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Strategic Thinking/Planning Process. Current Situation. Internal. External. Variables. Strategic Options. TentativeStrategy. Option
1. Building a Plan Examples of organizations that are good a planning
Examples of organizations that are good and bad at strategic planning
Who are the leaders/experts in the area? (both in theory & practical applications?)
What agencies (ie consulting orgs) are the best and why?
Strategy Thinking Vs Strategic Planning
Def: Process to determine the future direction of an Org/Product/Service.
Allows team to sit together and think thru the qualitative aspects of the business
Team to decide on a common or shared vision/strategy for the future of the business
Starts with a vision of what we want the campaign to produce/image desired/position
The Process (8 steps)
Clarification of current situation (situation analysis, positioning, available research/data)
Analysis of strategic variables (what is working for or against the org/plan, SWOT)
Internal: Products, Geographic markets, User segments, Corp beliefs, Strengths, Weaknesses, Internal Opportunities
External: Competition, Opportunities/Threats, Strategic Vulnerability Areas
Explore different driving forces and possible strategic options (scenarios of top 2 and ‘profile’)
Develop tentative future strategic profile/campaign/positioning
Develop competitive profiles (SWOT out top 2-3)
Test the implications of your strategy (Test Vs. Current, Variables, Competition)
Finalize strategic direction/plan (campaign, positioning, talking points, evaluation).
Identify Critical Success Factors (Metrics for success that will be monitored and measured)
3. Company Research:
Financials, reputation, PR strengths/weaknesses
Products and services
Key players and their roles, ideas, philosophies
Industry Research:
How big is the industry or market, Who are the key players?
Is the industry growing or in decline?
How is PR used throughout the industry? Is it effective?
Audience Research:
Who is our target? Why are they important to us? How active or involved are they?
What publics or markets are most important (rank) Industry and Market data
Competition (leaders, laggards, and up-comers)
Who are the 2-3 main competitors?
What makes them a threat? What do they do well? Where are they weak?
4. Objectives The desired outcomes of the campaign.
Output Objectives: The work to be produced
Example: To send one news release to each of our 20 targeted publication during week of Nov 2nd
Impact Objectives: Info, Attitudes, Behavior
Informational: Message exposure, comprehension, retention. Example; Increase awareness of new product by 10% among top 3 segments during month of Sept.
Attitudinal: Aim to modify the way an audience feels or sees a client’s org., products, or services. Example; Create (or change) favorable attitudes towards our new line of product during launch time frame.
Behavioral: Modification of Behavior. Example; To accomplish adoption rates of new product or service… or To stimulate new sales for product X…
5. Programming (The Campaign) Positioning and theme.
What messages need to be conveyed to the public?
Positioning Framework and talking points
Actions or special events to convey the messages
Event plan, spokesperson assignments, training if necessary
Plan of media targeted (both controlled & uncontrolled)
Guidelines for effectively communicating the program
Also supporting documents and hand-outs
What 3rd parties will support your spokespeople’s claims?
Customer testimonials
Industry Experts
Partner organizations
Location specifics: setting, colors, music?, use of space, etc.
6. Evaluation Plan Evaluation plan for measuring informational objectives
Ie Message exposure, comprehension, & retention
Evaluation plan for measuring Attitudinal objectives
Likert Scales and Semantic Differential tools
Pre- and post testing
Evaluation plan for measuring Behavioral objectives
Pre and post questioning
Observation of key indicators ( ie sales, participation, hits to website, requests for additional info, etc.
Evaluation plan for measuring Output objectives
Keeping records of activities
Tear sheets and media searches