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USEPA’s Proposed Competency Requirements for Performing Acid Rain, CAIR & Mercury RATAs (Includes Protocol Gas Verif

USEPA’s Proposed Competency Requirements for Performing Acid Rain, CAIR & Mercury RATAs (Includes Protocol Gas Verification Program Presentation). John Schakenbach, USEPA, CAMD EPRI CEM Users Group Meeting Phoenix, AZ May 9 - 11, 2007. Background. 1970’s stack test methods were developed

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USEPA’s Proposed Competency Requirements for Performing Acid Rain, CAIR & Mercury RATAs (Includes Protocol Gas Verif

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  1. USEPA’s Proposed Competency Requirements for Performing Acid Rain, CAIR & Mercury RATAs(Includes Protocol Gas Verification Program Presentation) John Schakenbach, USEPA, CAMD EPRI CEM Users Group Meeting Phoenix, AZ May 9 - 11, 2007

  2. Background • 1970’s stack test methods were developed • 1990’s complaints on quality of stack testing • Dan Bivins worked on accrediting individuals and companies; effort stalled • 1999 Dan restarted accreditation effort; both SES and EPA wanted it; NELAC wanted to be in charge of it • NELAC mainly involved in lab accreditation • Proposed a fee-based State-by-State program; no individual qualification requirement

  3. Background • 2001 Louisiana is only State with stack testing accreditation program • Currently no other States have plans to adopt NELAC approach • In 2001, to avoid State-by-State competency requirements and fees, ASTM got involved

  4. Background • In 2004, ASTM D 7036-04 became final • Specifies general requirements for competence to perform air emissions tests of stationary sources • Consensus-based, developed by representatives from large and small stack testing companies, State and federal govs, private industry • Nationwide • Based largely on ISO 17025

  5. Background • August 22, 2006 EPA proposed Part 75 rule: • Any AETB conducting RATAs of CEMS or sorbent trap monitoring systems, or Appendix E testing, or deriving default emission rates for LME units under this part must conform to the requirements of ASTM D 7036-04 • Not applicable to daily calibration error checks, daily flow interference checks, quarterly linearity checks or routine maintenance of CEMS • Comment period closed Oct 23, 2006

  6. ASTM D 7036-04, “Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies” The following is a general summary of the Practice. Read the Practice for complete requirements. • Scope • Testing and calibration performed using standard methods, non-standard methods and methods developed by the AETB • Applies to all bodies engaged in air emission testing • Organization and Management • Shall have a quality system to monitor and improve ability to deliver, measured by performance data

  7. ASTM D 7036-04, “Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies” • Clear organizational structure • Have a technical manager • Have a quality manager • Have a qualified individual on-site for each test project, who is qualified for each test method performed • Upon request, provide documentation of compliance with Practice • Document Control • Sufficient to preclude use of invalid or obsolete documents • Documents shall be uniquely identified • Procedures for making document changes

  8. ASTM D 7036-04, “Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies” • Quality System, Audit, and Review • AETB shall have a quality policy commitment by top management to follow Practice • Quality system to ensure consistent achievement of data, including quality objectives for AETB projects • Quality manual (outline is provided at end of Practice) shall address all topics covered in the Practice • Internal audits shall be conducted annually by AETB • External audits (use of NACLA recognized bodies is encouraged) shall be performed if available and relevant • AETB shall collect performance data and inform clients that it is available for review

  9. ASTM D 7036-04, “Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies” • Personnel • AETB management shall ensure competence of individuals performing testing or related activities, and formulate necessary training requirements • Qualified individual shall meet experience requirements and pass qualification exam at least once every 5 years • Accommodation and Environment • To extent practical, ensure that environmental conditions do not invalidate measurement results • Equipment and Reference Materials • Proper equipment shall be available and calibrated with equip status labeled

  10. ASTM D 7036-04, “Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies” • Measurement Traceability and Calibration • All equipment shall be calibrated before use and be on a calibration schedule • Reference materials shall be traceable to certified reference materials • Test Methods • AETB shall use latest edition of appropriate method • Deviations shall be documented • Site-specific test plan shall be used for each test project • AETB shall have up to date instructions on use of all relevant equipment • Uncertainty estimates for measurements shall be provided; following test protocol can meet this requirement

