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Multiple Intelligences Differentiated Learning. EDUC 4454 P/J Methods. The theory of Multiple Intelligences was developed by Dr. Howard Gardner. He suggests that intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited . Instead, he proposes eight different intelligences.
Multiple IntelligencesDifferentiated Learning EDUC 4454 P/J Methods
The theory of Multiple Intelligences was developed by Dr. Howard Gardner. He suggests that intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited. Instead, he proposes eight different intelligences.
These unique intelligences through which we are able to learn/teach new information and similar to our fingerprint, no two individuals have them in the same exact amounts. We focus most of their attention on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence.
We esteem the highly articulate or logical people of our culture. We should place equal attention on individuals who show gifts in the other intelligences. Unfortunately, many students who have these gifts don’t receive much reinforcement for them in school.
Think about this: each person is born with all the intelligences although each person may be born with a different capacity for a particular intelligence, each one can de modified EACH INTELLIGENCE CAN BE TAUGHT
8 Ways of Knowing/Multiple Intelligences • Bodily/Kinesthetic – Body Smart • Logical/Mathematical – Number Smart • Intrapersonal – Myself Smart • Visual/Spatial – Picture Smart • Verbal/Linguistic – Word Smart • Interpersonal – People Smart • Musical/Rhythmic – Music Smart • Naturalist – Nature Smart
Which ones are your strength? Which ones do you need to further develop? Let’s find out. Right click on the following link. Open the hyperlink. http://www2.bgfl.org/bgfl2/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks3/ict/multiple_int/ Take the test.
Verbal/LinguisticIntelligence the capacity to use language, to express what's on your mind and to understand other people any person for whom language is an important part of their work uses linguistic intelligence
Verbal/Linguistic Strategies "Word Smart" students may enjoy • writing letters, poems, stories, descriptions, slogans • leading an oral discussion or debate • creating audio tapes • giving an oral presentation, verbal defense • developing questions for, and conducting an interview • keeping a journal or diary • creating word games, doing storytelling or writing all types of humor/jokes • working in small groups
Logical/Mathematical Intelligence the ability to use inductive and deductive reasoning, solve abstract problems and understand the complex relationships of mathematical reasoning and the scientific process (reasoning smart) the ability to manipulate numbers, quantities and operations, the way a mathematician does (number smart)
Logical/MathematicalStrategies “Math Smart" students may enjoy • using abstract symbols, formulas and statistics • doing logic/story problems/brainteasers • analyzing data and using graphic organizers • working with number sequences/patterns • deciphering codes • listing or organizing facts using charts • creating or finding patterns • hypothesizing/conducting an experiment
Visual/Spatial Intelligence the ability to represent the spatial world in your mind the ability to see in pictures
Visual/Spatial Strategies "Art Smart" students may enjoy • creating charts, posters, graphs, or diagrams • creating a web page or power point project • making a videotape or film • creating/interpreting charts, graphs, etc. • creating a collage • designing a mind map/webs • making a map • study illustrations • using color and shape to create something • colour coding/highlighting
Musical/RhythmicIntelligence the capacity to think in music to be able to hear patterns, recognize them and perhaps manipulate them
Musical/Rhythmic Strategies "Music Smart" students may enjoy • listen to/identify/react to sounds • composing a melody, song, jingle, cheer • changing the words to a song to help remember content • writing poetry • connecting learning to music • choral reading • using musical vocabulary as metaphors • creating, designing, and building musical instruments • incorporating environmental sounds into a project or presentation • humming/background music
Bodily/KinestheticIntelligence the capacity to use your whole body or parts of your body (your hands, your fingers, your arms) to solve a problem, make something or put on some kind of production
Bodily/Kinesthetic Strategies “Body Smart" students may enjoy • creating a dance or movement sequence • role playing/mime • using physical gestures to communicate an idea • performing a skit, pantomime, charades, play • using/making manipulatives • making things/collections • learning centres / labs • frequent stretching and exercise breaks • sports/games/field trips
Naturalist Intelligence the human ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) a sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations)
Naturalist Strategies “Nature Smart" students may enjoy • using the outdoors as a classroom/field trips • collecting and categorizing objects from nature • using scientific equipment for observing nature • initiating projects on the food chain, water cycle, or environmental issues • joining an environmental/wildlife protection group • having a terrarium/aquarium and plants in the classroom • making collections of things from nature
IntrapersonalIntelligence having an understanding of yourself knowing who you are, what you can do, what you want to do, how you react to things, which things to avoid and which things to gravitate toward
Intrapersonal Strategies "Self Smart" students may enjoy • keeping a journal or diary • setting personal goals • describing his/her feelings about a subject • evaluating his/her own work • describing his/her personal strengths • having silent reflection time • working independently
Interpersonal Intelligence a person's capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people the ability to work effectively with others
Interpersonal Strategies "People Smart" students may enjoy • cooperative learning strategies • giving and receiving feedback • group projects • teaching someone else something new (tutors/buddies) • learning from someone outside of school • discussing other points of view • creating group rules • acting in a play or simulation • conducting an interview
What does that mean for teachers? As teachers, we must • use teaching strategies to better meet the needs of all of our students • help all students understand their own unique talentsand abilities as well as those possessed by their peers • help all students identify and strengthen their learning modalities
allow students to learn concepts through a variety of strategies provide opportunities for students to express their knowledge of that content in numerous ways
How to begin! • The more approachesto a topic that a teacher offers, the more students he/she will reach! • We all have preferred styles of learning and presenting our own knowledge. • Look for possibilities and then decide what seems to be the most effective teaching or learning tools.
To get started, put the topic in the center of a blank sheet of paper, and draw eight straight lines or "spokes" radiating out from this topic. Label each line with a different intelligence. Then start brainstorming ideas for teaching or learning that topic and write down ideas next to each intelligence. Have fun! We can improve education by addressing the multiple intelligences of our students.