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Invoice Discounting Investment India

Falcon is one of the leading P2P Invoice Discounting platforms in India where we connect blue chip companies with investors. We aim to revolutionize the investment market in India by creating a one-stop shop for all borrowers & investors with varied profiles and needs who can have access without any risk. Unlike banks and financial institutions Falcon increases investor's yields by eliminating mediators like commercial banks, depository institutions etc.<br>

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Invoice Discounting Investment India

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  1. Invoice Discounting Investment India: A Guide to Falcon Invoice Discounting Introduction: Invoice discounting is a type of financing that allows businesses to access cash flow in advance of receiving payments from their customers. It is a short-term financing solution that can be used to meet working capital needs, such as paying suppliers, employees, and other expenses. Invoice discounting is a relatively new concept in India, but it is quickly gaining popularity as a viable alternative to traditional bank loans. It is particularly attractive to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which often have difficulty accessing traditional bank financing. One of the leading invoice discounting platforms in India is Falcon Invoice Discounting. Falcon is a peer-to-peer (P2P) invoice discounting platform that connects businesses with investors. Businesses can upload their invoices to the Falcon platform and receive cash advances within a few hours. Investors can earn attractive returns by investing in invoices that have been verified by Falcon. How Invoice Discounting Works Invoice discounting is a simple and straightforward process. It typically involves the following steps: •The business issues an invoice to its customer for goods or services provided. •The business uploads the invoice to the Falcon platform. •Falcon verifies the invoice and the customer's creditworthiness. •Falcon advances the business a percentage of the invoice amount, typically between 70% and 90%. •The customer pays Falcon directly when the invoice is due. •Falcon deducts its fees and pays the remaining balance to the business. Benefits of Invoice Discounting Invoice discounting offers a number of benefits to businesses, including: Quick access to cash: Businesses can receive cash advances within a few hours of uploading their invoices to the Falcon platform. Flexible financing: Businesses can discount any number of invoices, regardless of size or industry. No collateral required: Invoice discounting is a secured loan, so businesses do not need to provide any collateral.

  2. Improved credit rating: On-time repayment of discounted invoices can help businesses to improve their credit rating. How Falcon Invoice Discounting Stands Out Falcon Invoice Discounting is one of the leading invoice discounting platforms in India for a number of reasons. Wide range of borrowers: Falcon connects businesses of all sizes and industries with investors. Competitive rates: Falcon offers competitive rates on invoice advances, typically between 12% and 21% per annum. Rigorous due diligence: Falcon conducts rigorous due diligence on all borrowers and invoices before advancing cash. Technology-driven platform: Falcon's technology-driven platform makes it easy for businesses to upload their invoices and receive cash advances quickly. Investor protection: Falcon offers a number of investor protection features, such as credit insurance and bad debt protection. How to Invest in Invoice Discounting Investing in invoice discounting is a relatively simple process. Investors can create an account on the Falcon platform and start investing in invoices. Falcon offers a variety of investment options, including individual invoices, portfolios of invoices, and auto-investing options. Risks of Invoice Discounting Like any investment, invoice discounting carries some risks. The main risk is that the customer may default on the invoice. However, Falcon takes a number of steps to mitigate this risk, such as conducting rigorous due diligence on all borrowers and offering credit insurance and bad debt protection to investors. Conclusion Invoice discounting is a viable alternative to traditional bank financing for businesses of all sizes. Falcon Invoice Discounting is a leading invoice discounting platform in India that offers a number of benefits to businesses and investors. Highlights of Falcon Invoice Discounting:

  3. ➢Falcon is a peer-to-peer (P2P) invoice discounting platform that connects businesses with investors. ➢Falcon offers a wide range of borrowers, including businesses of all sizes and industries. ➢Falcon offers competitive rates on invoice advances, typically between 12% and 21% per annum. ➢Falcon conducts rigorous due diligence on all borrowers and invoices before advancing cash. ➢Falcon has a technology-driven platform that makes it easy for businesses to upload their invoices and receive cash advances quickly. ➢Falcon offers a number of investor protection features, such as credit insurance and bad debt protection. How to Get Started with Falcon Invoice Discounting To get started with Falcon Invoice Discounting, businesses can create an account on the Falcon platform and start uploading their invoices. Investors can also create an account on the Falcon platform Visit our website for more details: https://www.falconsgrup.com

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