  11. ASTM D 7036-04, “Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies” • Handling of Sampling and Calibration Material • AETB shall use chain of custody and other necessary procedures to protect integrity of sample & calibration material • Shall have a system for identifying samples • Sample or calibration material abnormalities shall be recorded and client shall be consulted • Records • AETB shall establish and maintain procedures for storage, back-up, retrieval and protection of quality & technical records • Data and calculations shall be recorded at the time they are made and in enough detail to establish an audit trail • Mistakes shall be crossed out, dated, signed, and the correct value entered

  12. ASTM D 7036-04, “Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies” • Reporting • Test results shall be reported accurately, clearly, objectively and include specific information identified in the Practice • Opinions and interpretations shall be clearly marked as such and the basis for them provided • Signed statement by responsible official that the AETB conforms to the Practice during the test project • Sub-contracting of Services • AETB shall maintain a record of evidence that the subcontractor complies with Practice

  13. ASTM D 7036-04, “Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies” • Outside Support and Supplies • AETB shall ensure that purchased supplies or services comply with specified requirements prior to use; records of such compliance checks shall be maintained • Identification and Control of Non-conforming Work • AETB shall have defined procedures to handle nonconforming work, including corrective actions • Corrective Action • Determine root cause of problem • Document and implement any required changes resulting from corrective actions and monitor results to ensure effectiveness; audits should be implemented

  14. Summary of Significant Comments on Proposed Part 75 AETB Provision • Comment: Will increase cost and difficulty. • Comment: QSTI exams and accreditation are unavailable. EPA Comment: Accreditation is not required. STAC is providing accreditation if a company chooses to be accredited. SES is improving and expanding the QSTI examination process. If an external exam is not available, a company may provide internal exams.

  15. Summary of Significant Comments on Proposed Part 75 AETB Provision • Comment: Quality of data will not improve. • Comment: Should exclude testing done by plant employees. EPA Comment: We are considering these and all other comments received.

  16. Summary of Significant Comments on Proposed Part 75 AETB Provision • Comment: How will compliance be determined? EPA Comment: • §6.1.2, Appendix A of the proposed Part 75 rule has two ways an AETB can certify compliance: • A certificate of accreditation, or • A letter of certification signed by senior management • Every State has a field test observer program. • A standardized State observer checklist is being developed • EPA can use enforcement discretion.

  17. Summary of Significant Comments on Proposed Part 75 AETB Provision • Comment: What happens when test methods are created or revised? EPA Comment: • All Qualified Individuals must re-test every 5 years. • If an external exam is unavailable, internal testing may be used to meet the requirements of D7036 until an external test is available. • §§8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 12.6 and 12.9 of D7036 require an AETB to provide training to keep personnel up-to-date for any new or revised methods, and to evaluate the effectiveness of such training.

  18. Summary of Significant Comments on Proposed Part 75 AETB Provision • Comment: EPA should allow certification to other programs, e.g., Louisiana. EPA Comment: • LELAP was created before D7036 and was designed for Louisiana; it is not a consensus standard. • Some stack test companies intend to comply with both D7036 and LELAP. • ASTM work group was trying to avoid State-by-State programs because companies would need to maintain and pay for the program in every State they do business.

  19. Summary of Significant Comments on Proposed Part 75 AETB Provision • Comment: One commenter suggested that the term “documented quality system” was unclear. EPA Comment: • The term is generally described in D7036, Sections 7.2.1, 7.2.2, and Note 7. • ANSI/ASQ E4-1994 defines a quality system as: “a structured and documented system describing the policies, objectives, principles, organizational authority, responsibilities, accountability, and implementation plan of an organization for ensuring the quality in its work processes, products, items, and services. The quality system provides the framework for planning, implementing, and assessing work performed by the organization and for carrying out required QA and QC.”

  20. Summary of Significant Comments on Proposed Part 75 AETB Provision • Comment: Several commenters suggested that a transition period should be provided before D7036 is required. EPA Comment: • As of May 1, 2007, 54 QSTI (passed exam and experience requirements, and represent 34 companies): • Group 1: 43 (Methods 1, 1A, 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3, 3B, 4, 5, 5B, 5D, 5E, 5F & 17) • Group 2: 18 (3B, 6, 6A, 6B, 7, 7C, 8, 11, 13A, 15A, 16A, 26, 26A, 202) • Group 3: 34 (3A, 6C, 7E, 10, 10B, 20 & 25A, and PS2, PS3, PS4, PS4A, PS5, PS6 & PS7) • Group 4: 2 (12, 29, 101, 101A, 102 & Ontario Hydro Method)

  21. Summary of Significant Comments on Proposed Part 75 AETB Provision • Comment (Cont’d): Several commenters suggested that a transition period should be provided before D7036 is required. EPA Comment (Cont’d): • SES is taking steps to improve and expand testing. • Many AETBs are going through STAC accreditation; others will choose senior management certification. • If external exam not available, internal testing may be done until external exam is available. • We understand the need for a transition period, especially for the new mercury test methods which are not yet available.

