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Finland: Assessment Criteria for Media Literacy Levels

Finland: Assessment Criteria for Media Literacy Levels. Professor Tapio Varis EAVI Consortium & Finnish Society on Media Education Media Literacy Expert Group Brussels, January 12, 2010. DIMENSION 2: ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS. Components. Factors. Indicators. ML presence in the curriculum

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Finland: Assessment Criteria for Media Literacy Levels

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  1. Finland: Assessment Criteria for Media Literacy Levels Professor Tapio Varis EAVI Consortium & Finnish Society on Media Education Media Literacy Expert Group Brussels, January 12, 2010 Finland January 2010

  2. DIMENSION 2: ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Components Factors Indicators • ML presence in the curriculum • Modality on ML in the curriculum • ML teachers training • ML educational activities • ML didactic resources Media education (card) • Existence of regulatory authorities • Importance of the authorities. Legal mission • Activities of Regulators on Media Literacy Regulation authorities (card) MEDIA LITERACY CONTEX • Newspapers • Television channels • Cinema Festivals • Telephone companies • Internet providers • Others organizations) Media industry role Civil society role • Organisations which are active in ML • Activities of ML developed by civil associations • Coordination/cooperation between civil associations Finland January 2010

  3. Sample questionnaire with classified data

  4. Finnish Society of Media Education In the Finnish language, Mediakasvatus (Media Education) is an established term that stands for work performed by educators in supporting the learning of children, young people and adults involving different media. This educational work may include both teaching about the media and through media, which means that media can be involved as a learning object or teaching tool as well as educational content itself. The objective of media education is an individual with media literacy skills who is able to utilize as well as produce media, to understand media production and expressions of media, to reflect on his personal relationship with media and to apply critical thinking as well as embrace self-expression. Finland January 2010

  5. Finland January 2010

  6. MEDIA LITERACY staircase • SOCIO-CULTURAL ABILITIES • intercultural dialogue • ETHICAL / MORAL VALUE CHOICES • communicative competence • nethics and netiquette • COMPREHENSION AND INTERPRETATION • creative interpretative skills • analysis and argumentation = media critique • PRODUCTION/PUBLICATION SKILLS • writing, illustration, design, literary devices • RECEPTION SKILLS • recognition of different genres • sign systems: images, words, sounds, icons, graphs; or multimedia literacy • MOTIVATION • intellectual curiosity and basic skills in abstract thinking • basic traditional literacy • basic technical and access skills Finland January 2010

  7. Finland January 2010

  8. (BASIC) (GENERAL UPPER) Finland January 2010

  9. Finland January 2010

  10. Finland January 2010

  11. Finland January 2010

  12. Finland January 2010

  13. Questionnaire (examples) • Regulatory Authorities • Media industry role • Research • Civil society Finland January 2010

  14. Questionnaire (examples) • Media educational activities • Please mention the main events (conference, seminars, etc.) on media education or media literacy that took place at national level in the last three years. • - ITK (Interactive technology in education) -conference in Hämeenlinna every spring (since 1990) more than 1500 participants http://www.itk.fi • - International MindTrek -conference in Tampere every autumn http://www.mindtrek.org/2009/ Finland January 2010

  15. More in English • http://mediakasvatus.fi/files/u4/mediaeducationpolicies.pdf Finland January 2010

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