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The association is indispensable to fix the memories and then to the respective recall. The associations do not necessarily have to be natural adderin or logical. We'll see some cases in the study of mnemotecnia (art to educate and develop memory). If you want to remember a person's name, try to make the most possible associations about that person and their name. Example: try to know the person's occupation and say to yourself, "Mr. Simon is selling inspector, as my friend Duarte. " Observe your face and establish associations "has such a mustache as a nail brush, this gentleman Simon ". When he was introduced he was talking to a friend of his wife, Ms. Marta. Think: "Simon is also a friend of Mr. Marta." <br>http://www.vitaminofhealth.com/adderin/<br><br>

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  1. http://www.vitaminofhealth.com/adderin/ http://www.vitaminofhealth.com/adderin/ Click to Edit Sub Title

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