  22. List of Qualified Individuals www.sesnews.org Stack Tester Qualification Program List of Qualified Individuals Frequently Asked Questions Info on Exams

  23. How to Get ASTM D 7036-04 • To get a copy of ASTM D 7036-04, “Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies”: e-mail: service@astm.org web: www.astm.org phone: 610-832-9585 fax: 610-832-9555 cost: $35

  24. USEPA’s Proposed Protocol Gas Verification Program

  25. What is the Problem? • Historically, blind audits of calibration gases have shown poor quality initially. • SO2 RATA using plant’s incorrect cal gas (low by 15%). Source could underreport SO2 by 15% and be undetected for at least 6 months.

  26. Why is Accurate Cal Gas Important? • Only daily assurance CEM is really working • Reference Method analyzers need accurate calibration gases to produce accurate RATA results.

  27. Purpose of Blind Audits • Help vendors improve gas quality • Help sources identify good vendors

  28. Background • 1970’s -1996, 2003, and 2006 EPA audited gases • Posted results (except for 2006) • In 1995, one vendor off by -16.3% (CEM would underreport) • Strong utility and vendor support • Auditing strongly correlated with improved gas quality

  29. Audits Can Be Effective 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 2003

  30. Background • August 22, 2006 EPA proposed Part 75 rule: • Any specialty gas company advertising, distributing, or certifying gas as “EPA Protocol Gas” must participate in the Protocol Gas Verification Program. • Comment period closed Oct 23, 2006

  31. EPA Protocol Gas Verification Program • Created by EPA and specialty gas vendors • Funded by specialty gas vendors • Guided by an Advisory Group • EPA • Gas vendors • ICAC • EPRI • SES • NACAA (STAPPA/LAPCO) • Administered by ICAC

  32. EPA Protocol Gas Verification Program • Institute of Clean Air Companies Annually: • Solicits gas producers to participate • Collects sufficient funds for program operation and disburses funds • Develops list of participants • Helps communicate results • Advisory Group • Negotiates contracts with third party sampling agent and lab and ICAC administrative costs • Sub group recommends gases to be audited

  33. EPA Protocol Gas Verification Program • Third Party Sampling Agent • Obtains sample of unused, unexpired, EPA Protocol Gas cylinders; sample is blind to gas producers • Ships cylinders to lab following chain of custody procedures • Third Party Analytical Verification Lab • Analyzes cylinders and reviews certificates of analysis • Reports results to EPA • Assists gas vendors upon request • Ships cylinders and certificates of analysis back to owner following chain of custody procedures

  34. EPA Protocol Gas Verification Program • EPA • Provides overall technical oversight • Final selection of gases to be audited each year • Informs ICAC and gas vendors of audit results • Posts final audit results on web site • Specialty Gas Producers • Follow the EPA traceability protocol in making EPA Protocol Gas • Participate in and fund the PGVP if they advertise, distribute, or certify EPA Protocol Gas

  35. Summary of Comments on Proposed Part 75 PGVP Provision • Council of Industrial Boiler Owners was concerned about effects on gas supply and cost, and suggested at least a one year transition period before the PGVP takes effect. • One gas vendor submitted late comments against the program; and several organizations submitted late supportive comments.

  36. Next Steps • The proposed Part 75 rule is expected to become final late summer. • EPA will get the word out. • Once rule takes effect, utilities should remember: • Anyone performing Part 75 RATAs, Appendix E or LME testing must comply with ASTM D 7036. • Any EPA Protocol Gases used must be from vendor participating in the PGVP.

  37. For a Copy of Presentation www.epa.gov/airmarkets, click on Recent Additions, scroll to the presentation or John Schakenbach Phone: 202-343-9158 schakenbach.john@epa.gov

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