivalled testbed sites……
42. Eco Island Project
43. Cleantech Research At the University of Southampton