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Grace Fellowship Church www.GraceDoctrine.org Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church Pastor/Teacher- Jim Rickard.
Grace Fellowship Church www.GraceDoctrine.org Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church Pastor/Teacher- Jim Rickard
The following is a summary of a Doctrine taught by Pastor Rickard on the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church. This outline is based on a section within J. Dwight Pentecost’s books, Things to Come, with modifications.
For the full teachings on this subject, please visit our website under “Listen to the Latest Bible Study”, 2007, and look for lesson numbers 07-33 through 07-064, or Topically under “Rapture”.
The following chart depicts the various viewpoints within Christianity of Resurrection.
Post-Millennialism Pre-Millennialism Post-Trib Pre-Trib Mid-Trib Pre-Wrath New Heavens New Earth Church Age Tribulation Millennium 2,000 yrs 7 yrs 1,000 yrs A-Millennialism
We have noted 25 points as to why the Church will be Resurrected and Raptured prior to the beginning of Daniel's Seventieth Week. In this doctrine we have noted:
1. The Nature of the Seventieth Week; (A description of the horrific time period)
2. The Scope of the Seventieth Week; (The entire world as Jacob's trouble to the exclusion of the Church)
3. The Purpose of the Seventieth Week; (Hour of testing for the unbelieving world and preparation for the King)
4. The Unity of the Seventieth Week; (In relation to Dan 9:24-27)
6. The Concept of the Church as a Mystery; (Must have a conclusion because it is an interruption of the Age of Israel)
7. The Distinctions between Israel and the Church; (24 points)
8. The Work of the Restrainer in 2 Thes 2; (So the Lawless One can be revealed)
9. The Necessity of an Interval between the Rapture and Second Advent; (Events of Rev 19 for the Church prior to the 2nd Advent)
10. The Problem Behind 1 Thes 4:13-18; (Why grieve if deceased will be spared from the Tribulation, they won’t miss out on the glory)
11. The Distinctions between the Rapture and the Second Advent; (17 additional points)
12. The Twenty-Four Elders; (May be representatives of the Church)
13. The Announcement of Peace and Safety; (Lethargy when the thief comes in)
14. The Relation of the Church to Governments; (Church is to honor government officials)
15. The Silence Concerning the Tribulation in the Epistles; (No instructions for the Church to stand firm during this time)
16. The Message of the Two Witnesses; (Wearing sackcloth announce the coming King)
17. The Destiny of the Church; (Heavenly vs earthly Kingdom)
18. The Waiting Remnant at the Second Advent; (Believing Jews and Gentiles physically enter the Kingdom)
19. The Times of the Gentiles; (Jerusalem under Gentile dominion until the Lord's return)
20. The Sealed 144,000 from Israel; (Saved to a special Jewish relationship)
21. The Great Object of Satanic Attack; (Israel under attack not the Church)
22. The Apostasy of the Period; (Religious organizations part of the apostasy)
23. The Promises to the True Church; (Not appointed to and rescued out from wrath)
24. The Agreement of Typology; (Noah, Rahab and Lot types of deliverance)
25. The Last Day(s); (1. Israel-kingdom and glory, Church-apostasy 2. Resurrections)
Conclusion:Some of these proofs are applicable to the Mid and others to the Post -Tribulation Rapture positions.
All of the arguments do not carry the same weight or importance.
Collectively, along with the Doctrine of Imminency, there is overwhelming agreement for the understanding of the Pre-Millennial, Pre-Tribulational Rapture of the Church.
This also indicates a clear distinction between the promises to Israel and the promises to the Church…
... and that the Church will be delivered by Rapture before the inception of Daniel’s Seventieth Week.
For more information you can also write to:Grace Fellowship Church, 23 Messenger St., Unit 3, Plainville, MA 02762 USA