GIS Uses Examples
Disaster Management • Says Greg Tune, lead program manager for disaster assessment and GIS, American Red Cross, "GIS helped the Red Cross meet the challenges of providing food, clothing, shelter, emotional support programs, and other essential services in response to the hurricanes. The technology allowed us to work faster and smarter and gave us a means to do all types of analysis and mapping based on any needs requirement. This allowed us to be flexible enough to meet all types of requests."
GIS and Red Cross Disaster Mgt • "We typically start with county-level maps with… layers including streets, highways, chapter jurisdictions, and other infrastructure, and we add to it… [including] wind fields, damage polygons digitized from remote-sensing imagery, and extracted demographics. This helps us better understand the population and affected households and other factors involved in shelter, feeding, medical assistance, and other American Red Cross services."
GIS and Katrina and Rita • “Personnel, equipment, supplies, and other resources were strategically placed and planned for using GIS-generated maps prior to hurricanes Katrina and Rita making landfall. This included identifying counties at risk and counties that would serve as host sites for shelters, supply centers...”
Katrina and Rita • “American Red Cross users could log on to the site and select map layers for shelters, kitchens, damaged and flooded areas, affected ZIP Codes, and evacuee hotels. Data was provided for various dates, so users could access information within a temporal context and view the hurricane impact over time. Viewers could pan, zoom, identify items, and select specific information they would like to map.”
Chimpanzee Habitat MonitoringJane Goodall Institute “Gombe and Mahale mountains are the only national parks in Tanzania with chimpanzees. Most of the chimpanzee populations in Tanzania are outside protected areas and in urgent need of conservation.” “…an important concern is habitat destruction. Habitats are becoming fragmented as more land is converted. Groups of chimpanzees have been cut off from each other.“
Chimpanzee ConservationJane Goodall Institute • “…the director of Conservation Science at JGI integrates chimpanzee data with habitat change and human land-use information from satellite images to help understand chimpanzee habitat relationships and develop conservation strategies for the Greater Gombe Ecosystem. Pintea says, "Ecology is critical to studying chimpanzee behavior. Satellite images and GIS are the tools that can help bring the ecology into understanding chimpanzee lives and even help save them from extinction."
Public Access to Environmental Information European Pollution Emission Register: Database accessible by public. Users can zoom, pan, search by attributes below. Searchable by: • Industrial activity • Facility level • EU15 / Member State • Pollutants • Map search • National registers http://eper.cec.eu.int/
Cell phone network management • MTN Nigeria Communications Limited • Monitors locations of dropped calls due to low signal strength • Monitors where calls can’t be made due to network congestion • Locations are mapped • Builds information for where to increase capacity and build new cell towers
World Photo Album • Zoomable • Panable • Photos can be browsed by: • Category • Date • Place • Education tool • http://arcweb.esri.com/sc/album/index.html
World Photo Album Tengfei_Tower_China
World Photo Album Avenue of the Dead, Mexico
Commodities Trading Aids • Help agricultural commodities traders make decisions • Commodities prices sometimes overreact based on weather news (and sometimes under-react) • Prices eventually adjust to reality (correctly based on how much of the crop was damaged) • US Dept of Agriculture has regularly updated data about how much of each major crop is grown by U.S. county • Overlay with weather data • Weather data should be aggregated to show: • for how long regions were frozen • for how long regions suffered heavy wind • Should allow for queries such as: • In this week’s storm, which counties underwent freezing temperatures for over 30 hours? • What percent of the U.S. orange market is grown in these counties?
Nutrition-related Health in NC • Many nutrition related health problems may stem from availability of healthy foods. • When a major portion of one’s diet consists of “fast food”, health problems may result. • Unscientific statement by yours truly. • How can you determine areas in NC where such nutrition problems may be common? • Even with good education about nutrition, some areas may have few to no healthy options. • How can we assess where such areas exist?
Where to build a new school? • Let’s say the Chapel Hill high schools are getting overcrowded. The school system will build a new one. • Where will it be placed? • What factors are important to consider? • What layers will we need? • How will we make this decision?