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The New World Order is a post cold-war shift of international affairs power. This has seen a shift of the nation’s power in association of power in which the nations try to help rather than foster clash. The New World Order has affected investment resulting into new trends.
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The New World Order is a post cold-war shift of international affairs power. This has seen a shift of the nation’s power in association of power in which the nations try to help rather than foster clash. The New World Order has affected investment resulting into new trends.
In the past, the World international affair was controlled by G-7 countries. These countries were responsible of approximately two third of world economic output. They controlled the world economy, governed the Worlds financial institutions, and were the ones who constructed international finance practices and standards polices. This means they were the one who set the rule to be followed by any country, company or bank that wanted to do business with them.
With the grip on the world’s economy, these countries larger determined the investment trends. They largely determined which countries to invest in which companies or companies from which region to invest in. This was a huge limitation of investors from developing countries and investments in developing countries.
With the New World Order, the power balance is shifting and the G7 nations are quickly loosing grip of power and their ability to govern the world financial system. Developing nation, especially the emerging market economies have caught up with them. This change in power balance has also caused changes in investments. Countries, companies, banks, and other financial institution are freer with less one-way benefit policies to follow. It has opened up investment in developing countries and investors are becoming more free to invest anywhere in the world. It has also resulted into more internationalization of stocks.
The New World Order has also contributed a lot in the growth of economies in developing countries and the emerging economies. These emerging economies and developing countries are the world most populous nations/countries and their purchasing power has increased drastically and is still increasing with the growth in the economy. Increase in purchasing power, consequently leads to increase in demand for domestic goods among others. The countries producing these domestic goods usually the G7 countries are having a bigger international market for their goods. These companies are making huge profits from international markets are a big attraction to investors both locals and international investors.
The companies are also having big opportunities of opening up ancillary headquarters or even factories in their market countries. They are also having a big opportunity to enter their company stocks in the international stock market and get a huge number of investors, as they are known internationally especially, where they market their goods.
The New World Order has evolved investments and investment trend dramatically. By creating power balance, it has brought mutual benefit among nations. This has created a good platform for investors to invest worldwide and stocks to go global. Internationalization of stocks has given local people an opportunity of investing in international companies that offer better security and less risk compared to local companies. This internationalization of stocks also creates competition in sales of stock, which is an advantage to the investor. The New World Order has created brought more advantage than harm in the investment world.
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