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Make a winning trading plan needs deep and brain storming research. It includes number of steps and activities that help to make more profit. the most common and important steps are testing yourself, be calm and cool, risk tolerance, risk/reward ratio, follow news regularly, upper and lower limit, recording minute details, analysis of the day, trading is a bread earner, avoid herd mentality. For more info visit: http://www.allianceresearch.in
10 HOWTOMAKE A WINNINGTRADINGPLAN? TESTYOURSELF 1 Youcanjudgeyourstrongandweakpointsby papertrading. BECALM ANDCOOL 2 Youshouldbecool, calmandcomposedtoface challengesthemarkethastooffer. RISKTOLERANCE 3 Risktolerancedependsuponyourrisktaking capacity. RISK/REWARDRATIO 4 EverytransactionhasRisk/Rewardratio. Higher riskhigherreward, lowerrisklowerreward. FOLLOWNEWSREGULARLY 5 Keepyourselfupdatedbyreadingbusinessnews, articles, andImportantmeetingoutcome. UPPER ANDLOWERLIMIT 6 Fixthemaximumlimitofprofit & maximumlimit ofloss. RECORDINGMINUTEDETAILS 7 Writingdowneachdetailoftransactionminutely whichcanbeusedinfuturetrades. ANALYSISOFTHEDAY 8 Afterthecloseoftheday, youshoulddothoroughly analysisofthedaytrading. TRADINGIS A BREADEARNER 9 Asanyotherbusinesses, youshouldtreattrading asabusinessandgiveyourduerespect. Asitgives youandyourfamilybreadandbutter. AVOIDHERDMENTALITY 10 Useyourdecisionandcalculationtocometoa conclusiondonotfollowthecrowdblindly.